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Before starting work, check to make sure that your test booklet is complete. You should have 9 numbered pages including the Formula Sheet.

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Exam Grading Policy—

The exam is worth a total of 111 points, and is composed of three types of questions.

MC5: multiple-choice-five-answer questions, each worth 6 points.

Partial credit will be granted as follows.

(a) If you mark only one answer and it is the correct answer,

you earn 6 points.

(b) If you mark two answers, one of which is the correct answer,

you earn 3 points.

(c) If you mark three answers, one of which is the correct answer,

you earn 2 points.

(d) If you mark no answers, or more than three, you earn 0 points.

MC3: multiple-choice-three-answer questions, each worth 3 points.

No partial credit.

(a) If you mark only one answer and it is the correct answer,

you earn 3 points.

(b) If you mark a wrong answer or no answers, you earn 0 points.

TF: true-false questions, each worth 2 points.

No partial credit.

(a) If you mark only one answer and it is the correct answer,

you earn 2 points.

(b) If you mark the wrong answer or neither answer, you earn 0 points.

You should assume that the acceleration of gravity near the surface of the earth is 9.8 m/s2 downward, and ignore any effects due to air resistance.

The next four questions pertain to the following situation.

A golfer hits a golf ball with an initial velocity of 30m/s at an angle of 50 degrees above the ground. The ball is located 60m behind a 20m tall tree. Assume the ground is level on the entire course.


1. How far does the golf ball travel in the horizontal before it reaches the ground again?

A. 43 m

B. 58 m

C. 72 m

D. 90 m

E. 106 m

2. What is the maximum height of the projectile above the ground?

A. 17 m

B. 21 m

C. 27 m

D. 32 m

E. 38 m

3. How high is the golf ball (above the ground) when it passes over the tree?

A. 21 m

B. 24 m

C. 26 m

D. 31 m

E. 33 m

4. If instead the golfer uses a club that causes the ball to have an initial velocity of 35m/s at an angle of 42 degrees above the ground, what will be the result of the shot?

A. The ball will hit the tree.

B. The ball will pass over the tree higher than before.

C. The ball will pass over the tree lower than before.

The next two questions pertain to the following situation.

5. A force of 10N is applied downward at

an angle of 300 with respect to the horizontal

on a block. There is friction between the

block and the floor and the block remains

stationary. What is the magnitude of the

normal force acting on the block?

A. FN = 10.5 N

B. FN = 12.1 N

C. FN = 16.8 N

D. FN = 20.2 N

E. FN = 24.6 N

6. The coefficient of friction between the floor and block is μ = 0.8. What is the magnitude of the frictional force acting on the block?

A. Fμ = 5.2 N

B. Fμ = 8.7 N

C. Fμ = 10.6 N

D. Fμ = 12.0 N

E. Fμ = 13.4 N

7. Which of the following answers best describes how you would have to walk to create the velocity graph below? Assume forward is the positive direction and backwards is the negative direction.

A. Walk forward speeding up, stand still, walk backwards slowing down.

B. Walk quickly forward, stop for awhile, turn around, walk quickly backward, slow down.

C. Start from rest, speed up going forward, keep the same speed, slow down to zero.

D. Start walking quickly forward; stand still, slow back down to zero.

E. Slow down going backwards, stand still, speed up going forward.

8. A block of mass, m = 4.5kg, is held at rest by pushing with a horizontal force, F = 125 N.

The coefficient of static friction between the block and the wall is ( = 0.4

What is the frictional force on the block?

A. 42.3 N

B. 44.1 N

C. 48.7 N

D. 50.9 N

E. 52.5 N

9. A ball rolls off a horizontal surface of a 1.1 m high table with an initial horizontal speed v0. The ball lands on the floor at a distance d=1.9 m from the edge of the table. Calculate v0.

A. v0=1.0 m/s

B. v0=2.0 m/s

C. v0=3.0 m/s

D. v0=4.0 m/s

E. v0= 5.0 m/s

10. An airplane needs to travel to a city 200km due north. There is a wind blowing due east at 20m/s. If the airplane maintains an airspeed of 50m/s, what is the minimum time for the plane to reach its destination?

