Wernickes aphasia treatment


Wernickes aphasia treatment

How to treat wernicke's aphasia. Wernicke's aphasia treatment plan. Wernicke's aphasia treatment asha. Wernicke's aphasia treatment slp. Wernicke's aphasia treatment activities. Best treatment for wernicke's aphasia. Is wernicke's aphasia curable. Wernicke's aphasia treatment.

Inability to use the spoken language for other uses, see Aphasia (disambiguation). Don't be confused with Aphagia. Medical condiacamerizations of the left hemisphere that can give rise to aphasia when damaged [1] Pronunciation / ? ? ?"fe¨¦a?? ? /, / ? ? ?"fe¨¦?azi¨¦ ? / o ?"fe¨¦?azi¨¦ ? ? / o / E¨¦?a?"fe¨¦?azi¨¦? / SpecialTyneurology, PsychiatrytreatmentsSpeech Therapy Aphasia is an inability to understand or formulate a language due to damage to specific regions of the brain. [2] The main causes are a stroke or head trauma. Aphasia can also be the result of brain tumors, brain infections or neurodegenerative diseases, but the latter are much less prevalent. [3] To be diagnosed with Aphasia, a person's speech or language must be significantly impaired in one (or more) of the four aspects of communication as a result of acquired brain injury. Alternatively, in the case of progressive aphasia, it should be significantly decreased for a short period of time. The four aspects of communication are auditory comprehension, verbal expression, reading and writing, and functional communication. Difficulties of people with aphasia can range from occasional problems finding words, to losing the ability to speak, read or write; Intelligence, however, is not affected. [3] Expressive language and receptive language can also be affected. Aphasia also affects visual language as sign language. [2] On the contrary, the use of formulae expressions in daily communication is often preserved. [4] For example, while a person with aphasia, particularly expressive aphasia (Expressive Aphasia (Broca's Aphasia), may not be able to ask a loved one when their birthday is, may still be able to sing "Happy Birthday." A prevalent deficit in aphasia is anomia, which is a difficulty in finding the correct word. [5]: ? ? ? ? ?72 ? with aphasia, one or more modes of communication in the brain have been damaged and are therefore functioning incorrectly. Aphasia is not caused by brain damage which results in motor or sensory deficits, which produces abnormal speech; That is, aphasia is not related to the mechanisms of speech but rather to the individual's linguistic knowledge (although a person may have both problems, especially if they have suffered a hemorrhage that has damaged a large area of the brain). An individual's "language" is the socially shared set of rules, as well as the thought processes behind verbalized speech. It is not the result of a more peripheral motor or sensory difficulty, such as paralysis affecting the muscles of speech or a general impairment of hearing. Aphasia affects about 2 million people in the United States and 250,000 people in Britain. [6] Nearly 180,000 people acquire the disorder every year in the United States alone. [7] Anyone of any age can develop aphasia, as it is often caused by a traumatic injury. However, people who are middle-aged and older are the most likely to acquire aphasia, as other aetiologies are more likely in older ages.; [8] For example, about 75% of all traits occur in individuals over the age of 65. [9] Accounts for the most documented cases of aphasia: [10] 25% to ?40% of people who survive a stroke develop aphasia due to damage to the brain's language processing regions. [11] Aphasia and dysphasia Technically, dysphasia means impaired language and aphasia means lack of language. There have been calls to use the term "aphasia" regardless of severity. Reasons for doing so include dysphasia easily confused with the disgust of swallowing dysphagia, the and vocal pathologists who prefer the term Aphasia and many languages other than English to a word similar to Aphasia. [12] It would seem that the term "aphasia" is more commonly encountered in North America, while "dysphasia" has been more commonly found in British literature [13] [14] Signs and Symptoms People with aphasia may experience one of the following behaviors due to an acquired brain injury, although some of these symptoms may be due to: problems, such as dysarthria or apraxia, and not primarily due to aphsia. Symptoms of aphasia may vary depending on the location of damage in the brain. Signs and symptoms may or may not be present in individuals with aphasia and may vary in severity and level of communication interruption. [15] Often those with aphasia will try to hide their inability to name objects using words like something. So when asked to name a pencil they can say it's a thing used to write. Inability to understand language Inability to pronounce, not due to muscular palsy or weakness Inability to speak spontaneously Inability to form words Inability to name objects (anomia) Poor enunciation Excessive creation and use of personal neologisms Inability to speak repeating a sentence Persistent repetition of a sibbling, word, or phrase (stereotypies, recurrence/recurrent) Given the signs and symptoms above, the following behaviors are often seen in people with aphasia due to an attempt to compensate for sustained language and language deficits: Self-repairs: Additional disorders in fluent speech due to mistakes-attempts to repair speech production Erred. [17] Speech Disfluenza: Include the aforementioned disfluenza, including repetitions and prolongations at the phonemic level, syllable and word presenting at