Land Trust Accreditation Commission

User Manual

for the Land Trust Accreditation

Application for Renewal

Prepared by CiviCore and

the Land Trust Accreditation Commission

For 2019 round 1 and 2 Renewal Applicants Only

Version 4.8, January 2019

(Renumbered Supplemental Additional Information list. Updated broken links due to recent website changes. No changes to the reference application were made. Replaces all previous versions and contains the 2019 round 1 and 2 Renewal Transition Application)

36 Phila Street, Suite 2

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866




Table of Contents

Before You Begin 4

User Access: First-Time Use and Subsequent Log-In 5

Website Overview 6

Home 6

My Profile 6

My Organization 6

My Organization: Organizational Information Tab 6

My Organization: Application for Renewal Tab: Main Page 7

My Organization/Application for Renewal/Renewal Application: Overview Tab 8

Renewal Application: Registration Tab 8

Renewal Application: Pre-Application Tab 9

Questionnaire Tab 9

Required Attachments Tab 9

Submitting the Pre-Application 10

Renewal Application: Applications Tab 11

Questionnaire Tab 11

Required Attachments Tab 13

Completing the Application Tab 13

Renewal Application: Selected Projects Tab 15

Viewing Selected Projects 15

Uploading Project Documentation 16

Submitting Documentation for Each Project 18

Completing the Selected Projects Tab 19

Renewal Application: Additional Documents Tab 20

Types of Documentation Requested at “Additional Documents” Tab 21

Renewal Application: Submittal Certification Tab 23

Renewal Application: AIR Request & Response Tab 24

Uploading and Managing Attachments: Pre-Application and Application 26

Renewal Application: Troubleshooting the Submittal of a Renewal Application Package 31

Appendix 1: Frequently Asked Questions 32

Appendix 2: Application Reference Guide 37

Recommendations for clarifications, revisions, or other feedback about this User Manual is always welcome! Send feedback to Jennifer Brady-Connor, Land Trust Accreditation Commission, 36 Phila St, Suite 2, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866; ph. 518-587-3143; Email: jbconnor@.

Before You Begin

The renewal application is an electronic process that is completed entirely online via . Except for the initial registration process, as described below, you will always go to to log in to your renewal application.

Accredited land trusts planning and preparing for renewal can find information about the renewal process online at . Also, download and read each of the following documents prior to beginning, and have a copy of each readily available throughout the renewal application process:

• The Requirements Manual, which provides, all in one manual, information on the elements the Commission evaluates for every accreditation indicator.

• This User Manual for the online application system (), which includes information about logging in, uploading and referencing documents, etc. in addition to the enclosed Reference Edition of the Application for Renewal of Accreditation (which provides a preview of all questions that will be asked in the online application system and describes each requested statement and attachment).

Also, we have a number of tutorials online related to the use of the online application. You can access these and other resources from the Commission’s website.

ADVISEMENT: Please contact the Commission to ensure that we have the correct information for the accreditation primary contact in your land trust. The primary contact is the person designated to receive information and inquiries from the Commission and is not necessarily the board chair or president or the executive director. This person should be comfortable with managing your online application, and be able to route information and inquiries to the appropriate person in the organization. Because email is a key component of the online application and Commission communications, the primary contact should have an email account that is checked regularly.

The primary contact should ensure that emails from the Commission (from the domain name “”) will not be circumvented by spam and junk mail filters. Check with your email service provider and/your information technology department if you are having trouble getting emails from the Commission.

User Access: First-Time Use and Subsequent Log-In

See video tutorial

About three months prior to your land trust’s pre-application due date the primary accreditation contact for your organization will receive an e-mail to alert him or her to begin the renewal process. The email will contain a unique, one-time use link to access your land trust’s online application. Once you click that link, you will be directed to the "My Profile" page where you must select “Edit” and create a password for future access to your land trust’s renewal application.


All subsequent access to the site will be through the URL landtrust..


Website Overview

Once your organization is logged in, there are three vertical navigational buttons on the site: Home, My Organization, and My Profile.


The home page includes links to the four key documents for renewal, as described above:

• The Applicant Handbook (which is a compendium of the instructions from the website)

• This User Manual and the attached “Reference Edition of the Application for Renewal of Accreditation” (so you can see what the questions will be, before you start)

• The Requirements Manual

There is also a short-cut button on the “Home” screen that takes you to your current renewal application.

