
A Long Walk to WaterLinda Sue ParkModule 1 Units 1-3: Individual Development and Cultural IdentityHow do individuals survive in challenging environments?How do culture, time, and place influence the development of identity?How does reading from different texts about the same topic build our understanding?What are the ways that an author can juxtapose two characters?NAME:___________________________________________________Reader’s Notes: Getting the Gist Ch. 1-5Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Chapter and page numbersWhat Nya’s story is about—my first ideasWhat Salva’s story is about—my first ideasAny new ideas about Nya and Salva?Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Character Development: Inferences Using Text Evidence Ch. 1-2These two characters have many similarities and many differences. How do culture, time, and place influence the development of each character’s identity?Detail/EvidenceWhat Salva or Nya thought, said, or did.PageInference/ReasoningWhat this shows about how culture, time, or place influenced Salva’s or Nya’s identity?Quote (About Nya or Salva?)“Salva had three brothers and two sisters. As each boy reached the age of about ten years, he was sent off to school.” 2Meaning Is it related to culture, time, or place? Circle one. In Salva’s culture, schooling is only for boys. He feels grateful and takes school seriously. Quote (About Nya or Salva?)“The war had started two years earlier. Salva did not understand much about it, but he knew that rebels from the southern part of Sudan, where he and his family lived, were fighting against the government, which was based in the north.”6Meaning Is it related to culture, time, or place? Circle one. Salva is growing up in the 1980s: we know that he is 11 years old in 1985. The war started two years earlier. This affects his identity because …Quote (About Nya or Salva?)“It would take her half the morning if she didn’t stop along the way.”1Meaning Is it related to culture, time, or place? Circle one. Quote (About Nya or Salva?)Meaning Is it related to culture, time, or place? Circle one. Character Development: Inferences Using Text Evidence Ch. 3Detail/EvidenceWhat Salva or Nya thought, said, or did PageInference/ReasoningWhat this shows about how culture, time, or place influenced Salva’s or Nya’s identityQuote (About Nya or Salva?)“But she might reach home by noon, if all went well.” 14– 15Meaning Is it related to culture, time, or place? Circle one. It’s possible that her walk home won’t go well. Nya lives in a place that can be difficult or dangerous. This shapes her identity because….Quote (About Nya or Salva?)“Salva let out his breath in relief. He was glad that she was not Nuer.”16Meaning Is it related to culture, time, or place? Circle one. Quote (About Nya or Salva?)Meaning Is it related to culture, time, or place? Circle one. Character Development: Inferences Using Text Evidence Ch. 4These two characters have many similarities and many differences. How do culture, time, and place influence the development of each character’s identity?Detail/EvidenceWhat Salva or Nya thought, said, or did PageInference/ReasoningWhat this shows about how culture, time, or place influenced Salva’s or Nya’s identityQuote (About Nya or Salva?)Meaning Is it related to culture, time, or place? Circle one.Quote (About Nya or Salva?)Meaning Is it related to culture, time, or place? Circle one.Quote (About Nya or Salva?)Meaning Is it related to culture, time, or place? Circle one.Unit 2: Introducing the Concept of Theme: Survival in A Long Walk to WaterUse this chart to take notes on the Survival anchor chart your class makes. Anything that is written on the class anchor chart should also be recorded on this sheet. You will need to have this sheet with you in class and when you complete homework.Challenges and Survival Factors in A Long Walk to WaterList the challenges that Nya and Salva face and the factors that help them to survive.CHALLENGESSURVIVAL FACTORSCHALLENGESSURVIVAL FACTORSStrong Gist Notes: Briefly name major eventsRefer to characters by nameExplain time and placeAre clear about the order of events and why characters do certain thingsChapterNyaSalva6Nya and her family are at the lake camp, where she digs for water instead of walking to it. Her mother is worried that when her father and brother to out hunting, they will be attacked by DinkaSalva meets his Uncle Jewiir, who was traveling in the same group he was. Uncle Jewiir is a leader in the group. He uses his gun to shoot a topi to eat, but they have all been so starved that it makes them sick. Salva’s friend Marial is killed by a lion while he is sleeping. 