pathological/frequency levels. Struggle in non-fluent aphasia: A sharp increase in expelled effort to speak after a lifetime in which speaking and communicating was an ability that came so easily can cause visible frustration. Confidential and Automatic Language: A behavior in which some language or language sequences that have been used so frequently before the beginning are still produced more easily than other language post sequences. Poor vision (Oral Dysmorphia): Usually characterized by tingling between arms and legs, and sometimes heart disorders. [5]: 75?76 Subcortical characteristics and symptoms depend on the site and size of the subcortical lesion. Possible sites of lesions include the thalamus, inner capsule and basal ganglia. Aphasia causes are most often caused by stroke, where about a quarter of patients who experience an acute stroke develop aphasia. [18] However, any disease or damage to parts of the brain that language controls can cause aphsia. Some of these may include brain tumors, traumatic brain injury, and progressive neurological disorders. [19] In rare cases, aphasia can also result from herpesviral encephalitis. [20] Herpes simplex virus affects the frontal and temporal lobes, subcortical structures and hippocampal tissue, which can trigger aphsia. [21] In acute disorders, such as head injury or stroke, aphasia usually develops rapidly. When caused by brain cancer, infection, or dementia, it develops slower. [3][22] Substantial tissue damage in any part of the blue region (as shown in the information box above) can potentially cause aphsia. [1] Aphasia can also sometimes be caused by damage to the deep subcortical structures within the left hemisphere, including the thalamus, the inner and outer capsules, and the caudate nucleus of the basal ganglia.[23][24] The area and extent of brain damage or atrophy will determine the type of aphasia and its symptoms. [3][22] A very small number of people can experience aphasia after damage to the right hemisphere only. It has been suggested that these individuals may have had an unusual brain organization prior to their illness or injury, with perhaps greater overall dependence on the right hemisphere for language skillsin the general population.[25][26] Primary progressive aphasia (PPA), while its name may be misleading, is actually a form of dementia that has some symptoms closely related to different forms of aphasia. It is characterized by a progressive loss of language functioning while other cognitive domains are mostly preserved, such as memory and personality. PPA usually begins with sudden difficulty of word-finding in an individual and progresses to a reduced ability to formulate grammatically correct phrases (syntax) and compromised understanding. PPA etiology is not due to a stroke, brain trauma (TBI), or an infectious disease; is still uncertain what starts the start of the PPA in those affected by it. [27] Epilepsy may also include transient aphasia as a prodromic or episodic symptom. [28] Aphasia is also listed as a rare side effect of the fentanyl patch, a opioid used to control chronic pain. [29] The Aphasia classification is best considered as a collection of different disorders, rather than a single problem. Each individual with aphasia will present with his own particular combination of forces and linguistic weaknesses. As a result, it is a great challenge only to document the various difficulties that can occur in different people, let alone decide how best to be treated. Most aphasia classifications tend to divide the various symptoms into large classes. A common approach is to distinguish between fluent aphasias (where the speech remains fluent, but the content may fail, and the person may have difficulty understanding others), and non-fluent aphasias (where the discourse is very halving and laborious, and may consist of one or two words at a time). [citation required] However, no grouping based on this broad has proved fully adequate. There is wide variation between people even within the same broad group, and aphaesys can be highly selective. For example, people with denomination deficits (anomic aphasia) may show an inability only for names of buildings, or people, or colors. [30] It is important to note that there are typical difficulties with the word and language that also come with normal aging. As we age, language can become more difficult to process, resulting in slowing down verbal understanding, readability and difficulty finding more likely words. With each of these however, unlike some afasia, functionality within everyday life remains intact. [5]: 7 Boston Main characteristics of different types of aphasia according to the Boston classification[31][32] Type of aphasia Voice repeating Fluency Aphasia expressive (fasia of Breca) Moderator-sempre moderate Afasia sensitive, demanding, slow (fasia of Wernicke) For example, someone with receptive aphasia can say, "delightly cut", which means "The dog must go out so that it will take him for a walk". They have poor hearing and reading, and fluent, but not sensitive, oral and written. Individuals with receptive aphasia usually have great difficulty in understanding the speech of themselves and others and are, therefore, often unaware of their errors. Usually theLinguistics receptive derive from injuries to the back of the left hemisphere in the Wernicke area [5] [33]: 71 It often the result of a thunderstorm trauma of the brain, in particular damage to the area of wernicke. [34] trauma can be the result of a number of problems, however it is more commonly seen as a result of