ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY VOCABULARYThere are literally thousands of medical terms. It would be very difficult to memorize the meaning of each and every word. Most of the terms have a Greek or Latin origin.However, it is not necessary to learn each and every word. A more efficient approach is to learn the basic word parts and recognize them in a word.The vocabulary will be broken down in to 3 categories:Prefix - word part attached to the beginning of a word root and modifies its meaning.Root - contains the fundamental meaning of the word.Suffix - word part attached to the end of a word root to modify its meaning.ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY VOCABULARYPREFIXES:1.a-not, without. Atresia: A (without) + tresia (perforation). Not having an opening.2.para-beside, beyond. Paracervical: Para beside) + cervical (cervix). Next to the uterine cervix. “para” sounds like “pair”3.amnio-amnion or membraneous fetal sac. Amniocentesis: Amnio (fetal sac) + centesis (puncture). The removal of a small amount of amniotic fluid for analysis. “amnio” sounds like “I am new”.4.ante-before. Anterior: Ante (before) + rior (foremost). The front portion of a structure. “ante” sounds like “auntie”.5.cyes-pregnancy. Pseudocyesis: Psuedo (false) +cyes (pregnant) + esis (condition). A condition in which a woman believes she is pregnant. “cyes” sounds like “sighs”.6. tendin-fibrous band. Tendinitis: Tendin(tendons) + it is (inflammation). The inflammation of the tendons. “tend” sounds like “ten”.7. alb-white. Albino: An individual with a lack of coloring pigment in the skin eyes, and hair. “alba” sounds like “album”.8. peri-around. Pericardium: Peri (around) + cardium(heart). A fibroserous sac that surrounds the heart and the roots of the great vessels. “peri” sounds like “Perry”.9. nulli-none. Nullipara: Nulli (none) + para (childbirth). A woman who has not yet delivered an infant. “nulli” sounds like “no light”.10. alve- channel, cavity. Alveolitis: Alve (cavity) + ol (small) + itis (inflammation). An allergic inflammation of the alveoli.11.lacrim-tears. Lacrimal gland: Lacrim (tears) + -al (related to), The lacrimal gland secretes tears. “lacrim” sounds like “lake rim”12.lei-smooth. Leiodermia: Leio (smooth) + derm (skin) + ia (condition). Smooth skin. “leio” sounds like “lying”.13.nephr-kidney. Nephritis: Nephr (kidney) + -itis (inflammation). An inflammation of the kidney. “nephr” sounds like “nephew”.14.crypto-hidden. Cryptogenic: Crypto (hidden) + genic (origin). A disease whose origin is unknown. “crypto” sounds like “crept”15.aur-ear. Auricle: Aur (ear) + i + cle (small). The outer part of the ear. “auri” sounds like “oar”16. cry-cold. Cryotherapy: Cry (cold) + therapy . Treatment using cold. 17. dia-across. Diaphragm: Dia (cross) +phragm (muscular wall). The muscle that goes across the chest cavity. “dia” sounds like “diary”.18. eti-causing disease. Etiology: Eti (causing disease) + logy (study of). The study of the cause of disease. “eti” sounds like “eating”.19. bi-two. Binocular: Bi (two) + ocular (eye). Having two eyes. “bi” sounds like “bicycle”.20. meta-change of exchange. Metamorphosis: Meta (change) + morph (shape) + osis (condition). A change in shape. “meta” sounds like “ met a”.21. ex-outside, without. Exoskeleton: Ex (outside) + skeleton. The hard outer covering of many invertebrates.22. noct-night. Nocturia: Noct (night) + uria (urination). Excessive urination at night. “noct” sounds like “knock”.23. poly-many, much. Polymorphous: Poly (many) + morp (shape) + ous (relating to). Changing in structure or form at different stages. “poly” sounds like “police”.24. ecto- outside, misplaced. Ectoderm: Ecto (ouside) + derm (skin). The outer layer of cells in the embryo. “ecto” sounds like “octopus”25. myo-muscle. Myocardium: Myo (muscle) + card (heart) + ium. The muscle of the heart. “myo” sounds like “my O”26. brady-slow. Bradypnea: Brady (slow) + pnea (breathing). An abnormally slow rate of breathing. “brady” sounds like “braid”27. dys-painful or difficult. Dysmenorrhea: Dys (painful) + men (month) + rrhea (bursting forth). Painful menstruation. 