78ChapterNyaSalva9101112 ChapterNyaSalva13141516 ChapterNyaSalva1718Reader’s DictionaryCHAPTERS 7–8Word/PhrasePage Definitionterror40puzzled42reeds43papyrus43shallow canoes43prow44The front of a boatmonotonous 46abundance 47massed49gourd50A round fruit whose shell can be used as a containerdesperate 50Other new words you encountered: Word/PhrasePage Definitionshrubs 52Small bushesendured 52been reduced to52relentless52arid 52Drylag53vulture 59A bird that eats dead animalscorpses 59refugee camp 60A temporary place to live, usually made up of tents, for large numbers of people who have fled their countriesspark of hope61vision 61receding61ritual scarring 62A scar made on purpose to show identity, a tradition in coming-of-age ceremonies in some placesOther new words you encountered:Chapter 9-10Chapter 11-13Word/PhrasePage Definitionscythed64Cut with a long, curved bladedoubtful64boldly 65Without being afraidgrudgingly 66Unwillinglymasses 66Large groupsemaciated 68Very thin from not getting enough to eatmingle 71despair 72skittered 73To move lightly and quickly, like a little animalgovernment collapse; government fall 73When the people who are in charge in a county lose powerstampede 74borehole 76A deep hole drilled into the groundearnestly 76seriously and honestlywelter 79Large and confusing groupplagued80peril 80Chapter 14-15Word/PhrasePage DefinitionIsolated84orphaned 84refugee 84aid worker85abruptly 94braced 95Hold onto something to stay steady; to prepare for something difficultfrigidOther new words you encountered:Chapter 16-18Word/PhrasePage Definitionbewildering 98destruction 99aid organization100An organization that tries to help people, especially people who live in poor or war-torn countriesrelief agency100An organization that tries to help people who are in urgent need, perhaps because of a war or a famineremote 100clinic100contaminated106Other new words you encountered:The two central characters in A Long Walk to Water are named Nya and Salva. The author of the novel, Linda Sue Park, includes a short section in each chapter that is written from Nya’s perspective, and the remainder of the chapter is written from Salva’s perspective. What factors allow the two characters to survive in challenging environments? What will you be gathering evidence about? Underline the focusing question above.What information will you need to be able to answer the focusing question and to explain your answer? Turn to a partner. Look carefully at the graphic organizer as you discuss the answers to the questions below. Color in the circle next to each question after you have talked about it. oWhat information will you put in the first two columns? Where will you get this information? oWhat information will go in the remaining columns? Where will this information come from? oWhy are you gathering all this information? What are you trying to figure out?Chapter 9-10Detail/EvidencePage & chapterExplanationPut the quote in context: to which event in the story does this connect?SignificanceWhich idea on the anchor chart does this quote connect to? Why?Quote (About Nya or Salva?)“’Eh, Nephew!’ he said in a cheerful voice. We are together now, so I will look after you.’”35, ch. 6ExplanationSalva had been travelling alone. One day, he met his uncle, who had been traveling with the same group he was in. Once he met his uncle, he had someone to take care of him and he was much less scared. SignificanceQuote (About Nya or Salva?)“So Nya and her mother had taken Akeer to the special place – a big white tent full of people who were sick or hurt, with doctors and nurses to help them.”45, ch. 8ExplanationAkeer is Nya’s sister. She is sick because she drank contaminated water. Her family took her to the medical clinic, which was several days’ journey away.Detail/EvidencePage & chapterExplanationPut the quote in context: to which event in the story does this connect?SignificanceWhich idea on the anchor chart does this quote connect to? Why?Quote (About Nya or Salva?)ExplanationSignificanceQuote (About Nya or Salva?)Quote (About Nya or Salva?)Chapter 11-13Detail/EvidencePage & chapterExplanationPut the quote in context: to which event in the story does this connect?SignificanceWhich idea on the anchor chart does this quote connect to? Why?Quote (About Nya or Salva?)ExplanationSignificanceQuote (About Nya or Salva?)Chapters 14-15Detail/EvidencePage & chapterExplanationPut the quote in context: to which event in the story does this connect?SignificanceWhich idea on the anchor chart does this quote connect to? Why?Quote (About Nya or Salva?)ExplanationSignificanceQuote (About Nya or Salva?)Discussion Appointmentscenter28257500Make one appointment at each location:Public domain map courtesy of the University of Texas Libraries.Note: This map shows Sudan, South Sudan, and the surrounding countries today. When Salva was a boy, South Sudan was part of Sudan. In 2011, South Sudan became an independent country. In Juba, South Sudan: In Kenya: In Ethiopia: In Khartoum, Sudan: By the White Nile:-111633053403500 ................

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