My Profile

The following information is listed on the “My Profile” page:

• Basic Information (first name and last name)

• Login Information (e-mail address and password – this is the information you will need to access the system on subsequent visits to

When you click “Edit,” you will be taken to a page that has fields for adding additional contact information for the accreditation primary contact, and for updating the land trust’s login information. Periodically review and make updates as necessary and click “Submit” to complete.

My Organization

There are two tabs in this section:

• Organizational Information

• Application for Renewal

My Organization: Organizational Information Tab

In the view version of Organizational Information the following is listed:

• Organization Name

• Primary Contact

• Current Renewal Information

• Mailing Address Information

• Physical Address Information

This information is used by the Commission to send critical correspondence. Please periodically review this information and, if the information is out-of-date or needs to be otherwise updated, contact the Commission and furnish up-to-date information about your organization.

My Organization: Application for Renewal Tab: Main Page

Your land trust’s renewal application records are found in the Application for Renewal tab, and the due dates are based on the year and round for which your land trust’s current renewal application will be due (as assigned by the Commission).

• The pre-application and application for your land trust will be created and become available upon successful submittal of the registration form and payment.

• Applications for related entities (applicable only to those land trusts with multiple corporations, as described here) are created based on responses to the related entity questions in the pre-application questionnaire and upon submittal of the pre-application.

The number in parentheses on the tab label indicates the number of renewal applications that have been or are in the process of being filed on behalf of your organization. If this is your organization’s first renewal application, that number will be “1.”


To begin the application process and be taken to a specific renewal application, click on “View” next to an existing record in the list of Applications for Renewal.

My Organization/Application for Renewal/Renewal Application: Overview Tab

There are seven tabs on the Renewal Application tab main page:

• Overview

• Registration

• Pre-Application

• Application

• Selected Projects

• Additional Documents

• Submittal Certification

• AIR Request & Response

The “Overview” page is the default page. This page displays the current status of your application.

Renewal Application: Registration Tab

The specific information asked for in this section is detailed in Appendix 2. Also see video tutorial.

When you click on the “Registration” tab, you will be taken to the registration form.

The registration form must be completed in one session. Fill in the information requested, as applicable, and agree to the “Renewal Application Registration Terms of Agreement.” Proceed to the billing information and payment section for your registration fee (as described in the annual accreditation fees fact sheet). Once you complete the information required, click on “Submit.”

ADVISEMENT: If you indicate that your organization has more than one corporation, governing authority or related entity that is legally linked to it, the following question will appear: “If yes, has the Commission made a determination on the level of information that the related entity or entities must provide for renewal of accreditation?” Contact the Commission to discuss whether a determination needs to be made in accordance with the Commission’s policy on the subject.

If your registration form was successfully submitted, you will be taken to a “View” version of your registration information with a confirmation message. This is your receipt; you will also receive an email receipt confirming your organization’s registration.

If you do not successfully complete your registration form and payment and attempt to proceed to the Pre-Application or Application tab, you will be prompted to complete your registration before proceeding.

Renewal Application: Pre-Application Tab

The specific information asked for in this section is detailed in Appendix 2. Also see video tutorial.

Once your organization successfully submits its registration form with payment, it can access the “Pre-Application” tab.

There are two sections to the Pre-Application tab:

• Questionnaire

• Required Attachments

Questionnaire Tab

Fill in all the information requested, as applicable. The pre-application questionnaire can be partially completed, submitted and subsequently edited until the entire pre-application package (the pre-application questionnaire and required attachments) is finished. Once you complete the information required, click on “Submit.”

Note: If your organization has a basic or intermediate related entity, as determined by the Commission, respond accordingly in the multiple corporation question and complete the subsequent drop-down box(es).

Required Attachments Tab

Upload at least one attachment for each of the required documents specified. (For instructions on uploading and managing attachments, see “Uploading and Managing Attachments: Pre-Application and Application” later in this User Manual.)

• For a description of each required pre-application attachment (“Attachment Name”), see the pre-application instructions.

Submitting the Pre-Application

Once you have completed your pre-application questionnaire and uploaded all required attachments, you may submit your pre-application but only within 90 days prior to the pre-application due date, as noted below.

Within 90 days of the pre-application due date, a “Pre-Application Complete” checkbox will appear at the bottom of the questionnaire tab.


Step 1: In order to submit your pre-application, review all information on the questionnaire for accuracy, check the “Pre-Application Complete” checkbox, and click “Submit.”

Step 2: Proceed to the Required Attachments tab. There you will see a “Finish Pre-Application” button. Select that button, at which point you will see the following message:


Step 3: If you are certain your pre-application questionnaire and required attachments are current and complete, select the “Confirm” button. You will see a message that your land trust’s pre-application has been successfully submitted. You will also receive an e-mail confirmation.