28. trans-across, through. Transducer: Trans (through) + duc (lead) + er (agent of). An electronic device that sends and receives a soundwave signal.29. supra-above or over. Suprapatellar: Supra “above” + patell (kneecap) + ar (related to). Above the patella.30. eu-normal, well, good. Euthanasia: Eu (normal) + thanas (death) + ia (condition). Bringing about the death of someone with an incurable disease, in an attempt to alleviate suffering. “eu” sounds like “you”31. pan-all. Panacea: Pan (all) + acea (remedy).A remedy that is imagined to cure all ills.32. rhabdo-striated, rod shaped. Rhabdomyoma: Rhabdo (striated) + myo (muscle) + oma (tumor). A tumor of the striated muscle. “rhabdo” sounds like “rabbit”.33. scler-hard. Sclera: Scler (hard) + a (singular noun). The hard white membrane covering the front of the eye. “sclera” sound like “skull”34. ton-pressure, tension. Tonometer: Ton (pressure) + 0 + meter (instrument for measuring). An instrument that measures pressure in the eyeball. 35. sym-with, together. Symmetry: Sym syn (together) + metry (measure). A correspondence of body parts on both sides of the body.36. sub- under. Subcutaneous: Sub(under) + cutaneous (skin). Underneath the skin.37. hemi-half. Hemiplegia: Hemi (half) + plegia (paralysis). Paralysis of one side of the body. 38. pre-before. Prefrontal: Pre (before) + front (front) + al (related to). Related to extreme front of the brain.39. post-after, behind. Post Partum: Post (after) + Partum (birth). An example is post-partum care, or “after-birth” care.40. photo-light. Photophobia: Photo (light) + phobia (fear). An aversion to light.41. phon-voice sound. Phonation: Phon (voice) + ation (process). The production of speech sounds through the vibration of the voice cords.42. per-throughout. Percutaneous: Per (through) + cutaneous (skin). A procedure performed through the skin.43. neo-new. Neonate: Neo (new) + nate (birth). A newborn baby.44. multi-many. Multiparous: Multi (many) + par (birth) + -ous (relating to). Having given birth to more than one child.45. micro-small. Microsurgery: Micro (small) + surgery. Surgery on very small physical structures.46. intra-within, inside. Intravenous: Intra (inside) + venous (veins). Inside the veins.47. inter-between. Intercostal muscles: Inter (between) + cost (ribs) + al (related to) muscles. Between the ribs.48. hyp-below, not enough. Hypoglycemia: Hypo (below) + glyc (sugar) + emia (blood). Lowblood sugar.49. hyper-above or excessive. Hyperpnea: Hyper (excessive) + pnea (breathing). Abnormallyexcessive rapid breathing.50. epi-covering, on, upon. Epidemic: Epi (covering) + demic (people). Disease covering a largearea and many people.51. andr-male. Androgen: Andr (male) + gen (to produce). Any hormone that increases male characteristics.52. cyst-bladder or sac. Cystectomy: Cyst (bladder/sac) + ectomy (surgical removal). Surgicalremoval of all or part of the bladder.53. bio-life. Biopsy: Bio (life) + opsy (look at). The examination of a small piece of living tissue in order to establish a diagnosis.54. auto-self. Autoplasty: Auto (self) + plasty (to shape). Surgery in which parts of the patientsown tissues are used to replace other parts.55. an-without. Anemia: An (without) + emia (blood). A condition in which blood in absent, or there is not enough blood.SUFFIXES:56. -celeswelling, hernia. Cystocele: Cyst (bladder) + o + cele (swelling). A swelling of the tissue of the lung through an opening in the chest.57. -ectasextension, dilatation. Pharyngectasis: Pharyng (throat) + ectas (stretching). The expansion of the throat.58. -pexysurgical fixation. Cecopexy: Cec (cecum) + o + pexy (surgical fixation). Surgery thatreduces the movement of the cecum, or the first part of the large intestine.59. -scopyvisual examination. Rhinoscopy: Rhino (nose) + scopy (visual examination). The visualexamination of the interior passages of the nose.60. -plastysurgical repair. Otoplasty: Oto (ear) + plasty (surgical repair). Surgery performed on the external ear.61. -malaciasoftening of tissue. Osteomalacia: Osteo (bone) + malacia (softening). Softening of thebones.62. -opianearsightedness. Diplopia: (Dipl) (double) + opia (near sighted). Double-vision.63. -peniadeficiency. Leukopenia: Leuk (white) + o + penia (deficiency). Leukopenia is adeficiency of white blood cells.64. -coccusberry-shaped bacterium. Streptococcus: Strepto (twisted) + coccus (berry-shaped). A genus of cocus-type bacteria responsible for a wide range of human diseases. 65. -ptosisdropping, falling. Glossoptosis: Gloss (tongue) + o + ptosis (falling). Downwarddisplacement of the tongue.66. -plegiaparalysis. Hemiplegia: Hemi (half) + plegia (paralysis). Paralysis of one side of the body.67. -ectomysurgical removal. Mastectomy: Mast (breast) + ectomy (surgical removal). The surgical removal of a breast.68. -icianspecialist. Pediatrician: Ped (children) + iatr (treatment) + ician (specialist). A specialist in the treatment of children.69. -phobiafear. Claustrophobia: Claustro (closed) + phobia (fear). The fear of enclosed or confined spaces. 70. -rrhagebursting forth. Hemorrhage: Hemo (blood) + rrhage (bursting forth). Profuse bleeding.71. -phagiaeat, injest. Osteophagia: Osteo (bone) + phagia (consume). A process in which certain bone cells consume an rebuild bone tissue during growth and repair.72. -algiapain. Neuralgia: Neur (nerves) + algia (pain). Nerve pain.73. -metrymeasure. Geometry: Geo (earth) + metry (measure). Literally, the measurement of the earth.74. -asthenweakness. Phlebasthenia: Phleb (vein) + asthen (weakness) + ia (condition). Weakness of a vein.75. -itisinflammation. Adenitis: Aden (gland) + itis (inflammation). Inflammation of a gland.76. -osisa condition. Narcosis: Narc (drugs) + -osis (a condition). The condition of being drugged.77. -stenosisnarrowing or constriction. Aortic stenosis: The narrowing of the aorta of the heart.78. -poiesisformation or production. Leukopoesis: Leuk (white) + o + poesis (formation). The formation of white blood cells.79. -paresispartial paralysis. Hemiparesis: Hemi (half) + paresis (partial paralysis). Paralysis of one half of the body.80. -ostomysurgical opening. Tracheotomy: -otomy Trache (trachea) + otomy (to cut into). An opening through the neck into the trachea.81. -gramrecord, drawing. Mammogram: Mamm (breast) + o + gram (record). An x-ray recording the structures within the breast.82. -megalyenlarged. Cardiomegaly: Cardi (heart) + o + -megaly (enlarged). A condition in whichthe heart is enlarged.83. -metermeasuring instrument. Thermometer: Therm (heat) + o + meter (measuring instrument). An instrument for measuring temperature.84. -oidresembling. Mastoid: Mast (breast) + -oid (resembling). Resembling the breast.85. -dromemoving together. Syndrome: Syn (union) + drome (moving together). Signs and symptoms occurring together and having a common cause. 