Three Steps to Unleashing Your Breakthrough

[Pages:26]Three Steps to Unleashing Your Breakthrough

By Khama Anku Khama Anku International, LLC 9663 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite #395

Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (888) 339-8450

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Khama Anku is a highly sought after life/success coach and international speaker. She is:

? Founder of A global self-empowerment firm, based in Beverly Hills

? Master Coach at

? Author of The Three Phases of Spiritual Fitness

? Creator of a Collection of 28 How-To Videos

? Producer of the "Unleash Your Breakthrough" EVENT

? Creator of "Unleash Your Breakthrough" 90-Day Course

? Creator of Ultimate Exposure Package - to exponentially grow your reach

? Creator of - 1000's of done-for-you marketing pieces

? Creator of ? an entire year's worth of video scripts

? Creator of Khama's Success Store - audio and video trainings to accelerate results

? And for the platinum clients ready to go to the next level, Khama offers 1:1 VIP Days

Khama's specialty is empowering men and women to unleash powerful breakthroughs in every area of their lives including health, relationships, wealth creation and career.

Her revolutionary "spiritual fitness" techniques create cellular level transformation and include neurological reprogramming which taps into the subconscious mind, which is imperative for PERMANENT results, since 96% of all human behavior is driven by the subconscious!

Khama is an extremely driven coach who is completely dedicated to transforming lives with positive, long-lasting changes. She offers a 90-day system, based on her book, with PROVEN results via products and live events. Due to the overwhelming demand of her coaching program, she released the 90-DAY HOME STUDY COURSE, which is transforming lives world-wide.

She also created ? an exclusive members-only training program for Coaches who are driven and committed to their success. The program is run completely by phone, internet and mail. It is a one-of-a-kind experience including first-class 1:1 coaching as well as elite level support. As a member of , a variety of benefits are offered to empower you to get to the next level in your coaching business, as well as ALL areas of your life!

For details about Khama's products, programs and live events visit the highly resourceful, content-rich website at . Contact Khama's office at (888) 339-8450 or info@ ? her team is available to assist you.

Khama Anku International, LLC ? 9663 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite #395

Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (888) 339-8450



In this training, you will learn The Three Steps to Unleashing Your Breakthrough. The steps are actually quite simple. The key is to implement them on a daily basis. There are only 3 of them and they are easy to remember. I would suggest that you write them down on a post-it note and put the note on your bathroom mirror or refrigerator door. This e-book is sponsored by "Unleash Your Breakthrough" 12-CD SET program.

To order: Click Here

Khama Anku International, LLC ? 9663 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite #395

Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (888) 339-8450


The Three Steps to Unleashing Your Breakthrough

1) Align your Thoughts and Feelings with what you desire 2) Align your Words with what you desire. 3) Align your Mental Images with what you desire.

Khama Anku International, LLC ? 9663 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite #395

Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (888) 339-8450


Step # 1: Thoughts & Feelings

The first step to unleashing your breakthrough is to align your thoughts and feelings with what you desire. For example, if you desire a healthy, loving relationship ? begin thinking and feeling as if you have it. If you desire $10,000/month ? begin thinking and feeling as if you have it. If you desire a thriving business ? begin thinking and feeling as if you already have it. And if you desire a healthy, fit body ? again ? think and feel as if you already have it. Let's take the first example. Let's say you want to be in a loving relationship. Well. What kinds of feelings do you think you would have if you were with your ideal mate? Love, gratitude and happiness... Let's say you want to earn $10,000/month in income. What kinds of feelings would be associated with having a good amount of cash flow? Maybe affluence, contentment, thankfulness, security and peace of mind... Or, if you want to create a thriving business, how would you feel if you already had an abundance of clients and customers? Perhaps you would feel appreciated, successful, important, powerful and excited. And lastly, if you want a healthy, fit body, do you think you'd feel differently if you already had it? Would you feel sexy, attractive and confident?

Feel the way you would feel as if your dream has already come true.

If you had your ideal life right now ? do you believe your current thought patterns and emotions would be different? If the answer is yes, immediately start thinking those empowering thoughts and feeling those positive emotions now. Don't wait for your life to change to begin thinking and feeling differently.

Khama Anku International, LLC ? 9663 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite #395

Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (888) 339-8450


Start to think and feel as if your dreams were here today, and they will show up tomorrow! (And when I say tomorrow, I don't technically mean in the next 24 hours, perhaps, but definitely in the near future ) So, stop thinking that you are a loser and you are not worthy. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop feeling sad and depressed. Why? Because those unresourceful feelings only create more sadness, depression and a sense of low self-esteem. And none of that will bring you what you want ? it will push it away faster than you can imagine.

NOTE: Whatever you are experiencing is exactly what you are focusing on. You think about 60,000-90,000 thoughts a day. About 90% of those thoughts are repetitive! The thoughts you will have tomorrow will be the same ones you had last week, last month and last year unless you proactively change them. So when you align your thoughts and feelings with whatever it is you want to will begin to manifest it. Change what you are thinking and feeling and you will change your life.

Think and feel as if it were here now, and it will be!

Khama Anku International, LLC ? 9663 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite #395

Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (888) 339-8450


Step #2: Words

The second step to unleashing your breakthrough is to align your words with what you desire. Many people make the mistake of talking about what they don't want, expecting to receive what they do want. It doesn't work. So stop it. :-) Unfortunately, because talking is so simple, many people think that words cannot be that powerful. Actually, what is powerful is the fact that you can unleash your breakthrough by speaking about what you want. Speak to yourself, write about it in a journal and talk to others in an expectant way. If you apply this step, over the course of 30 days, you can begin to create many of the things you want. The key is to do it 100% and to do it everyday.

Here are a few questions that demonstrate the power of this step: ? Would you go to the grocery store and take a list of everything that you did NOT want to buy? ? Would you go to your favorite restaurant and tell the waiter everything on the menu you did NOT want to eat?

Of course not! Why? Because... #1) It's a waste of time. #2) It's a waste of energy. #3) And most importantly, you won't end up with what you want, the way you want it!

Khama Anku International, LLC ? 9663 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite #395

Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (888) 339-8450


What you do before you go to the grocery store or at a restaurant, you need to do to create your breakthrough. Use your words to write and speak about what you want, the way you want it.

If you don't have your ideal life...perhaps it's because you are talking about what you don't want and expecting to get something different in return.

Sorry, but that technique doesn't work.

Here's the good news ? if you can make a grocery list or order a dish at a restaurant, you can create your ideal life. The concept of using words to sculpt your reality applies to everything...whether it is a food order or your dream life!

Also, word choice is key because you can infuse excitement into your dreams by using words that spark you! Use your favorite motivational and empowering words every chance you get!

When you consistently speak with power, you are on your way to unleashing your breakthrough! (Especially when you talk to yourself, as the most life-altering conversations you will ever have are the ones with yourself!)

One of the easiest ways to implement this step is to talk about the necessary steps that are needed to unleash your breakthrough.

For example, if you want to improve your health ? read, write and speak about exercise and healthy eating. If you want financial abundance, read, write and speak about prosperity. If you want a soulmate, read, write and speak about healthy unions. If you want a successful business, read, write and speak about the ways to create one.

Then, move from that, and start calling up gyms to talk about a membership. Or, call a financial planner and talk about creating a financial action plan. Or, call a relationship coach and talk about attracting a successful relationship. Or, hire a coach who is where you want to be and talk about business building tips.

When you start reading, writing and speaking about a breakthrough, you are on your way to unleashing your breakthrough!

Khama Anku International, LLC ? 9663 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite #395

Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (888) 339-8450


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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