7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:

7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:

1st Quarter:

TSW understand how the Earth’s natural processes have shaped its landscape (including Lithospheric Plates and their movement, Convergent, Divergent, and Transform boundary landforms).

| 4 |In addition to score 3, the student can help teach or mentor his/her peers and apply his/her knowledge to real-world scenarios |

| 3 |TSW understand how the Earth’s natural processes have shaped its landscape including all of the following: |

| |Lithospheric Plates and their movement |

| |Convergent Boundary Landforms |

| |Divergent Boundary Landforms |

| |Transform Boundary Landforms |

|2 |TSW understand how the Earth’s natural processes have shaped its landscape (including 2 of the 4 requirements): |

| |Lithospheric Plates and their movement |

| |Convergent Boundary Landforms |

| |Divergent Boundary Landforms |

| |Transform Boundary Landforms |

|1 |TSW understand how the Earth’s natural processes have shaped its landscape (including 1 of the 4 requirements): |

| |Lithospheric Plates and their movement |

| |Convergent Boundary Landforms |

| |Divergent Boundary Landforms |

| |Transform Boundary Landforms |

|0 |Even with help, the student experiences no success. |

7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:

1st Quarter:

TSW understand how the Earth’s natural processes have shaped its landscape (including Earthquake locations and how they are measured as well as Volcano locations and the three types).

| 4 |In addition to score 3, the student can help teach or mentor his/her peers and construct real world connections between |

| |locations, measurements, and types of Earth’s natural processes. |

| 3 |TSW understand how the Earth’s natural processes have shaped its landscape including all of the following: |

| |Earthquake Locations |

| |Earthquake Measurement |

| |Volcano Locations |

| |Volcano Types |

|2 |TSW understand how the Earth’s natural processes have shaped its landscape (including 2 of the 4 requirements): |

| | |

| |Earthquake Locations |

| |Earthquake Measurement |

| |Volcano Locations |

| |Volcano Types |

|1 |TSW understand how the Earth’s natural processes have shaped its landscape (including 1 of the 4 requirements): |

| | |

| |Earthquake Locations |

| |Earthquake Measurement |

| |Volcano Locations |

| |Volcano Types |

|0 |Even with help, the student experiences no success. |

7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:

1st Quarter:

TSW understand the evidence that shows the Earth has changed over geologic time including weathering, erosion, & deposition.

| 4 |In addition to score 3, the student can help teach or mentor his/her peers and construct real world connections to his/her |

| |learning. |

| 3 | |

| |TSW understand the evidence that shows the Earth has changed over geologic time including all of the following: |

| |Weathering |

| |Erosion |

| |Deposition |

| |Cyclical connections between the geologic evidence |

|2 | |

| |TSW understand the evidence that shows the Earth has changed over geologic time (including 2 of the 3 requirements): |

| | |

| |Weathering |

| |Erosion |

| |Deposition |

|1 |TSW understand the evidence that shows the Earth has changed over geologic time (including 1 of the 3 requirements): |

| | |

| |Weathering |

| |Erosion |

| |Deposition |

|0 |Even with help, the student experiences no success. |

7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:

1st Quarter:

TSW understand the evidence that shows the Earth has changed over geologic time including the types of rocks, the rock cycle, minerals, and fossil record.

| 4 |In addition to score 3, the student can help teach or mentor his/her peers and can explain the connections between minerals and |

| |rocks and rocks and the fossil record. |

| 3 |TSW understand the evidence that shows the Earth has changed over geologic time including all of the following: |

| |The types of rocks |

| |The rock cycle |

| |Minerals |

| |The fossil record |

|2 |TSW understand the evidence that shows the Earth has changed over geologic time (including 2 of the 4 requirements): |

| |The types of rocks |

| |The rock cycle |

| |Minerals |

| |The fossil record |

|1 |TSW understand the evidence that shows the Earth has changed over geologic time (including 1 of the 4 requirements): |

| |The types of rocks |

| |The rock cycle |

| |Minerals |

| |The fossil record |

|0 |Even with help, the student experiences no success. |

7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:

2nd Quarter:

TSW be able to describe how the Earth is connected to and affected by other objects in the solar system (including its movement, its relative position to other objects, its seasons, and visible constellations).