stroke[35] individuals with expressive aphasia (braca aphasia) frequently speak short and meaningful phrases that are produced with great effort. is characterized as well as a non-fluent aphasia. the affected people often omit small words like is, and, and the. For example, a person with expressive aphasia can say, "walking dog," which could mean "take the dog for a walk," "take the dog for a walk" or even "the dog is ocyted from the courtyard." individuals with expressive aphasia are able to understand the speech of others at varying degrees. Because of this, they are often aware of their difficulties and can become easily frustrated by their conversation problems. [36] While broca aphasia may seem a problem only with language production, the evidence suggests that it can be rooted in an inability to process syntactic information. [37] individuals with expressive aphasia may have an automatism of word (also called repetition or recurring pronunciation. these automatisms of speech can be repeated automatism of the lexical speech; For example, the '(I can't,. I can't',.) the 'expletives/swearwords, the '(one two, one two') numbers or the non-lexical expressions composed by repeated, legal but meaningless, consonanti-vowel sillables (e.g.,/tan). in serious cases, the individual can be able to pronounce only the same automatism speech every time they try the speech. [38] individuals with anomic aphasia have difficulty in appointing. people with this aphasia may have difficulty in naming certain words, related by their grammar type (for example, difficulty in appointing verbs and not substantives) or by their semantic category (for example, difficulty in naming words about photography but nothing else) or a more general difficulty in naming. people tend to produce grammar, but empty, speech. hearing comprehension tends to be preserved. [citation required] anomic aphasia is the aphasal presentation of tumors in the linguistic area; is the afasial presentation of alzheimer disease. [39] anomic aphasia is the most mild form of aphasia, indicating a likely possibility of better recovery.[40] individuals with transcortical sensory aphasia, in principle the most general and potentially among the most complex forms of aphasia, may have similar deficits as in receptive aphasia, but their ability to repetition may remain intact. global aphasia is considered a serious deterioration in many linguistic aspects, since it affects expressive and receptive language, reading and writing. [41] Despite these many deficits, there is evidence that individuals have benefited from speech therapy. [42] Although individuals with global afasia will not become competent speakers, listeners, writers or readers, goals can be created to improve the quality of the individual's life. [36] individuals with global aphasia usually respond well to the treatment that includes relevant personal information, which is also important to consider for therapy. [36] individuals with conduction aphasia have deficits in the links between understanding speech and speech production areas. this could be caused by damage to the arcuate file, the structure that transmits information between the wernicke area and the broca area. similar symptoms, however, may be present after damage to the insula or to the hearing cortex. hearing comprehension is almost normal, and oral expression is fluent with occasional paraphaxic errors. Paraphasic errors include phonemic/letter orThe repetition capacity is poor. Conduction and transcortical aphases are caused by damage to the white matter. These aphasias save the cortex of language centers, but instead create a disconnection between them. Conduction aphasia is caused by damage to the arcuate file. The arcuate file is a stretch of white matter that connectsAnd the Wernicke areas. People with drugs of conduction typically have a good understanding of the language, but a little repetition of the speech and mild difficulty with the production of words and words. People with drugs of conduction are generally aware of their mistakes. [36] Two forms of drugs were described: Aphasia of conduction of reproduction (appeal of a relatively unfamiliar multisyllabic word) and aphasia of repetition conduction (resort of short non-connected family words [43] AFASIA motor transcortical, aphasia Transcortical sensory and mista transcortical aphasia. People with muty transcortical aphasia generally have an intact understanding and awareness of their mistakes, but poor search for words and word production. People with sensory and mixed transcortical deviations have little understanding and unconsciousness of theirs Errors. [36] Despite the poor understanding and the most serious deficits in some aphasia transcorticals, small studies have indicated that complete recovery is possible for all types of transcortical aphasia. [44] Classic-locating approaches Cortex LocationIZationist aim at Classify aphasia according to their main features of Present Action and the brain regions that probably gave rise to them. [45] [46] Inspired by the first works of the 19th century Neurologists Paul Broca and Carl Wernicke, these approaches identify two main subtypes of aphasia and several subtypes more minor: aphasia Expressive (also known as "Fasia Motoria" or "Fasia di Breca"), which is characterized by an outraged, fragmented, demanding, but well-preserved speech with respect to expression. The damage is typically in the front of the left hemisphere, [47] in particular in the Broca area. Individuals with the aphasia of Broca often have weakness or right paralysis of the arm and leg, because