LESSON 1SEPTEMBER 3, 2023SUBJECT: Jesus Confronts HypocrisyDEVOTIONAL READING: 1 Samuel 15:19-23BACKGROUND: Luke 11:37-44LESSON: Luke 11:37-44MEMORY VERSE: The Lord said to him, “Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. Luke 11:39 NIVLESSON AIM: To explain why Jesus called the Jewish religious leaders hypocrites.INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY OUTLINEI. JESUS INVITED INTO A HOME (LUKE 11:37-38)This week’s lesson begins with “When Jesus had finished speaking. (NIV)” What was the gist of Jesus’ teaching about the generation of His earthly time? Luke 11:29-32v. 29av. 32av. 32bv. 32cAccording to Jesus’ teaching in Luke 11:33-36, how can one recognize if an individual is spiritually healthy? After Jesus was finished teaching, what invitation did He receive? By whom? Luke 11:37b Did Jesus accept the invitation? Luke 11:37cWho were the Pharisees? Use a Bible Dictionary to research. [Pharisees (meaning separated ones) - a religious and political party in Palestine in `New Testament times. The Pharisees were known for insisting that the law of God be observed as the scribes interpreted it and for their special commitment to keeping the laws of tithing and ritual purity. These were the laws that other people were less careful about observing. Pharisees observed the Law carefully as far as appearances went, but their hearts were far from God. Their motives were wrong because they wanted the praise of men. They also had evil desires that were hidden by their pious show. That is why Pharisees are often called hypocrites: their hearts did not match their outward appearance.] Nelson's Illustrated Bible DictionaryHow did the Pharisees feel about Jesus from the beginning of His earthly ministry? Mark 3:6Matthew 11:19Matthew 12:14Luke 11:53-54Why do you think many Pharisees and religious leaders invited Jesus to their homes? Luke 11:53-54; 20:23; 22:18What did Jesus know about the true intentions of the religious leaders toward Him? Matthew 12:15bLuke 6:8Luke 20:23Why do you think Jesus accepted the invitations of Pharisees knowing how they really felt about Him? Luke 19:10What did the Pharisee notice about Jesus before the meal? Luke 11:38II. INSIDE OUT (LUKE 11:39-41)Why do you think Jesus didn’t wash before the meal?How did Jesus expose and turn the table on the Pharisee who hosted Him? Luke 11:39v. 39av. 39bHow did Jesus describe the Pharisee who hosted Him and his generation? Luke 11:40aWhat did Jesus want the Pharisee to know about God and God’s expectation? Luke 11:40bcv. 40bv. 40cIII. THE MARKS OF HYPOCRISY (LUKE 11:42-54)What is a “hypocrite”?What does the word “woe” mean? In the New International Version of the Bible, Jesus uses this word six times in Luke 11:42-54 in accusations against Pharisees and teachers of the law (scribes).What does Jesus promise believers that is opposite of “woe”? (The word is used seven times in Matthew 5:3-12)What was the first “woe” against the Pharisees? How is hypocrisy revealed? Luke 11:42What was the second “woe”? How is hypocrisy revealed? Luke 11:43What was the third “woe”? How is hypocrisy revealed? Luke 11:44Who was offended by Jesus’ words? Why? Luke 11:45In response to those offended by Jesus’ words, what was the fourth “woe”? How is hypocrisy revealed? Luke 11:46What was the fifth “woe”? How is hypocrisy revealed? Luke 11:47What was the sixth “woe”? How is hypocrisy revealed? Luke 11:52What were the reaction to the “woes” spoken by Jesus? Luke 11:53-54v. 53abv. 53cv. 54SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION How is hypocrisy practiced by religious leaders and lay people today?What “woes” do you think Jesus would direct toward church leaders today? ................

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