| | |

|4 |In addition to score 3, the student can help teach or mentor his/her peers and describe between annual patterns as experienced|

| |on Earth. |

| 3 |TSW be able to describe how the Earth is connected to and affected by other objects in the solar system including all of the |

| |following: |

| |Its movement |

| |Its relative position to other objects |

| |Its seasons |

| |Visible constellations |

|2 |TSW be able to describe how the Earth is connected to and affected by other objects in the solar system (including 2 of the 4 |

| |requirements): |

| |Its movement, |

| |Its relative position to other objects |

| |Seasons |

| |Visible constellations |

|1 |TSW be able to describe how the Earth is connected to and affected by other objects in the solar system (including 1 of the 4 |

| |requirements): |

| |Its movement, |

| |Its relative position to other objects, |

| |Seasons, and |

| |Visible constellations |

|0 |Even with help, the student experiences no success. |

7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:

2nd Quarter:

TSW be able to describe the relationship between the Earth and the moon (including the phases of the moon, ocean tides, and eclipses).

| 4 |In addition to score 3, the student can help teach or mentor his/her peers and describe the connections between the three |

| |phenomena. |

| 3 |TSW be able to describe the relationship between the Earth and the moon including all of the following: |

| | |

| |The phases of the moon |

| |ocean tides |

| |eclipses |

|2 |TSW be able to describe the relationship between the Earth and the moon (including 2 of the 3 requirements): |

| | |

| |Phases of the moon |

| |Ocean tides |

| |Eclipses |

|1 |TSW be able to describe the relationship between the Earth and the moon (including 1 of the 3 requirements): |

| | |

| |Phases of the moon |

| |Ocean tides |

| |Eclipses |

|0 |Even with help, the student experiences no success. |

7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:

3rd Quarter:

TSW be able to describe how organisms interact with and within their environment (including food chains & webs, niche, predator-prey relationships).

| 4 |In addition to score 3, the student can help teach or mentor his/her peers and apply his/her knowledge to scenarios and events|

| |outside of the classroom. |

| 3 |TSW be able to describe how organisms interact with and within their environment including all of the following: |

| |Biotic and abiotic features |

| |food chains & webs |

| |niche |

| |predator-prey relationships |

|2 |TSW be able to describe how organisms interact with and within their environment (including 3 of the 4 requirements). |

| |Biotic & abiotic features |

| |Food chains & webs |

| |Niche |

| |Predator-prey relationships |

|1 |TSW be able to describe how organisms interact with and within their environment (including 2 of the 4 requirements). |

| |Biotic & abiotic features |

| |Food chains & webs |

| |Niche |

| |Predator-prey relationships |

|0 |Even with help, the student experiences no success. |

7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:

3rd Quarter:

TSW be able to describe how populations fluctuate within their environment (depending on limiting factors, predator-prey relationships, and carrying capacity).

| 4 |In addition to score 3, the student can help teach or mentor his/her peers and apply his/her knowledge to real world scenarios. |

| 3 |TSW be able to describe and graphically represent how populations of organisms fluctuate within their environment depending upon|

| |all of the following: |

| |Limiting factors |

| |Predator-prey relationships |

| |Carrying capacity |

|2 |TSW be able to describe how populations of organisms fluctuate within their environment (depending upon 2 of the 3 following |

| |elements). |

| |Limiting factors |

| |Predator-prey relationships |

| |Carrying capacity |

|1 |TSW be able to describe how populations of organisms fluctuate within their environment (depending upon 1 of the 3 elements). |

| |Limiting factors |

| |Predator-prey relationships |

| |Carrying capacity |

|0 |Even with help, the student experiences no success. |

7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:

3rd Quarter:

TSW be able to describe the positive and negative interactions between humans and the environment (including deforestation, construction of dams, introduction of non-native species, overgrazing, habitat destruction) and potential solutions to the problems.

|4 |In addition to score 3, the student can help teach or mentor his/her peers and create relevant connections to life in the |

| |deserts. |

| 3 |TSW be able to describe the positive and negative interactions between humans and the environment (including deforestation, |

| |construction of dams, introduction of non-native species, overgrazing, habitat destruction) and potential solutions to the |

| |problems. |

|2 |TSW be able to describe the positive and negative interactions between humans and the environment (including 3 of the 5 |

| |requirements) and potential solutions to the problems. |

| | |

| |Deforestation, |

| |Construction of dams, |

| |Introduction of non-native species, |

| |Overgrazing, |

| |Habitat destruction |

|1 |TSW be able to describe the positive and negative interactions between humans and the environment (including 2 of the 5 |

| |requirements) and potential solutions to the problems. |

| | |

| |Deforestation, |

| |Construction of dams, |

| |Introduction of non-native species, |

| |Overgrazing, |

| |Habitat destruction |

|0 |Even with help, the student experiences no success. |

7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:

4th Quarter:

TSW understand the positive and negative effects of sun exposure on human health.

| 4 |In addition to score 3, the student can help teach or mentor his/her peers. |

| 3 |TSW understand the positive and negative effects of sun exposure on human health. |

|2 |TSW understand the positive and negative effects of sun exposure on human health to a lesser degree. |

| | |

| |Positive effects only |

| |Negative effects only |

| |Positive and negative effects with omissions |

|1 |With help, the student can understand the positive and negative effects of sun exposure on human health to a lesser |

| |degree. |

| | |

| |Positive effects only |

| |Negative effects only |

| |Positive and negative effects with omissions |

|0 |Even with help, the student experiences no success. |

7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:

4th Quarter:

TSW be able to describe the consequences associated with decisions regarding health behaviors.

| 4 |In addition to score 3, the student can help teach or mentor his/her peers. |

| 3 |TSW be able to describe the consequences associated with decisions regarding health behaviors. |

|2 |TSW be able to describe the consequences associated with decisions regarding health behaviors (with omissions). |

|1 |With help, TSW be able to describe the consequences associated with decisions regarding health behaviors |

|0 |Even with help, the student experiences no success. |

7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:


TSW be able to apply scientific processes to complete laboratory investigations (that include writing PROBLEMS, gathering pertinent RESEARCH to write an appropriate HYPOTHESIS, DESIGNING controlled experiments, organizing DATA into tables {and graphs when necessary}, and drawing CONCLUSIONS).

| 4 |In addition to score 3, the student can help teach or mentor his/her peers, apply his/her knowledge outside of the classroom, and |

| |demonstrate skill on a regular basis through relevant and meaningful experimentation. |

| 3 |TSW be able to apply scientific processes to complete laboratory investigations (that include writing PROBLEMS, gathering |

| |pertinent RESEARCH to write an appropriate HYPOTHESIS, designing controlled experiments, organizing DATA into tables {and graphs |

| |when necessary},and drawing conclusions. |

|2 |TSW be able to apply scientific processes to complete laboratory investigations that include 3 of the 5 requirements: |

| | |

| |Writing PROBLEMS |

| |Gathering pertinent RESEARCH to write an appropriate HYPOTHESIS |

| |Designing controlled experiments |

| |Organizing DATA into tables {and graphs when necessary} |

| |Drawing conclusions |

|1 |TSW be able to apply scientific processes to complete laboratory investigations that include 2 of the 5 requirements: |

| | |

| |Writing PROBLEMS |

| |Gathering pertinent RESEARCH to write an appropriate HYPOTHESIS |

| |Designing controlled experiments |

| |Organizing DATA into tables {and graphs when necessary} |

| |Drawing conclusions |

|0 |Even with help, the student experiences no success. |

7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:


TSW be able to describe how science is an on-going process that changes in response to new information and discoveries.

| 4 |In addition to score 3, the student can help teach or mentor his/her peers. |

| 3 |TSW be able to describe how science is an on-going process that changes in response to new information and discoveries. |

|2 |TSW be able to describe how science is an on-going process that changes in response to new information and discoveries |

| |(with omissions). |

|1 |With help, TSW be able to describe how science is an on-going process that changes in response to new information and |

| |discoveries. |

|0 |Even with help, the student experiences no success. |

7th Grade Science Learning Goals & Scales:


TSW be able to accurately measure distance, mass, volume, and density using the metric system.

| 4 |In addition to score 3, the student can help teach or mentor his/her peers and apply his/her knowledge, understanding, and|

| |measurement/calculation skills to real-world scenarios including connection to an object’s density. |

| 3 |TSW be able to accurately measure distance, mass, volume, and density using the metric system. |

|2 |TSW be able to accurately measure distance, mass, volume, and density using the metric system. (including 3 of the 4 |

| |requirements): |

| | |

| |Distance |

| |Mass |

| |Volume |

| |Density |

|1 |TSW be able to accurately measure distance, mass, volume, and density using the metric system. (including 2 of the 4 |

| |requirements): |

| | |

| |Distance |

| |Mass |

| |Volume |

| |Density |

|0 |Even with help, the student experiences no success. |


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