EZorb Calcium® - Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous

[Pages:5]EZorb Calcium? - Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous

Breaking the Vicious Circle of Fibromyalgia

Have you been living on ever-increasing doses of pain medication? Have you been told to learn acceptance, prioritizing, and relaxation, etc.? Well, you don't have to do any of that any more! Please read this vitally important article -- it unveils an incredibly easy solution to ending your Fibromyalgia pain naturally in as little as seven days!

ST PAUL, MN - "My life had disintegrated. I had gone from a happy, intelligent and healthy mom to a sluggish, stressed out sick woman who needed someone else to take care of," wrote Maggie.

Before this all started, Maggie was working part time at a local charity. She and her caring, hard-working husband were enjoying family life with their two children. "I was also very active in school activities," said the 42-year-old, "always rushing around - so much to do and not enough time."

This all changed after a car accident. Although she had been knocked around a bit with some symptoms of whiplash and no serious injuries were apparent, her recovery was much slower than expected. Afterwards she had a couple of falls and hurt her hip. "Then I really fell to pieces," said Maggie.

Gradually she found herself unable to walk or move any part of her body without severe pain . "I couldn't sleep. I couldn't lie comfortably, couldn't turn over," said Maggie. "I woke 5 - 10 times a night. I awoke every morning feeling as if a truck had driven over me. I couldn't remember basic things, left stove on, taps running, became this forgetful, irritable being barely able to get out of bed and get dressed, let alone look after family, a job and all my other commitments."

Maggie had tender spots all over. She couldn't stand being touched or hugged, because it hurt too much. Every movement caused excruciating pain.

EZorb Calcium? - Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous

Breaking the Vicious Circle of Fibromyalgia

As time went by, Maggie had to struggle hard just to get through the day. It took a heroic effort for her to put an edible meal on the table or to get the very basic washing done. She became more and more depressed as she couldn't understand why she felt like this - so much pain and no energy, for no apparent medical reason.

"Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself"?

"Pull yourself together" . . . "Don't rest during the day" . . . "Stop feeling sorry for yourself" . . . "There's nothing medically wrong" -- sound familiar? Yes, those were the words Maggie had to listen to over and over again. Finally, after two years, Maggie's condition was diagnosed as fibromyalgia syndrome by a musculoskeletal specialist. At first, Maggie felt somewhat relieved - she at least had a name to put to it, a recognized condition, not that she had heard of it before. Now she had something to work with.

Like many others Maggie was determined to learn everything about the disease, and that became the most important project in her life. She learned to accept, to use planning, to simplify tasks, to pace throughout the day, and to think positively. She also learned quite a few techniques of relaxation. "It's easy to talk about (selfmanagement)," said Maggie. "But very hard to do. A couple of weeks? No problem -- anybody can do that. But can you imagine repeating the same ritual every single day for two years? I had no choice. But I really didn't know how much longer I would have held on to it."

"My Boss Asked Me: "Where The Hell Have You Been?"

In September 2003 Maggie came across EZorb when surfing the Internet doing her routine research. With some doubts in mind she wrote an email to EZorb Online inquiring about the product. "They replied back in no time," said Maggie. "I was really impressed . . . the answers were quite convincing . . . and with their 30-day money back guarantee I thought I had nothing to lose."

EZorb Calcium? - Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous

Breaking the Vicious Circle of Fibromyalgia

Three days later, Maggie received her first order of EZorb. "I started with 3 teaspoons of powder in the morning and 3 capsules after lunch. After dinner I took another 2 teaspoons of powder."

Over the years, Maggie had tried dozens of drugs and natural products, and none of them seemed to help. But by the end of the second week on EZorb, she noticed that the fogginess that she had experienced for so long was now finally gone. She had more energy and could focus better. The pain wasn't as sharp as it had been. "Sleep was much, much better," Maggie said. "I haven't had it like that for the past four years."

Six weeks later , Maggie was fully convinced that EZorb was working. The pain was nowhere to be found. She could walk around and do things she liked without pain. The terrible feeling she woke up with was gone for good. "My boss couldn't believe it, when we met for lunch to discuss my coming back to work," said Maggie. "He asked me: 'Where the hell have you been all these years?' I almost burst into tears when I heard him say that. It felt so good to be back to normal."

"That wasn't Me . . . This is"

Maggie is now completely different from the person she was five months earlier. She once again enjoys every moment of life. She's on School PTA, goes to gym every now and then, meets friends at social events, takes kids to movies . . . and truly enjoys the moment of intimacy with her loving husband.

"Forget about acceptance, forget about awareness . . . that wasn't me," said Maggie. "This is me. This is the Maggie everybody knows . . . I can't say it enough but I am so grateful. I hope everyone who has FMS can find this wonderful product, and give it a try. EZorb has helped put my life back on track. Same thing can happen to you."

Why is EZorb so Effective? The answer is actually quite simple, but before we get to that, we need to give a clear explanation of the cause of Fibromyalgia.

EZorb Calcium? - Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous

Breaking the Vicious Circle of Fibromyalgia

The Real Cause of Fibromyalgia

Our study has shown that most (if not all) of the fibromyalgia symptoms can be traced back to weakened bone, joint and muscle metabolism.

With age, bone, joint, and muscle metabolism slows down naturally. For most people, this is a gradual process. For some, the curve comes down much faster. It's not unheard of even for a teen to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia. When bone/joint/muscle metabolism is weakened, all sorts of problems begin with bones, joints, and muscles, which include (but are not limited to) joint pain (arthritis), bone spurs, muscle spasms, bone loss (osteoporosis), etc.

ost of these bone, joint, and muscle problems are accompanied by pain. Most people pay no attention at first, hoping the problem go away on its own. Even for those who resort to pain medication, after a while the pain is beyond their control.

Anyone with uncontrollable, unremitting pain will experience stress or depression, which would further elevate the feeling of pain spreading out to nerves all over the body. Nobody could sleep well in the midst of such struggle. Meanwhile, bone/joint/muscle metabolism keeps declining as a result of inadequate sleep. More stress . . . more depression . . . more pain . . . The vicious cycle repeats itself endlessly.

Cure Fibromyalgia The ONLY Way

The only way to get rid of this disease is to go after the source: to find a way to raise your bone, joint and muscle metabolism. EZorb does exactly that. And that's why EZorb is so effective against fibromyalgia. Although not a painkiller, EZorb has proven itself to be an instant relief to many people. On average, it takes one to three weeks, if not just a day or two, for noticeable results. With EZorb, pain levels drop significantly, and muscles relax like they used to.

EZorb Calcium? - Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous

Breaking the Vicious Circle of Fibromyalgia

With EZorb, you'll start to sleep well and have more energy during the day. Amazingly, EZorb does all that without any side effects.

EZorb has proven so effective against fibromyalgia that we offer a risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee. Most fibromyalgia sufferers notice improvement in one to three weeks with EZorb! Thousands worldwide have used EZorb to get rid of the condition and regain control of their lives. You can do the same.


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