Renewal Application: Applications Tab

The specific information asked for in this section is detailed in Appendix 2. Also see video tutorial.

For your convenience, once your organization successfully submits its registration form with payment you can access the Applications tab.


Note: The fictional organization depicted above has one main “Renewal Application” and two “Related Entity Applications” – most land trusts will have only the one “Renewal Application” listed.

To work on your application, click on “View” next to the appropriate application. There are two sections to the “Application” tab:

• Questionnaire

• Required Attachments

Questionnaire Tab

The Questionnaire displays a list of sections (Expectations for Improvement, Preliminary Information, and Standards 1 through 12), and under the column “Display Status” lists “Not Started,” “In Progress,” or “Complete,” depending on where you are in the process of entering information. For each standard, click on “Edit” and respond to the question(s) asked. Click “Save and Continue” to move to the next standard.

All information within each standard of the application questionnaire must be entered at one time for the “Save and Continue” button to process the information. Within some standards there are sub-sections; for each sub-section you have the option to select “Save these questions for the future”. If you select that option, you will be allowed to click on “Save and Continue” without completing that sub-section but note that any responses entered into that sub-section will not be saved – they will be cleared upon submittal of the page.

If you do not fill in all the required fields of a particular questionnaire item, when you click on “Save and Continue” you will be taken back to this same page with a message stating that “[XYZ] FIELD IS REQUIRED.” By scrolling down through the questionnaire you will find an orange triangle symbol with an exclamation point inside at that particular field. Enter or correct the entered information and click on “Save and Continue” again.

Each response to the questions in the questionnaire may result in one or more additional sub-questions and/or add one or more required attachments to the list under the Required Attachments tab.

ADVISEMENT: Advance to the Required Attachments tab only when the corresponding questionnaire section is complete. Your answers to each questionnaire section will automatically generate a corresponding list of required attachments under the Required Attachments tab.

When you have completed your answers to the questionnaire and the display status of each standard is “Complete,” the “View Complete Application” button will appear:


Select “View Complete Application” to review your questionnaire responses either on a web page or to select a “Print to PDF” button (and download a PDF of your application responses). Until the “Required Attachments” section is completed and the Application tab is marked as finished (see “Completing the Application Questionnaire and Required Attachments” below), you can click “Edit” and make changes to your responses. Note, however, that any changes to the responses in the questionnaire may trigger subsequent changes to the list in the “Required Attachments” tab.

Required Attachments Tab

The information asked for in this section is detailed within each indicator practice section of Appendix 2. Also see video tutorial.

ADVISEMENT: Work on the Required Attachments tab only when the corresponding Questionnaire section is complete. Your answers to each questionnaire section will automatically generate a corresponding list of required attachments under the Required Attachments tab.

As in the Pre-Application tab, the Required Attachments tab lists documents that are required to be submitted. Upload at least one attachment for each of the required documents specified. (For instructions on uploading and managing attachments, see “Uploading and Managing Attachments: Pre-Application and Application.”)

• For a description of each required attachment (“Attachment Name”), click the “?” near the attachment number, or see Appendix 2.

Completing the Application Tab

Once all questions on the Questionnaire tab have been answered (indicated by a display status of “Complete” for each section) and all documentation has been uploaded for each of the Required Attachments, the land trust can click the “Complete Application” button on the Required Attachments tab.

ADVISEMENT: Please note that you may begin working on your online application as soon as your organization has registered for renewal. However, the Commission requires that the responses in your application be no older than 90 days prior to submission, so plan to review your responses and update attachments accordingly.

When the “Complete Application” button is selected, the following window pops up:


If you are certain your application questionnaire and required attachments are current and complete, select the “Confirm” button. This application section will now be marked as “Complete”.

Your organization must also provide documentation requested as part of the Selected Projects tab in order to submit its entire application package. The Selected Projects tab is covered in the next section.

*Note: If your organization has one or more related entities, complete and submit each related entity’s application, as identified in the “Renewal Application” tab, prior to moving on to the Selected Projects tab.

Renewal Application: Selected Projects Tab

See video tutorial.

Viewing Selected Projects

Approximately six weeks prior to the renewal application due date land conservation projects selected for review will be listed in the Selected Projects tab (see example below). You will receive an e-mail informing you that the selections have been made and also providing information about the renewal application fee that is due (as described in the annual accreditation fees fact sheet).