the left frontal lobe is also important for body movement, particularly on the right side. Appetitive aphasia (also known as "sensory phasia" or "Fasia di Wernicke"), which is characterized by a flowing speech, but from difficulty of understanding words and phrases. Although flowing, the speech can be missed in key substantial words (names, verbs, adjectives), and can contain incorrect words or even absurd words. This subtype was associated with damage to the rear left time bark, in particular the Wernicke area. These individuals usually do not have a weakness of the body, because their brain injury is not close to the parts of the brain that control movement. Afasia of conduction, where the speech remains flowing, and understanding is preserved, but the person can have disproportionate difficulties in which repeted words or phrases. The damage generally involves the arched file and the left parietal region. [47] AFASIA motor transcortical and sensory afasia transcortical, which are similar respectively to Broca and Wernicke's emphasis, but the ability to repeat words and phrases is disproportionately preserved. Recent classification schemes that adopt this approach, such as the BostonNeoclassical model, [45] also group these classical aphasia subtypes in two larger classes: non-flowing aphasia (which includes the aphasia of Broca and the Motoria Transcortical Motoria ) and flowing aphasia (which includes Wernicke's aphasia, conduction afsia and sensory transcortical afsia). These schemes also identify several subtypes of further aphasia, including: anomic aphasia, which is characterized by a selective difficulty find the names for things; And global afsia, where both the expression and understanding of the speech are seriously compromised. Many localizing approaches also recognize the existence of additional forms, more "as well" of linguistic disorder that can only affect a single ability [48] For example, in pure alexia, a person can be able to write but not read, and in pure deafness, can be able to produce speech and read, but not understand the speech whenHe is spoken to them. Cognitive Neuropsychological Approaches Although localization approaches provide a useful way to classify different patterns of language difficulties into large groups, one problem is that a considerable number of individuals do not fit perfectly into one category or another. [49] [50]. [49] [50]. Another problem is that the categories, especially the main ones such as Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia, are still fairly broad. As a result, even among individuals who meet the criteria for classification into a subtype, there can be enormous variability in the types of difficulties they experience. [Quote required] Instead of categorizing each individual into a specific subtype, neuropsychological cognitive approaches aim to identify the key language skills or "modules" that do not work properly in each individual. A person could potentially have difficulty with just one module or with a number of modules. This type of approach requires a framework or theory on which skills/modules are needed to perform different types of language activities. For example, Max Coltheart's model identifies a module that recognizes phonemes as they are spoken, which is essential for any task involving word recognition. Similarly, there is a module that memorizes the phonemes that the person is planning to produce in speech and this module is essential for any task involving the production of long words or long strings of speech. Once a theoretical structure has been established, the functioning of each module can then be evaluated using a specific test or a set of tests. In the clinical setting, the use of this model usually involves conducting a battery of assessments, [51] [52] each of which tests one or a number of these modules. Once a diagnosis is reached, with regard to skills/modules in which the most significant loss of value is found, therapy can proceed to treat these skills. Progressive aphasia Primary aphasia Progressive Aphasia (PPA) is a neurodegenerative focal dementia that can be associated with progressive diseases or dementia, such as dementia of frontotemporal / take complex motor neuron disease, progressive supranuclear paralysis, and Alzheimer's disease, which is the progressive process of progressively losing the ability to think. The gradual loss of language function occurs in the context of relatively well-preserved memory, visual processing and personality up to the advanced stages. Symptoms usually start with word search problems (denomination) and progress to compromised grammar (syntax) and comprehension (phrase processing and semantics). The loss of language before memory loss differentiates PPA from typical dementia. People who suffer from PPA may have difficulty understanding what others are saying. They may also have difficulty trying to find the right words to make a sentence. [53] [54] [55] There are three classifications of Primary Progressive Aphasia: Non-fluid Progressive Aphasia (PNFA), Semantic Dementia (SD) and Logopenic Progressive Aphasia (LPA). [55] [56] Progressive Jargon Aphasia [quotation required] is a fluid or receptive aphasia in which the person's speech is incomprehensible, but seems to make sense to them. The speech is fluent and effortless with the syntax and grammar intact, but the person has problems with the selection of nouns. They will either replace the desired word with another one that sounds or resembles the original one or has some other connection or replace it with sounds. As