Adobe Captivate - Oracle

Slide 3 - Oracle Sales Cloud Release 12


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Hello, my name is Scott. Welcome to the Release Training for the new Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail preview. In this session, we’ll introduce you to this exciting new product and its capabilities.


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Slide 4 - Agenda


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We’ll give an overview of Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail preview, followed by more detail to explain how you can use them, and what business value they bring.

Then we’ll walk you through a demonstration.

Next we’ll explain what you need to consider before enabling these capabilities in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


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Slide 5 - Features Overview


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We’ve introduced a preview to our new Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail extension, that is designed to help sales teams become more productive by working with Oracle Sales Cloud from within Google Gmail.

The Release 12 preview features include:

• Managing Sales Cloud contacts and appointments from within Google Gmail.

• Ability to save emails as Activity Tasks in Oracle Sales Cloud

• Easy Deployment and Upgrades using the Google Chrome Store

Let’s take a look at each of these enhancements in detail.


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Slide 6 - Contacts and Appointments


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Using Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail, sales reps and sales managers can select which contacts and appointments they would like to maintain within Google Gmail. User can also associate Google calendar appointments to corresponding Oracle Sales Cloud accounts, opportunities or leads, while Contacts can be associated to accounts.


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Slide 7 - Contacts and Appointments


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Managing Oracle Sales Cloud Contacts and Appointments from within Google Gmail helps users become more productive by not having to switch between multiple applications to keep their data in sync. While using a familiar Gmail environment increases user adoption by not having to learn an entirely new system.


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Slide 8 - Shared Emails with Attachments


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While reading email in Gmail, a user can choose emails to be saved as activity tasks in Oracle Sales Cloud and link those emails to corresponding accounts, opportunities or leads.

Once saved, key email details such as subject, body and attachments are preserved within the task record in Oracle Sales Cloud.


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Slide 9 - Shared Emails with Attachments


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Gain more insight into customer history by keeping track of email communications with customers by saving them as Activity tasks in Oracle Sales Cloud. Linking emails to the right contact, account, lead, or opportunity gives email context to the records you work with.


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Slide 10 - Easy Deployment and Upgrades


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Installing the Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail Preview is easy, you can find the extension in the Chrome Web Store. Once the extension is installed, only your Sales Cloud host and login credentials are needed to get you started.

When Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail needs to be upgraded, the extension automatically detects when a new upgrade is available and applies it with no user interaction.


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Slide 11 - Easy Deployment and Upgrades


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Easy installation using the Chrome Web Store and automatic upgrades help Sales Reps start using Oracle Sales Cloud quickly and significantly reduce downtime for system upgrades. While IT administrators don’t have to worry about complex deployments across their fleet of users.


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Slide 76 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities


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Here is the summary of the features I have talked about today:

• Google Gmail users can be more productive by managing their Contacts and Appointments directly in Gmail

• Capture and relate relevant emails to corresponding records in Oracle Sales Cloud to track customer activity history

• With deployment and upgrades being handled in the Chrome Web Store, Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail can be easily deployed and automatically upgraded for your entire sales fleet.


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Slide 77 - Additional Information


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The Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail Preview made available in Release 12 is only supported on the Google Chrome Brower.

Oracle Sales Cloud records deleted in Google Gmail will not be deleted in Sales Cloud. Any records you wish to delete, must be done in Sales Cloud Simplified UI.

Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail offers no extensibility and cannot be modified through Application Composer or any other customization utilities.


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Slide 78 - Implementation Advice


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In this implementation advice section we will go through what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


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Slide 79 - Feature Impact Guidelines


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This table depicts key upgrade information for the new features covered in this training.

Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail preview and its corresponding features are not available automatically and will require setup by an Administrator and/or Users.


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Slide 80 - Implementation Decision Points


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Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail Preview by default is setup in a way where Contacts and Appointments do not sync bi-directionally between Google Gmail and Oracle Sales Cloud. The Chrome extension will still function where users can still see the Sales Cloud extension while on an Email, Contact or Appointment and share these with Oracle Sales Cloud. However, Contacts and Appointments created in Oracle Sales Cloud will not sync to Google Gmail.


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Slide 81 - Setup Summary


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The setup for Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail Preview is achieved by specifying two profile option values and starting a scheduled process in Oracle Sales Cloud.


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Slide 82 - Manage Contacts and Appointments Setup Detail


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To enable/disable synchronization of Contacts and Appointments between Google Gmail and Oracle Sales Cloud, from with Simplified UI navigate to Manage Administrator Profile Values in Setup Manager.

Here you will need to search for and set the values for the Profile Options ‘ZOE_GOI_ENABLE_APPOINTMENT_SYNC’ and ‘ZOE_GOI_ENABLE_CONTACT_SYNC’

By default these values are set to ‘NO’, which means Contacts or Appointments will not sync. Setting these values to ‘YES’, will enable bi-directional sync of the profile type specified.


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Slide 83 - Manage Contacts and Appointments Setup Detail


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If either the Profile Options ‘ZOE_GOI_ENABLE_APPOINTMENT_SYNC’ or ‘ZOE_GOI_ENABLE_CONTACT_SYNC’ are set to ‘YES’, the Oracle Sales Cloud administrator must configure and start the ‘Synchronization Between Sales Cloud and Gmail’ process.

In setting up this process, the administrator should specify the batch sync schedule. It is recommended that the batch sync time integral should be no less than 5 minutes, with the interval increased to accommodate larger sync volume

The Schedule Processes settings can be found in Simplified UI Navigator under the Tools area.


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Slide 84 - Setup Best Practices


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Using the Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail Preview in R12, it is important to understand the following best practices.

• Carefully review any customizations made on Contacts or Appointments in Application Composer. Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail is not extensible, therefore, any customizations made on Contacts or Appointments in Sales Cloud could cause adverse behavior. Specifically, fields made required in Application Composer for Contacts or Appointments might not be exposed in Gmail, thus causing synchronization errors.

• It is important to ensure that synchronization intervals set by the administrator are appropriate for the average number of records being synced. Synchronization errors can occur if a batch sync is triggered before a previous sync has been completed.


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Slide 126 - Job Roles


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This table details the shipped job roles that will access the new capabilities covered in this training.


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Slide 127 - Business Process Information


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The business processes associated with the new capabilities covered in this training are detailed here.

The high level business process is Sales with activities Manage Contacts and Manage Activities

‘This concludes this presentation, thank you for listening. You can easily pause and rewind any of these slides if you require additional time to take in the detail.’


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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