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NAME: ___________________________________________________________ PERIOD: ___________

Ancient Civilizations Chapter Six Reading Guide Ms. Cave

Ancient Rome & Early Christianity, 500 BCE-500 CE

Section 1: 152-159 The Roman Republic

I. Vocabulary: Know the meaning and significance of the following terms.

|Consul |Carthage |Dictator |

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|Etruscans |Forum |Hannibal |

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|Legions |Patricians |Plebeians |

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|Punic Wars |Republic |Scipio |

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|Senate |Tribune |The Twelve Tables |

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|Tarquin the Proud |Latins |Greeks |

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II Chart: As you read about the growth of Rome into a powerful republic, answer the questions about events in the timeline. Some dates are approximate.

|The Roman Republic |

|753 |Rome is founded. What does its founding myth reveal about Rome? |How did geography effect the development of Rome? |

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|600 BCE |Etruscan king become king of Rome. How do the Romans feel about being ruled|How did the Etruscans influence the development of Rome? |

| |by a king? | |

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|509 BCE |Roman aristocrats overthrow the monarchy and establish a republic. How was |What groups competed for power in the early Roman republic? |

| |the Roman republic different from the democracy of Greece? | |

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|451 BCE |Officials begin writing the Twelve Tables. Where were these laws displayed?|What is the significance of the Twelve Tables in Roman law? |

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|264 BCE |Rome and Carthage go to war and the Punic Wars begin. |What were the causes of the 1st Punic War? |

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|218 |Second Punic War begins. |What were the causes of the 2nd Punic War? |

|BCE | | |

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|202 BCE |Roman defeat Hannibal’s army. |What tactic did Scipio use to defeat Hannibal? |

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|149 |Third Punic War begins when Rome lays siege to Carthage. |What was the significance of the Punic Wars for Rome? |

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|146 BCE |Rome Destroys Carthage!!! |

III. Answer:

1. What were the three main parts of the government under the Roman republic? Describe the responsibilities of each.

2. What were the differences between the patricians and the plebeians in the Roman republic?

3. Do you think the Roman Republic owed its success more to its form of government or its army? Explain.

4. Do you believe that Rome achieved a “balanced” government? Explain.

Section 2: 160-165 The Roman Empire

I. Vocabulary: Know the meaning and significance of the following terms.

|Absolute ruler |Augustus/Octavian |Tiberius & Gaius Gracchus |

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|Mark Antony |Cleopatra |Julius Caesar |

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|gladiators |Spartacus |Numin/Lares |

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|Pompey |Pax Romana |paterfamilias |

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|Triumvirate |Bread and Circuses |deity |

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II. Chart: As you read about the creation of the Roman Empire, make notes in the diagram to describe Roman government, society, economy, and culture.

|1. Economy |2. Form of Government |3. Values |

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Roman Em

|4. Social Structure |5. Religion |6. Entertainment |

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III. Answer:

1. What factors contributed to the collapse of the Roman Republic?

2. What were the main reasons for the Romans’ success in controlling such a large empire?

3. What measure did the government take to distract and control the masses of Rome?

4. What role did Julius Caesar play in the decline of the republic and the rise of the empire?

5. What aspects of Roman society remained similar from republic to empire?

6. What was Augustus’s greatest contribution to Roman society? Explain.

Section 3: 168-172 The Rise of Christianity

I. Vocabulary: Know the meaning and significance of the following terms.

|Jesus |apostle |

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|Bishop |Constantine |

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|Diaspora |Paul |

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|Peter |pope |

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|Augustine |New Testament |

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II. Chart: As you read about the rise of Christianity, fill in the chart.

|How did each of the following people influence the development of Christianity as a new religion? |

|1. Jesus of Nazareth |2. The Jews |

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|3. Pontius Pilate |4. Peter |

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|How did each of the following help to promote the spread of Christianity? |

|5. Pax Romana |6.Paul |

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|7.Constantine |8.Theodosius |

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II. Answer:

1. What did Jesus emphasize in his early teachings?

2. Why did the early Christians face persecution from the Romans?

3. What was the importance of the Nicene Creed?

4. Do you think Christianity would have developed in the same way if it had arisen in an area outside the Roman Empire? Explain.

5. How did the apostle Paul encourage the spread of Christianity?

6. Who did more to spread Christianity-Paul or Constantine? Explain.

Section 4 pp 173-176 The Fall of the Roman Empire

I. Vocabulary: Know the meaning and significance of the following terms..

|Attila |Diocletian |

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|inflation |Byzantium/Constantinople |

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|mercenary |Marcus Aurelius |

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|barbarians |Romulus Augustulus |

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II. Chart: As you read about the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, take notes to answer the questions.

|1. What were the causes of each condition that led to the fall of the Roman Empire? |

|a. Disruption of trade |b. Gold and silver drain |

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|c. Inflation |d. Decline of loyalty and discipline in military |

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|e. Citizen indifference and loss of patriotism |

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|2. What steps did Diocletian take to restore order and reform the empire? |

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|3. What did Constantine do to reform the empire? |

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|4. What caused the final collapse of the Western Roman Empire? |

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III. Answer:

1. Which of Rome’s internal problems do you think was the most serious? Explain.

2. How do you think the splitting of the empire into two parts helped it survive for another 200 years?

3. Why did so many Germanic tribes begin invading the Roman Empire?

4. Why do you think the eastern half of the empire survived?

Section 5 pp 178-183 Rome and the Roots of Western Civilization

I. Vocabulary: Know the meaning and significance of the following terms.

|Aqueduct |Virgil |

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|Greco-Roman Culture |Pompeii |

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|Tacitus |Classical Civilization |

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|Bas-relief |mosaics |

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|Stoicism |Aeneid |

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|Livy |Ovid |

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|Stoicism |The Colosseum |

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A. Clarifying: Identify Roman achievements in the boxes below.

|4. Language |5. Architecture |6. Engineering |

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II. Answer:

1. What is Greco-Roman culture?

2. In what way did Roman art differ from Greek art?

3. Which principle of law do you think has been Rome’s greatest contribution to modern legal system?

4. Do you agree with Horace’s claim on p. 178 that when it came to culture, Greece in essence conquered Rome? Explain.

Thesis: Write a thesis statement only answering ONE of the following questions. Identify which question you are answering.

1. Compare and contrast the Roman Republic with The Roman Empire in TWO of the following: government, society, religion, economy.

2.Analyze the factors that led to Rome’s success during the Pax Romana. (Choose at least three)

3.Analyze the factors that led to the fall of Western Rome in the 5th century. (Choose at least three)

Example: The factors that led to the rise/fall of …………………. were (1)…….., (2)……., (3)…….

Example: Although _______________ and _________________ were similar/different because ……………..,

they were more similar/different because …


Roman Empire


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