such, people with aphasia jargon often use neologisms and can persevere if they try to replace words they can't find the sounds. The substitutions commonly involve collecting another word (effective) starting with the same sound (eg clocktower - colanbanning), collecting another semantically related to the first (for example, letter - scrolling) or by collecting a phonetically similar to the expected ( For example, lanes - late). Deaf Aphasia There have been many cases that show that there is a form of aphasia between deaf individuals. The languages of the signs are, they are, all forms of language that have been shown to use the same areas of the brain as verbal forms of language. Mirror neurons are activated when an animal acts in a particular way or observes another individual act in the same way. These mirror neurons are important in giving an individual the ability to mimic hand movements. The production area of Broca's speech has been shown to contain several of these mirror neurons, resulting in significant similarity of brain activity between sign language and voice communication. Facial communication is a significant part of how animals interact with each other. Human beings use facial movements to create, what other human beings perceive, to be faces of emotions. Combining these facial movements with speech creates a fuller form of language that allows the species to interact with a much more complex and detailed form of communication. Sign language also uses these movements and facial emotions along with the main hand's mode of movement to communicate. These forms of facial communication come from the same areas of the brain. When it comes to damage to certain areas of the brain, vocal forms of communication are at risk of severe forms of aphasia. Because these same areas of the brain are used for sign language, these same, at least very similar, forms of aphasia can show in the deaf community. Individuals may show a form of Wernicke aphasia with sign language and show deficits in their ability to produce any form of expression. Broca's aphasia also occurs in some people. These individuals find it extremely difficult to actually sign the linguistic concepts they are trying to express. [57] Severity The severity of the type of aphasia varies depending on the size of the blow. However, there is a lot of variance between how often a type of gravity occurs in some types of aphasia. For example, any type of aphasia can vary from mild to profound. Regardless of the severity of aphasia, people can make improvements due to spontaneous recovery and treatment in the acute stages of recovery. [58] Moreover, while most studies suggest that the greatest outcomes occur in people with severe aphasia when treatment is provided in the acute stages of recovery, Robey (1998) also found that those with severe aphasia are able to make strong language gains in the chronic stage of recovery as well. [58] This result implies that people with aphasia have the potential to have functional outcomes, regardless of how severe their aphasia may be.[58] While there is no distinct model of aphasia outcomes based on gravity alone, global aphasia generally makes functional language gains, but it can be gradual as global aphasia results. affects many linguistic areas. Cognitive Impairments in Aphasia While aphasia has traditionally been described in terms of language deficits, there is increasing evidence that many people with aphasia commonly experience co-occupants with non-linguistic cognitive deficits in areas such as attention, memory, executive functions, and learning.[60][61] By some accounts, Cognitive deficits such as attention and working memory are the underlying cause of language deficits in people with aphasia. [62] Others suggest that deficits often co-occur but are comparable to cognitive deficits in stroke patients without aphasia and reflect general brain dysfunction after injury. [63] The extent to which attention deficits and other cognitive domains subject language deficits in aphasia is not yet clear. [64] In particular, people with often demonstrate short-term memory deficits and work. [61] These deficits may occur both in verbal domain[65][66] and in visuospatial domain. [67] Moreover, these deficits are often associated with performance on specific tasks of language such as name, lexical processing and understanding of phrase, and speech speechOther studies have found that most, but not all, people with aphasia demonstrate performance deficits on attention tasks and their performance on these tasks is correlated with language performance and cognitive ability in other domains. [61] Patients with mild aphasia, who score close to the ceiling on speech tests often show slower response times and interference effects in nonverbal attention ability. [71] In addition to short-term memory, working memory and attention deficits, people with Aphasia may also demonstrate deficits in executive function. [72] For example, people with aphasia may demonstrate deficits in initiation, planning, self-monitoring, and cognitive flexibility. [73] Other studies have found that people with aphasia show reduced speed and efficiency during completion of executive function assessments [74]. [74] Regardless of their role in the underlying nature of aphasia, cognitive deficits play a clear role in the study and rehabilitation of aphasia. For example, the severity of cognitive deficits in people with Aphasia has been associated with better quality of life, even more so than the severity of language deficits. [75] In addition, cognitive deficits can influence