Study Guide for Mid-Term Exam – THEO 5313 Applied …

Study Guide for Mid-Term Exam – THEO 5313 Applied Hermeneutics

Part 1: Short Answer, True/False, Multiple Choice, Fill-in-the-Blank, Matching, etc.








Interpretational reflex




Near view-far view problem




Viewpoint of the narrator

According to Klein, what are the three reasons we need to practice proper hermeneutics.

Understand the four concepts involved in approaching the Bible.

Understand the prerequisites needed for biblical interpretation.

Understand how prayer interacts with the interpretation of the Bible.

Know about the gaps or blocks that keep us from spontaneously understanding Scripture.

Know the three theories or models for translations of the Bible.

Know what the ultimate purpose of the Bible is.

Know whom or what the key to God’s salvation is.

Know the major physical and environmental factors which effected settlement in Palestine.

Know the two sections of the Fertile Crescent.

What are the acceptable presuppositions that Christians can bring to interpretation of the Bible.

Know the five questions to ask as you come to the Bible.

Know the questions to ask in order to help you with personal application.

Know the three things that you must understand about truth.

Know that the evidence for the authority of the Scripture is both internal (from within the Bible) and external (from other sources).

Know the most important contribution archaeology has made to the Bible.

Know the four factors that attracted settlement in Palestine.

Know the climate pattern in Palestine.

Know the two very broad literary types in the Bible.

Know the types of word pictures (figures of speech) found in Old Testament poetry.

Know the three types of parallelism found in Hebrew poetry.

Know the four types of Old Testament Poetry according to Klein.

What was the primary role of the prophet?

The prophets write in the theological context of ___________ and the historical context of ________________.

What are the three basic points of the overall message of the prophets?

Know the forms of prophetic utterance.

According to Klein, what are the eleven basic types of prophecy.

Know the eight specific principles for interpretation of prophecy according to Klein.

Know the three circles of context according to Klein.

Know that the correct interpretation of a biblical passage will be consistent with the historical-cultural background of the passage.

Know the six steps for discovering structural relationships in prose according to Klein.

Know the approximate dates:

Patriarchal Period - know the approximate dates.

Exodus - know the two most common dates for the Exodus.

Monarchy - know the dates for Saul, David, and Solomon.

Divided Kingdom - know the dates for the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, especially when they were destroyed and who destroyed them.

Exile - know the dates and the location of the Exile; know when the Jewish temple was rebuilt.

Inter-testamental Period - know the dates of Greek and Roman rule over Palestine; know the dates when Israel was an independent nation.

Know how to recognize narrative passages.

Know about the big picture in terms of Old Testament narrative.

Know the ten principles for interpreting Old Testament narratives.

Know what narrative is as a genre of the Old Testament according to Klein.

Part 2: Essay Questions:

What is the discipline of “hermeneutics”? How would you say that it differs from “applied hermeneutics” as practiced in this class?

What are the four sections or “strips” that describe the geographic regions of Israel? List the regions and describe each one.

List and discuss the five steps you should follow when interpreting Old Testament poetry.

List and discuss the six questions you must ask in order to begin discover the true meaning of the passage.


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