
3rd Class Homework for week of 18th May – 22nd MayThis week our theme is: Wellbeing. Wellbeing is all about looking after our mental health and being happy! You can watch a lovely video here called the “Five Steps to Wellbeing.” We are going to focus on each step from the video everyday. Monday Look through your WIO and complete any day that you have not done or finished.Spellings: didn’t, haven’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t. Write out each three times using Look, Cover, Spell, Check and write a sentence.Planet Maths page 71. Screenshot is included at the end of this document.Wellbeing: ConnectCheck in with one of your friends, maybe call them, write them a letter or video call them!Make a friendship bracelet for one of your friends, you will need an adult to help you! You can find a video here: List eight things that make someone a good friend on the octopuses’ tentacles. (There is a screenshot of the worksheet at the end of this document)Complete the “I am an Amazing Person” worksheet that is included at the end of this document.Start a kindness journal and try write in it everyday: Sample of this at the end of this document.TuesdayLook through your WIO and complete any day that you have not done or finished.Planet Maths page 72. Screenshot is included at the end of this document.Practice you x8/ ÷8 tables.Wellbeing: Be active and be healthy.It is so important to look after yourself, especially in these uncertain times!Get a full one hour of exercise today, just like during Active Home Week. There are many ways you can get your exercise but try your best to be active for one full hour. On YouTube you could do some exercises from the Body Coach Tv, Fun2Bfit or go noodle! Design a poster explaining why exercise and being healthy is so important! Send me your pictures! Make sure you include lots of information, do some research using .Create a menu for your family with three healthy meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Make sure you follow the food pyramid, which we did in school! Be creative and use lots of colour!Complete the “Looking after Yourself” activity. (Included at the end of this document)Kindness journal entry (started yesterday)Wednesday Look through your WIO and complete any day that you have not done or finished.Planet Maths page 73. Screenshot is included at the end of this document.Practice you x8/ ÷8 tables.Spellings: wasn’t, aren’t, we’d, doesn’t, wont. Write out each word three times using look, cover, spell, check and put them in a sentence.Gaeilge: Watch another Gaeilge lesson from the RT? Homeschool Hub Wellbeing: Keep LearningWrite down five things/skills that you have learned while you have been at home.Write down some learning goals you might have for when you return to school e.g spend more time reading, practice my times tables etc. Try to learn a new skill today, maybe it might be a new dance, new recipe, how to jump backwards using a skipping rope, drawing, solo a ball, some new letters in sign language, anything! Make sure you let me know what new skill you’ve learned: send some videos or pictures! Here are some GAA skills you can learn: Kindness journal entryThursday Look through your WIO and complete any day that you have not done or finished.Planet Maths page 167. Screenshot is included at the end of this document.Practice your x9/ ÷9 tables.Wellbeing theme: Take noticeIt is important to be take notice of the great things in your life and to be thankful. Complete the “Things That Make Me Happy” worksheet (included at the end of this document.)Gaeilge: Mothúcháin (feelings). I have included a word mat at the end of this document. Then, I want you to draw each feeling on a face. “Tarraing na hAghaidheanna” (screenshot included at end of document)Mindfulness cards: Complete some mindfulness challenges today – I will post these to Class Dojo on Thursday Morning. Peace Out Guided Relaxation: You could do this at night time if you wanted to, it’s from Cosmic Kids Yoga Continue your Kindness Journal.FridayWIO: Complete a Friday test that you have not done yet.Practice your x9/÷9 tables.Spellings: people, dungeon, gorgeous, preorder, ariel. Write out each word three times using look, cover, spell, check and put them in a sentence.Wellbeing theme: GiveIt is important to not only be kind to others but to ourselves.Carry out a random act of kindness to someone you love. It could be a simple as a compliment but try to do something bigger than that! Make someone you love a cup of tea, help tidy the kitchen, help out with making the dinner. It’s kind of like our kindness folder in class!Complete the “Be Kind to Yourself” worksheet. (screenshot included at the end of this document).Finish your kindness journal and look at how amazing and kind you have been everyday. Make sure you send me a picture!Watch this video: Colour your world with kindness, I think we have watched it before!: Art: Using kiddle, search “kindness quotes” and choose a website. Then, choose a quote about kindness that you really like and design a poster. Send me your photos to my email or on ClassDojo.Hi girls,Happy Monday! This week in St. Eithne’s is Wellbeing week. It is so so important to look after yourself and to look out for others, especially now. As you can see, we are focusing on one of the five steps to wellbeing everyday this week, which I have taken from the video: . All screenshots of the worksheets, that I have included this week, can be found on Twinkl. If you have a printer and would like to print off the worksheet, you can go to and use the offer code: IRLTWINKLHELPS when signing up or you could just print this document. If you don’t have a printer that’s perfectly fine too! You can just create your own worksheet!I hope you all have a great week and make sure you keep an eye on ClassDojo, as I will be uploading some nice wellbeing activities everyday. Don’t forget to send me your pictures/videos or any questions on ClassDojo or to my email: msdoonersteithnes@ Ms. Dooner 54193618035000403542501676401371600009150352012950003467100337820016764003467100346075016764002362200346710 ................

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