the learning process of rehabilitation [76] [77] and outcomes of language treatment in Aphasia. [78] [79] Non-linguistic cognitive deficits have also been the target of interventions aimed at improving language skills, although the results are not definitive. [80] While some studies have shown improvement in language secondary to cognitive-focused treatment, [81] others have found little evidence that the treatment of cognitive deficits in people with aphasia has an influence on language outcomes. [82] An important caveat in measuring and treating cognitive deficits in people with Aphasia is the extent to which cognitive assessments rely on language skills for successful performance. [83] Most studies have attempted to circumvent this challenge by using nonverbal cognitive assessments to assess cognitive ability in people with aphasia. However, the extent to which these tasks are truly "non-verbal" and not mediated by language is unclear. [64] For example, Wall et al. [68] Found that language and non-linguistic performance were correlated, except when non-linguistic performance was measured by "real life" cognitive tasks. Prevention of aphasia aphasia is largely caused by unavoidable cases. However, some precautions may be taken to reduce the risk of experiencing one of the two main causes of aphasia: stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI). To reduce the likelihood of having an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, you should take the following precautions: exercise regularly eating a healthy diet, avoiding cholesterol, especially keeping alcohol consumption low, and avoiding smoking for blood pressure control [84] going to the emergency room right away If you start experimenting with extremity Unilateral (especially the leg) swelling, heat, redness and/or tenderness as these are symptoms of a deep vein thrombosis that can lead to a stroke [85] to prevent aphasia due to traumatic injuries, take safe precautionary measures When engaging in hazardous activities such as: wear a helmet when using a bicycle, engine cycle, ATV or any other moving vehicle that could potentially be involved in an accident wearing a seat belt while driving or driving in a car wearing adequate protective equipment When playing contact sports, especially football Rugby and hockey, or abstaining from such activities by minimizing the use of anticoagulants (including aspirin) If possible as they increase the risk of bleeding after a head injury [86] additionally, medical care should always be sought after after support of head injury due to a fall or accident. Before you receive medical attention for a traumatic brain injury, you are less likely to experience long-term or severe effects. [87] Management during the uprising Afasia, according to Bakheit et al. (2007), the lack of awareness of linguistic impairments, a common characteristic of Wernicke's fee, can affect the rate and extension of therapy results [88]. Robey (1998) determined that at least 2 hours of treatment per week is recommended to make significant linguistic earnings. [58] Spontaneous recovery can cause some linguistic earnings, but without language therapy of language, the results can be strong meter like those with therapy. [58] When dealing with the aphasia of Broca, the best results occur when the person participates in therapy and treatment is more effective than any treatment for people in the acute period. [58] Two or more hours of therapy per week in acute and post-acute phases produced greater results. [58] High intensity therapy was more effective and low intensity therapy was almost equivalent to any therapy. [58] People with global aphasia are sometimes mentioned as having an irreversible aphasic syndrome, often making limited gains in hearing understanding and recovery of functional linguistic mode with therapy. With this saying, people with global aphasia can preserve the competence of gestural communication that can allow success when communicating with conversational partners in family conditions. Process-oriented treatment options are limited and people may not become competent language users such as readers, listeners, writers or speakers, no matter how extended therapy is. [36] However, the daily routines of the people and the quality of life can be improved with reasonable and modest goals. [36] After the first month, there is limited to any healing to the linguistic abilities of most people. There is a cupless prognosis that leaves 83% that were globally aphasic after the first month will remain globally Ahasic in the first year. Some people are so severely compromised that their existing process-oriented treatment approaches offer signs of progress and therefore cannot justify the cost of therapy [36]. Perhaps due to the relative rareness of the Aphasia of management, few studies specifically studied the effectiveness of the therapy for people with this type of aphasia. From the execution of studies, the results showed that therapy can help improve specific language results. An intervention that has had positive results is the training of auditory repetition. Kohn et al. (1990) reported that the training of auditory repetition practiced relating to the improvements of spontaneous speech, Francis et al. (2003) reported improvements in understanding the phrase and Kalinyak-Fliszar et al. (2011) Improvements reported in visual-auditory short-term memory. [89] [90] [91] The most acute cases of aphasia recover some or most of the skills by working with a pathologist of vocal language. Recovery and improvement can continue for years after