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Hopscotch Hopscotch is a great game that you can do alone or with a family member. It strengthens your legs, helps your balance and coordination and it’s fun!Equipment Needed: Outdoors – sidewalk chalk; a flat rock, toy or beanbag that you can hold in your hand. If you don’t have an asphalt driveway, draw with a stick on flat, firm dirt. Indoors – Masking tape or paper sheets to put on the rug or floor; a small toy or beanbag.Draw a traditional hopscotch diagram like the first one to the left below. The squares should be about 15 inches square. (Chalk is best for asphalt and pavement outdoors. If you're playing inside, use masking or painter's tape, or, you can use numbered pieces of paper.) Start near the 1. Throw a small stone, beanbag, or other marker into the first square. (If it lands on a line, or outside the square, you lose your turn. Pass the marker to the following player and wait for your next turn.) When there is a single square, hop on one foot. When there are side-by-side double squares, (2-3), land both feet with one foot on 2 and one on 3. Don’t step on a line or you lose your turn. Hop on into the first empty square, in the beginning it would be the 2 because your marker is on the 1. Be sure to always skip the one your marker is on. Continue hopping up the numbers until you reach 10. (You can hop one or two feet there.) Turn around in the 10 space and hop back down the numbers. When you get to the number before your marker, stop then bend down and pick up the marker without falling or stepping on a line. (If you are on one foot when get to your marker, you have to balance on one foot to pick it up.)Then complete hopping on the numbers until you hop off at 1. (It doesn’t matter if you hop on the space where your marker was, it is empty now.)When you finish pass the marker to the next player. On your next turn, if you didn’t make any mistakes, you will throw the marker to the next number.If you fall, jump on or outside the lines, or miss a square or the marker, you lose your turn and must repeat the same number on your next turn. Whoever reaches 10 first, wins, or go to 10 and back! Try some different styles: Hop on each number in order with just one foot or two feet. Try making a different board and hopping rules. Make more than one board and race a sibling or parent. ................

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