The Strongest Paper structure - Arlington High School

The Strongest Paper structure!

Objective: Using only paper and glue, you are to design a build a structure out of paper that will hold the most weight. The structure can be round, or square, and can use interior structures. There will be two parts; the design portion and the build/test portion, and a rubric for each part.


• Structure is to be built out of only paper and glue; NO TAPE!

• Limitations:

o Height is to be 4” – 6” Tall

o Width/Diameter is to be 3” – 5” Wide

o Use ONLY 6 pieces of regular 8.5” x 11” paper

o Must GLUE all pieces together

Design, as per rubric (50 points):

• You are to design your structure on the computer.

• Design is to have a front, top, isometric, and sectional view (20 pts).

• Engineering Layout/Design (15 pts)

o You must show how you are planning to use the 6 pieces of paper efficiently.

▪ Draw a diagram representing each individual piece and what structures will come of it.

• Design MUST have dimensions for ALL objects (10 pts).

o Dimensions for height and width

o Dimensions for all interior features

▪ Interior width, Cylinder Diameter, supporting features, etc.

• Titleblock must include names, project name, and class (5 pts).

Structure Testing, as per rubric (50 pts):

• Build Quality (20 pts)

o Does the project look like it was carefully crafted, or thrown together at the last minute. Is the glue still wet?

• Include compression calculation

o C = (Height of Project) / (Width of Project)

• Strength figures

o S = (( C ) * (Weight held (lbs)) / (Weight of structure (lbs))

• Failure Analysis (30 pts)

o Refer to Failure Analysis outline


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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