the stretch. After the start of aphasia, there is about a period of six months of spontaneous recovery; During this time, the brain is trying to recover and repair damaged neurons. The improvement varies widely, depending on the cause, type and gravity of ApaSia. Recovery also depends on the person of the person, from health, motivation, maintenance and level of education [22]. There is no proven treatment to be effective for all types of aphasias. The reason why there is no universal treatment for aphasia is due to the nature of the disorder and the various ways in which it is presented, as explained in the above sections. Afasia is rarely exposed in an identical way, implicing that the treatment must be satisfied specifically to the individual. The have shown that, although there is no consistency on the methodology of treatment in literature, there is a strong indication that the treatment, in general, has positive results. [92] The therapy for Afasia varies from the increase in functional communication to improve language accuracy, depending on severity, needs and person support. [93] Group therapy allows individuals to work on their pragmatic and communicative skills with other individuals with Afasia, who areWho can often be addressed in individual one-on-one therapy sessions. It can also help increase trust and social skills in a comfortable environment. [5]: 97 The tests do not support the use of transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) to improve AFSIA after the blow. Moderate quality tests indicate improvements of the denomination performance for nouns but not the verbs that use TDCS [94] Specific treatment techniques include the following: copy and call therapy (CART) - repetition and targeting targeted words inside of therapy can strengthen spelling and improve reading, writing and name of the single word [95] Visual communication (VIC) - The use of index cards with symbols to represent various components of the visual action speech therapy (VAT) - Typically treats individuals with global aphasia to form the use of hand gestures for specific objects [96] in this type of therapy, focus is on pragmatic communication rather than on the treatment itself. People are asked to communicate a message given to their therapists by means of drawing, making hand gestures or even point to an object [97] melodic intonation therapy (mit) - aims to use the intact melodic / prosadic processing capabilities of the intact of the The right hemisphere to help recover words and expressive language [5]: 93 Other - ie the drawing as a way of communicating, conversation partner formats [92] Analysis of semantic characteristics (SFA) - A type of treatment of aphasia What aims of word-finding deficits. It is based on the theory that neural connections can be reinforced using related words and phrases that are similar to the word of destination, to activate the destination word in the brain. SFA can be implemented in more shapes as verbally, written, using image cards, etc. The SLP provides requests for request to the individual with aphasia so that the person to appoint the image provided. [98] Studies show that SFA is an effective intervention to improve the name of comparison. [99] Melodic onset therapy is used to treat non-fluent afsia and proved to be effective in some cases. [100] However, there is still no randomized controlled tests that confirm the efficacy of mit in chronic apiary. The mit is used to help people with aphasia vocalize themselves through the vocal song, which is then transferred as a spoken word. The good candidates for this therapy include the people who left hemisphere strokes, non-flowing aphasia as a brotha, good hearing understanding, poor repetition and articulation, and good emotional and memory stability. [4] [102] System reviews argue the effectiveness and importance of partner training. [103] According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), which involves the family with the treatment of a loved Afasica person is ideal for all involved, because while no doubt help in their recovery, it will also be rendered Easier for family members to learn how to communicate better with them. [104] When a person's speech is insufficient, different types of enhanced and alternative communication could be considered as alphabet boards, pictorial communication books, Software for computers or apps for tablets or smartphones. [105] Intensity of Treatment The intensity of aphasia therapy is determined by the length of each session, total hours of therapy per week, and total weeks of therapy provided. There is no consensus on what "intense" aphasia therapy implies, or how intense therapy should be to produce the best results. A review of the 2016 cocrane for speech and language therapy for people with aphasia found that treatments that are more intense, a higher dose or a long duration of time led to significantly better functional communication, but people were more likely to abandon high-intensity treatment (up to 15 hours a week). [106] The intensity of therapy also depends on the recovery of the trait. People with aphasia react differently to intense treatment in the acute phase (0.3 months post-stroke), sub-acute phase (3-6 months poststroke) or chronic phase (6+ months post-stroke). Intensive care was considered effective for people with chronic non-fluent and fluent aphasia, but less effective for people with acute aphasia. [107] People with sub-acute aphasia also respond to 100 hours of intensive care over 62 weeks. This suggests that people in the sub-acute phase can improve significantly