Questions to Elicit Creative Thinking

Questions to Elicit Creative Thinking


1. How many _______can you think of?

2. In what ways might we _______?

3. What are all the ways you could _____?

4. Make a long list of things that ______?

5. How many different examples (reasons, solutions, etc.) can you think of?

6. How many ways can you think of to ____?

7. What are all the things that are _____?

8. What comes to mind when you think of _____?

9. How long a list can you make?


1. Can you think of a different way to ___?

2. What else might be happening?

3. What other things are possible?

4. What are all of the possibilities?

5. What are some different ways to look at this?

6. How would _____ look at this?

7. What are some different reasons for _____?

8. What if _____?

9. What ideas can you get about _____ by thinking about _____?

10. _____ is to _____ as _____ is to _____. (Analogy)

11. What else could you use ______ for?

12. In what ways are _____ and ____ alike?

13. In what ways could you use _____ for?


1. What else can you tell me about _____?

2. What can you add to make it more interesting/complete?

3. Using these guidelines, what can you develop?

4. Using these basic elements, what can you create?

5. How can you complete this?

6. What could be added to ____ to make a new ____?

7. What new ideas can you add?


1. What is a new, original way to ____?

2. How could o make it different?

3. What can you think of that no one else will think of?

4. Can you invent a new ___?

5. How can you change ____ to make ____?

6. How can you combine ____ and ____ to make something new?

7. How can you use _____ and ___ to solve the problem of _____?

8. Devise a new way to _____?

9. Create an ideal ____ for a ____.

Source: Leimbach, Judy. Primarily Creativity. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press, 2005.




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