A. t = 68.2 min

B. t = 69.8 min

C. t = 71.6 min

D. t = 72.7 min

E. t = 78.0 min

11. What angle does the airplane need to point (measured from due north).

A. 19.50

B. 23.60

C. 25.70

D. 29.80

E. 30.90

The next four questions pertain to the following situation


12. A woman is jumping on a trampoline. During the time that she is in contact with the trampoline, there are two forces acting on her: gravity, normal (trampoline). As she is moving down, the trampoline is slowing her down. As she slows down, compare the normal force, FN, to the force of gravity, Fg.

A. FN < Fg

B. FN = Fg

C. FN > Fg

13. As she slows down, compare the force that the trampoline applies to the woman, Ft-w, to the force that the woman applies on the trampoline, Fw-t.

A. Ft-w < Fw-t

B. Ft-w = Fw-t

C. Ft-w > Fw-t

14. A moment later her velocity will be upward and speeding up due to the force of the trampoline. As she speeds up, compare the normal force, FN, to the force of gravity, Fg.

A. FN < Fg

B. FN = Fg

C. FN > Fg

15. As she speeds up, compare the force that the trampoline applies to the woman, Ft-w, to the force that the woman applies on the trampoline, Fw-t.

A. Ft-w < Fw-t

B. Ft-w = Fw-t

C. Ft-w > Fw-t

The next four questions pertain to the following situation.

A block (starting from rest) with mass m = 4.5 kg slides down a frictionless incline a distance of

d = 3m and then slides across a horizontal floor with friction (the coefficient of friction is

(k = 0.52). The speed of the block at the bottom of the incline is v1 = 7m/s.

16. What is the angle of the incline? (Assume the acceleration was constant.)

A. 29.50

B. 33.60

C. 45.70

D. 56.40

E. 60.90

17. How far will the block travel on the horizontal floor before coming to rest? (Do not include the distance traveled on the incline plane.)

A. 3.7 m

B. 4.8 m

C. 5.6 m

D. 6.2 m

E. 8.4 m

18. What is the speed of the block after it has traveled a distance of 2m on the horizontal floor? (The 2m does not include the incline.)

A. 3.56 m/s

B. 4.73 m/s

C. 5.35 m/s

D. 7.67 m/s

E. 9.02 m/s

19 How would the answer to question #17 change if the mass of the block were doubled?

A. it would stay the same

B. it would be greater than before

C. it would be less than before

20. Two blocks are being pulled along by a constant force T = 20N. Block A has a mass of 3kg and block B has a mass of 5kg. The floor is horizontal and frictionless.

What is T1, the tension in the rope between the two blocks?

A. 7.5 N

B. 9.1 N

C. 10.3 N

D. 12.1 N

E. 14.2 N

The following two questions pertain to the following situation:

A block of mass m=0.21 kg is connected to a cart of mass M by a string and pulley, as shown in the figure above. There is no friction between the cart and the horizontal track. The acceleration of the cart is 3.1 m/s2.

21. What is the tension in the string?

A. 1.4 N

B. 2.1 N

C. 2.8 N

22. What is the mass of the cart?

A. M = 0.45 kg

B. M = 1.2 kg

C. M = 2.3 kg

D. M = 3.4 kg

E. M = 4.5 kg

Formula Sheet






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Relative Motion

Va-b = Va-c + Vc-b

Va-b = -ð ðVb-a

Definitions Vector Components

(r = rf [pic]

tan( = Aopp/Aadj


(F = ma

Gravitational Force

Close to the earth’s surface:

F = mg downward

In General:


G = 6.67 × 10-11 N m2 kg-2

Circ. Motion

ac = v2/r = (2r

(Fradial = mac


static: fs ( μsN

kinetic: fk = μkN

Relative Motion

Va-b = Va-c + Vc-b

Va-b = − Vb-a


(F = 0


v(t) = vi + at

x(t) = xi + vit + ½at2

vave = ½(vf + vi)

vf2 = vi2 + 2a(x


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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