86. -graphrecord. Sonographer: Sono (sound) + graph (record) + er (one who does). A sonogramtechician.87. -lysisbreak down, detach. Dialysis: Dia (through) + lysis (separate of loosen). A procedure in which waste materials are removed from the blood of a person with advanced kidney disease.88. -phragmmuscular wall. Diaphragm: Dia (across) + phragm (muscular wall). The muscular wall that goes across the thoracic cavity just below the lungs.89. -olesmall. Bronchiole: Bronchi (air passage) + ole (small). The small airways of the respiratory system, form the larger bronchi into the lobes of the lung.90. -centesispuncture of cavity. Paracentesis: Para (through) + centesis (puncture of cavity). Any procedure in which fluid is withdrawn from a bodily cavity. 91. -critto separate. Hematocrit: Hemato (blood) + crit ( to separate). A measure of the packed cell volume of red blood cells.92. -clasiacrushing or breaking. Osteoclasia: Osteo (bone) + clas (crushing) + ia (diseased condition). The degeneration of bone through disease.93. -phasiaspeech. Dysphasia: Dys (bad) + phasia (speech). Difficulty in speaking.94. -ismstate or condition. Autism: Aut (self) + ism (a state or condition). A psychological state of extreme withdrawl.95. -stasisstoppage, control. Hemostasis. Hemo (blood) + stasis (stoppage). Stopping of blood flow. 96. -omaswelling or tumor. Carcinoma: Carcin (cancer) + oma (tumor). A cancerous tumor.97. path-disease, suffering. Pathogenesis: Path (disease) + o + genesis (origin). The origin of disease. 98. ren-kideny. Adrenal: Ad (toward) + ren (kidney) + al (pertaining to). Pertaining to theadrenal gland.99. pro-before, in front of. Progeria: Pro (before) + ger (old age) + -ia (diseased condition). Progeria means early aging.100. cortic-cortex or outside organ layers. Cortical: Cortic (outside organ layer) + al (relating to). Related to cortex - as in cortical fracture; a fracture of the outer layers of bone.ROOTS:101. kerathard, horny. Keratolysis: kerato (hard) + lysis (loosening). The loosening and shedding of the outer layer of the skin.102. strepto-twisted. Streptococcus: Strepto (twisted) + coccus (berry-shaped). A genus of round or spherical bacteria responsible for a wide range of human diseases.103. -tomecutting instrument. Osteotome: Osteo (bone) + tome (cutting instrument). A surgical instrument for cutting through bone.104. tricho-hair. Trichopathy: tricho (hair) + pathy (disease). Any disease involving the hair.105. hysteruterus. Hysterectomy: Hyster (uterus) + ectomy (surgical removal). The surgicalremoval of the uterus.106. myc-fungus. Dermatomycosis: Dermato (skin) + myc (fungus) + osis (condition). An infection of the skin.107. necr-dead. Necrosis: necr (dead) + osis (condition). The death of localized tissues resultingfrom illness or injury.108. onych-nail. Onychomycosis: onycho (nail) + myc (fungus) + osis (condition). A fungal infection of the nails.109. pachy-thick. Pachydactyly: Pachy (thick) + dactyly (fingers). An abnormal thickening of thefingers and toes.110. placent-organ that supports the fetus. Placental scan. Imagery used to locate the placenta anddetect bleeding.111. radiculnerve root. Radiculitis: Radicul (nerve root) + itis (inflammation). The inflammation of a spinal nerve root.112. cerebellposterior portion of brain.: Cerebellospinal: cerebell (the cerebellum) + o + spinal. Leading from the cerebellum to the spine.113. thymgland in chest. Thymosin: Thym (thymus gland) + osin (hormone). An immunologic hormone secreted by the thymus gland.114. splenspleen. Splenomegaly: Splen (the spleen) + o + megaly (enlargement). The abnormalenlargement of the spleen.115. thrombclot. Thrombbolytic: thromb (vein) + o + lyt (loosening) + ic (substance). A drug or other agent that dissolves clots.116. synovsynovial membrane. Synovitis: Synov (synovial membrane) + itis (inflammation). An inflammation of the synovial membrane.117. oophorovary. Oophorectomy: Oophor (ovary) + ectomy (surgical removal). The surgicalremoval of one or both ovaries.118. sternsternum, breastbone. Suprasternal: Supra (above) + stern (sternum) + al (related to). Above the sternum.119. pupillcenter of eye. Pupilloplegia: pupill (center of eye) + o + plegia (paralysis). Paralysis ofthe pupil.120. fibrfibers. Fibrin: A stringy blood protein formed during clotting.121. myelspinal cord. Myelodysplasia: myelo (spinal columnd) + dys (bad) + plasia (growth). Abnormalities of the lower spinal cord.122. myelbone marrow. Myelogram: myelo (bone marrow) + gram (record). A graphicrepresentation of the different kinds of cells in bone marrow.123. kyphhump. Kyphos: kyph (hump) + os (structure). The hump of the thoracic column.124. ischiischium or round portion of pelvis. Ischial spines: ischi (ischium) + al (related to) spines. Relating to the ischium.125. iliillium or bone of pelvis. Ilioinguinal: ilio (ilium) + inguin (groin) + al (related to). Relating to the hip and the groin regions126. cervicneck. Cervicodynia: cervico (neck) + dynia (pain). Pain in the neck.127. bursfibrous sac between tendons and bones. Bursitis: burs (fibrous sac between tendons and bones) + itis (inflammation). An inflammation of the bursa.128. fibulfibula, smaller of 2 shin bones. Fibular fracture: Fibul (fibula) + ar (related to) fracture. Relating to the fibula.129. diskcircular structure. Diskography: Disk (intervertebral disk) + o + graphy (recoding). Thex-ray examination of individual intervertebral disks.130. phalangbones of fingers and toes. Symphalangia: Sym (together) + phlang (bones of fingers of toes) + ia (diseased condition). A congenital abnormality in which fingers or toes are webbed together.131. vulvo- vagina. Vulvectomy: Vulv (structures covering the vagina) + ectomy (surgical removal). The removal of all or parts of the tissues of the vuvla.132. cec-1st portion of large intestine. Cecostomy: Cec (cecum) + ostomy (surgical incision). The surgical construction of an opening into the cecum.133. duoden-1st part of small intestine. Duodenal digestion: Duoden (duodenum) + al (related to)digestion.134. jejun2nd portion of small intestine. Jejunal feeding tube: Jejun (jejunum) + al (relating to). Atube inserted into the jejunum to help administer liquids. 135. ile3rd portion of small intestine. Ileal bypass: Ile (ileum) + al (related to) bypass. A surgical procedure to treat obesity.136. celiabdominal cavity. Celioma: Celi (abdominal cavity) + oma (tumor). A tumor in theabdominal area.137. pancreatpancreas or gland in abdomen that secretes insulin. Pancreatitis: Pancreat (pancreas) +itis (inflammation). Inflammation of the pancreas.138. palathard palate or roof of mouth. Palatine arch: Palat (palate) + ine (pertaining to) arch. The muscular structure forming the soft palate.139. polyp-small growth. Polypectomy: Polyp (small growth) + ectomy (surgical removal). Theremoval of any polyp in the digestive system.140. peritoneoperitoneum or membrane lining abdominal wall. Peritoneal fluid: Peritone (peritoneum) + al (relating to) fluid. A naturally produced fluid that lubricates the peritoneum.141. sonosound. Sonogram: Sono (sound) + gram (recording). Imaging body structures by recording the reflection of sound waves.142. ophthalmeye. Ophthalmologist: Ophthalmo (eye) + logist (one who studies), A physician whospecializes in eye treatment.143. sphygmpulse. Sphygmoid: Sphygm (pulse) + oid (resembling). Resembling a pulse.144. echo-reflected sound. Echocardiogram: Echo (reflected sound) + cardi (heart) + o + gram(recording). A recording of heart movements from ultrasound vibrations.145. ventriculsmall cavity. Ventricular hypertrophy: Ventricul (small cavity) + ar (relating to)hypertrophy. Relating to the ventricles, an abnormal enlargement of the ventricles.146. tarsankle. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrom: Tars (ankle) + al (related to) tunnel syndrome. Relating to the tarsals.147. blephareyelid. Blepharitis: Blephar (eyelid) + itis (inflammation). Inflammation of the eyelid.148. dacrytears. Dacryadenitis: Dacry (tears) + aden (gland) + itis (inflammation).149. stape-3rd bone in middle ear. Stapedectomy: stapes (third bone - ear) + d + ectomy (surgical removal). Surgical removal of the stapes.150. myringeardrum. Myringitis: Myring (eardrum) + itis (inflammation). Inflammation of theeardrum.151. labyrinthmaze-like inner ear. Labyrinthitis: labyrinth (maze-like inner ear) + -itis (inflammation). Inflammation of the labyrinth.152. retinback of eye. Retinitis: retins (retina) + itis (inflammation). Inflammation of the retina.153. renkidney. Renal: ren (kidney) + -al (relating to). Relating to the kindney –as in the renalartery.154. pyelcollection area inside kidney. Pyelitis: Pyel (kidney collection area) + -it is (inflammation). An inflammation of the pelvis of the kindey area.155. gencause, become. Pathogenesis: Patho (disease) + gen (cause) + esis (condition). Theorigin of a disease.156. oligfew. Oliguria: Olig (few) + uria (urination). The diminished capacity to form and passurine.157. glycsugar. Hypoglycemia: Hypo ( low) + glyco (sugar) + -emia (blood condition). Low blood sugar.158. dipsthirst, condition of. Dipsomania: Dips (thirst) + o + mania (madness). The craving foralcoholic beverages, or alcoholism.159. sialsaliva. Sialorrhea: Sialo (saliva) + rrhea (flow). An excessive flow of saliva.160. menegg month, menses. Menopause: Meno (month, menses) + pause (stop). Cessation of menses.161. iatrtreatment or physician. Pediatric: Ped (children) + iatr (treatment) + ic (related to). The treatment of children.162. gnosisknowledge. Prognosis: Pro (before) + gnosis (knowledge). Knowledge of how and when a patient will recover.163. optvision. Optician: Opt (vision) + -ician (specialist). A person who makes, fits, or sells eyewear. 164. tonsillsmall masses of tissue in pharynx. Tonsillits: Tonsill ( tonsils) + itis (inflammation). An inflammation of the tonsils.165. viscerinternal organs. Visceral: Viscer (internal organs) + -al (relating to). Relating to the viscera, as in visceral cavity – the space in the abdomen containing the internal organs.166. somatbody. Somatotrophic: Somat (body) + o + trop (nourishment) + ic (relating to). Relating to the growth of the body, as in somatrophic hormone or growth hormone.167. plasiaformation or development. Hyperplasia: Hyper (excessive) + plasia (formation). Hyperplasia means an increase in the number of cells in the body.168. sarcflesh. Sarcoma: Sarc (flesh) + -oma (tumor). A cancerous tumor.169. tripsysurgical crushing. Lithotripsy: Lith (stone) + o + tripsy (surgical crushing). The surgical crushing of kidney stones.170. lithstone. Lithiasis: Lith (stone) + -iasis (condition). The formation of calculi, or stones, in the organs of the body, such as kidney stones.171. physinature. Physiology: Physi (nature) + ology (the study of). The study of the nature of the human body.172. spondylvertebrae. Spondylosis: Spondyl (vertebrae) + osis (condition). A condition in which the spinal vertebrae are fixed or stiff.173. laparabdomen. Laparotomy: Laparo (abdomen) + tomy (surgical incision). An incision into the abdominal cavity, usually exploratory.174. ormouth. Oral temperature: Or (mouth) + al (relating to) temperature. Relating to the mouth.175. stomatmouth. Stomatitis: Stomat (mouth) + tis (inflammation). Any inflammation of the mouth.176. cheillips. Cheilosis: Cheil (lips) + osis (condition). A scaly condition of the mouth and lips.177. gingivgums. Gingivitis: Gingiv (gums) + itis (inflammation). Inflammation and bleeding of the gums.178. glosstongue. Glossopathy: Glosso ( tongue) + pathy (disease). Any abnormal or diseased condition of the tongue.179. pseudfalse. Pseudocyesis: Pseud (false) + o + cyesis (pregnancy). A condition in which a woman believes she is pregnant when she is not. 180. meatusopening, tunnel. Urinary meatus: The exterior of the urethra. 181. encephalbrain. Encephalitis: En(in) + cephal in) + itis (inflammation). An inflammatory condition of the brain, cause by a viral infection.182. poliogray matter of brain. Poliomyelitis: Polio (gray matter) + myel (marrow) + itis (inflammation). An infectious viral disease with symptoms ranging from mild to severe paralysis.183. gangligroups of nerves. Ganglion: Gangli (groups of nerves) + on (unit). A mass of nerves.184. -edemexcessive fluid. Edematous: Edema (swelling of fluid) + tous (condition of).185. ischdeficiency of blockage. Ischemia: Isch (blocked) + emia (blood condition). A condition in which the supply of oxygen to a part of the body is blocked. 186. keratcornea. Keratectomy: Kerat (conrea) + -ectomy (surgical removal). The surgical removal of part of the cornea.187. lingutongue. Lingual frenum: (Lingu (tongue) + al (relating to) frenum. The band of tissue from the tongue to the floor of the mouth.188. oviegg. Oviduct: Ovi (egg) + duct (lead). The tubes leading from the ovaries to the uterus.189. oculeye. Ocular: Ocul (eye) + ar (relating to).190. lymphlymphatic system. Lymphoma: Lymph (lymphatic system) + oma (tumor). A cancerous tumor of the lymphatic system. 191. pneumonlungs or the air. Pneumonia: Pneumon (lungs) + ia (condition). An acute inflammation of the lungs. 192. oto-ear. Otoplasty: Oto (ear) + -plasty (surgery). Surgery performed on the external ear.193. plasmcell or tissue substance. Plasma: Plasm (cell) + -a. The fluid portion of the lymph and blood.194. vasvessel. Vasodilator: Vaso (vessel) + dilat (open) + or (agent of). An agent that causes the dilation, or opening, of blood vessels.195. psychmind. Psychology: Psych (mind) + o + logy (the study of). The study of the mind.206. rhinnose. Rhinoplasty: Rhino (nose) + plasty (surgical repair). Plastic surgery which changes the structure of the nose.197. angiblood vessel. Angiogram: Angio (blood vessel) + gram (recorder). A radiographic image of a blood vessel.198. arthrjoint. Arthritis: Arthr (joint) + itis (inflammation). An inflammatory condition of the joints.199. atherfats or lipids. Atherectomy: Ather (fat or lipids) + ectomy (surgical removal). The surgical removal of fatty plaque from the wall of an artery.200. iridiris of the eye. Iridoplegia: Irid (iris) + plegia (paralysis). Paralysis of the sphincter muscle of the iris. 201. enterintestines. Enteritis: Enter (intestines) + itis (inflammation). Inflammation of the lining of the small intestine. 202. gastrstomach. Gastrointestinal: Gastro (stomach) + intestin + al (relating to). Having to do with any of the organs of digestion, from the mouth to the anus.203. gynfemale. Gynecology: Gyneco (female) + logy (study of). The study of the female reproductive organs.204. hepatliver. Hepatitis: Hepat (liver) + itis (inflammation). An inflammation of the liver.205. heterdifferent, another. Heterosexual: Hetero (different) + sexual. A person whose sexual preference is for people of the opposite sex.206. hydrwater. Hydronephrosis: Hydro (water) + nephr (kidney) + -osis (condition). Distention of the kidney due to an obstruction that prevents urination. 