in language and functional communication measures with intensive care compared to normal therapy. [107] The intensity of individualized service intensity of treatment should be individualized based on stroke recitation, therapeutic goals, and other specific characteristics such as age, size of injury, general health status, and motivation. [107] [108]. Each individual reacts differently to the intensity of the treatment and is able to tolerate the treatment at different times post-running. [108] The intensity of treatment after a stroke should depend on the person's motivation, endurance, and tolerance for therapy [109]. Results If symptoms of aphasia last longer than two or three months after a stroke, a complete recovery is unlikely. However, it is important to note that some people keep getting better over a period of years and even decades. Improvement is a slow process that usually involves both helping the individual and family understand the nature of aphasia and learning compensatory strategies for communication. [110] After a traumatic stroke (TBI) or cerebrovascular accident (CVA), the brain undergoes various healing and reorganization processes, which can result in improved language function. This is referred to as spontaneous recovery. Spontaneous recovery is the natural healing that the brain does without treatment and the brain begins to reorganize and change to recover [36] There are several factors that contribute to a person's chance of recovery from stroke, including the size of the stroke and position. [111] Age, gender, and education were not found to be very predictive. [111] There is also research that points to damage in the left hemisphere which heals more effectively than right. [18] Specific to aphasia, spontaneous recovery varies among affected people and may not seem the same in all, making it difficult to predict recovery. [111] Although some cases of Wernicke's aphasia have shown greater improvement over the milder forms of aphasia, people with Wernicke's aphasia cannot achieve a high level of speaking ability as those with mild forms of aphasia [112]. History The first recorded case of Aphasia is from an Egyptian papyrus, Edwin Smith's Papyrus, which details language problems in a person with a traumatic brain injury to the temporal lobe [113]. During the second half of the 19th century, Aphasia was a Attention for scientists and philosophers working in the initial phases of the field of psychology. [2] In medical research, the lack of problems was described as an incorrect prognosis, and there was no hiring that there was underlying linguistic complications. [114] Broca and colleagues of him were some of the first to write about aphasia, but Wernicke was the first first Having written widely on aphasia is a disorder that contained understanding difficulty [115]. Despite the statements of those who reported reported in the first aphasia, it was f.j. Gall who gave the first complete description of aphasia after studying brain injuries, as well as his observation of vocal difficulties deriving from vascular lesions. [116] A recent book is available on the entire history of Aphasia (reference: Tesak, J. & Code, C. (2008) Millostoni in the history of Afhasia: theories and protagonists. Hove, East Sussex: Psychology Press). The aphasia etymology is from Greek a- ("without", negative prefix) + Ph¨¢sis (? ? ?z??????????, "speech"). The word aphasia comes from the word ? ? ? ? ? ? ??'? ? ? ? ? ? ? asia, in ancient Greek, which means [84] "lack of flood", [117] derived from ? ? "? ? ? ? ? ? ¨¢ ¨¢" ?z?, AFATOS, "speechless" [118] from ? 6 ?,? - a-, "not, a" and ? ? ? ?z ? ? ¦Ì?n Phemi, "I speak". Further research research is currently in phase using imaging with functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) to testify the difference in the way the language is processed in normal brains against aphasic brains. This will help researchers to understand exactly what the brain must pass for recovery from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and as different areas of the brain respond after this injury [119]. Another intriguing approach that is tested is that of pharmacological therapy. We hope that the research is going to hopefully, find out if some drugs could be used or not in addition to the therapy of the voice language to facilitate the recovery of the correct linguistic function. It is possible that the best treatment for aphasia can lead to the combination of a pharmacological treatment with therapy, instead of relying on one on the other. [Necessary quote] Another method that has been studied as a potential therapeutic combination with voice language therapy is the stimulation of the brain. A particular method, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), alters brain-brain activity in any area that happens to stimulate, which has recently led scientists to wonder if this change in brain function caused by TMS could help people repair the languages. The research that is put in aphasia has just begun. Researchers seem to have multiple ideas about how aphasia could be treated more effectively in the future. [104] See also Afnosia aphasiology apraxia of the speech ADROSIAL APROSAL DISORATE OF LETOLOGICAL ADJUSTMENTS Language lists My Beautiful Broken Brain Origin of the Speech References ^ A B HENSELER I, Regenbrecht F, OBRIG H (March 2014). "Related lesion of pathologies in chronic aphasia: comparisons of syndrome, evaluation of mode and symptoms". Brain. 137 (PT 3): 918 - 30. Doi: 10.1093 / brain / AWT374. 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