207. karynucleus of the cell. Karyotype: Kary (nucleus of a cell) + o + type (characteristic). A diagram of the total chromosomes of an individual or a species.208. monone. Mononucleosis: Mono (one ) + o + nucle (nucleus) + osis (condition). An abnormal increase in the number of mononuclear leukocytes in the blood. 209. neuronerve. Neuromuscular: Neuro (nerve) + muscul (muscle) + ar (related to). Relating to the nerves and the muscles.210. osteobone. Osteoporosis: Osteo (bone) + por (pores) + osis (condition). A disorder in which bones become porous and brittle.211. femurthigh bone. Femoral artery: Femor (thigh bone) + al (relating to) artery. Relating to the femur.212. esthesifeeling or perception. Anesthesia: An (not) + esthes (feeling or perception) + ia (condition). The absence of normal sensation, usually induced for medical purposes.213. meningmembrane. Meningitis: Mening (the meninges) + itis (inflammation). An inflammation or the infection of the menginges, usually caused by bacterial infection.214. craniskull. Cranial nerves: Crani (skull) + al (related to) nerves. Relating to the cranium.215. stethchest. Stethoscope: Steth (chest) + o + scope (instrument for examining). An instrument used to help in hearing chest sounds.216. durhard. Dura mater: Dur (hard) + a (singular noun) + mater (cover). The outermost and most fibrous of the 3 membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.217. phlebvein. Phlebotomy: Phleb (vein) + otomy (surgical incision). The surgical incision of a vein for the letting of blood.218. polypgrowth. Polyposis: Polyp (growth) + osis (condition). An abnormal condition with numerous polyps on a body part.219. coronheart. Coronary bypass: Coron (the heart) + ary (related to) bypass. Open heart surgery in which a section of blood vessel is used to bypass damage in a coronary artery.220. dipltwo or double. Diplopia: Dipl (double) + opia (vision). Double vision.221. prostatemale reproductive system gland. Prostatectomy: Prostate (prostate) + ectomy (surgical removal). The surgical removal of all or part of the prostate gland.222. testmale reproductive gland. Testes: Test (male reproductive gland) + es (plural). The pair of male reproductive gonads in which sperm is produced.223. spermatmale germ cell. Spermatocide: Spermato (male germ cell) + cide (kill). A chemical substance that kills sperm.224. orchidtesticle. Orchidopexy: Orchido (testicle) + pexy (surgical fixation). An operation to mobilize an undescended testes.225. scrotumbag of skin containing testes. Scrotal raphe: Scrot (scrotum) + al (related to) raphe. The line of union of the two halves of the scrotum.226. uteruterus womb. Uterotomy: Uter (uterus) + o + tomy (surgical incision). A surgical incision, such as a cesarean section.227. cerviccervix, narrow portion of the uterus. Cervicitis: Cervix (cervix) + itis (inflammation). An inflammation of the uterus.228. vagincanal leading from uterus outside of body. Vaginal speculum. Vagin (vagina) + al (related to) speculum. Relating to the vagina. The instrument used to inspect the vaginal cavity.229. colpovagina. Colposcope: Colpo (vagina) + scope (instrument for viewing). A lighted instrument for examination of the vagina and the cervix.230. oscheopertaining to the scrotum. Oscheoma: Osche (scrotum) + oma (tumor). A tumor within the scrotum. ................

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