At your discretion you may add one another project (completed during your accredited term) and provide the requested documentation for it. To do so, just click “Add Another Selected Project” and enter the project name, year and size of the project to add that to the list of selected projects.

For each project selected, click on “View” to see details of the selected project.

There are two sections under each selected project.

• The Project Information tab provides details on the project selected. (Contact the Commission if any data is incorrect and we will fix it.)

• The Project Documentation tab is where the required project documentation is uploaded.

ADVISEMENT: The types of documents that are requested for each project are listed in the Project Documentation Checklist.

Save a project documentation checklist for each project that is selected. Using the completed checklist as a guide for each set of project documentation, upload those documents to each indicator practice for which documentation is available. Note on the checklist any comments that will help reviewers understand the project.

ADVISEMENT: All projects must include documentation for the following sections of the checklist: General Documentation (as described on the project documentation checklist), practice 3F, practice 8B, and practice 9H. The remaining documentation required depends upon how the property was acquired and the type of property acquired (for instance, a purchased easement would also include documentation related to practices 9J, 11A, 11B, and 11C). A completed Project Documentation Checklist will guide you on what should be uploaded for each project.

Uploading Project Documentation

Using your completed Project Documentation Checklist for the project as a guide, complete the following steps for each electronic file to be uploaded.

Step 1. Click on “Add Additional Documents.”


Step 2. Provide the information requested. Note that you can select more than one indicator practice for each document posted.

Step 3. Click “Upload File” and upload the desired file. You will get the message that your document is ready to be saved.

Step 4. Click “Save” to complete upload of this file to your Project Documentation tab.


You can View, Edit, and/or Delete any of the documents on the Project Documentation list.

Submitting Documentation for Each Project

Once you have uploaded all the required project documentation, your Project Document tab should look similar to this:


Now return to the Project Information tab and click “Finish.”

(If you do not see the “Finish” button, there is still a required attachment that needs to be uploaded or tied to one of the following: General Documentation, practice 3F, practice 8B, and/or practice 9H.)


You will be asked to “Confirm” or “Cancel.”


When you click “Confirm,” you will be returned to the Selected Projects tab.

Complete this process for each of the projects listed.

Completing the Selected Projects Tab

Once you have successfully submitted documentation for each project, you will see the following confirmation screen:


Renewal Application: Additional Documents Tab

Here is the Additional Documents tab main page:

Additional Documents are defined as documents required by the Commission before you have submitted your pre-application and/or application. These documents generally consist of the following:

• Documentation related to older projects that supports your application responses. This request from the Commission will be sent to you after your pre-application is submitted, along with the list of projects that are to be included with your application; you are required to respond by the application due date.

• (As warranted) A response to a public comment received by the Commission. Timing of required response varies.

• Other, as needed (for instance, if you submitted an application section but wanted to add additional documents prior to submitting the entire application package).

To add additional documents, click on “Add Additional Documents.” You will be taken to a form that asks for the following:

• Document Name

• Document Type (select the appropriate response)

• Ignore the “Applicable Application” field

• Date Uploaded (with current date filled in)

• Document Description (optional; the document name and type are generally a sufficient description)

Click on “Upload File” to select the requested file from your electronic documents. Once the file is uploaded, click “Save.”

The document will now appear on the Additional Documents tab. You can View, Edit, and/or Delete any of the documents on the Additional Documents list. However, there is no cross-reference feature in the Additional Documents tab.

ADVISEMENT: There is no final “Submit” button on the Additional Documents tab. Once you have uploaded all documents as required, you are finished. This section will “lock” upon submittal of the complete application.

Types of Documentation Requested at “Additional Documents” Tab

Prior to submitting your application package, navigate to the “Additional Documents” tab. There you will see a list of three to five requested documents (“Document Types”) as follows:

• “4. Easement Monitoring Reports - Five Years” and “5. Easement Baseline Documentation Report”

o For easement holders: we will identify one older conservation easement that you are required to provide the baseline documentation report and five years of easement monitoring reports.

• “11. Fee Management Plan” and “16. Fee Property Inspection Report”

o For fee property holders that did not acquire any new fee properties during the accredited term: we will identify one older fee property that you are required to provide a management plan and the most recent five years of property inspection reports.

• “13. Title Documentation for Project”

o Applicants who acquired one or more conservation easements/conservation fee properties during their accredited term will also be required to provide title investigation documentation for a project selected by the Commission. This information verifies the response to application question 9H1.

[See for more information on these items.]

To add your documents, click “Edit” on each of the document types listed above and upload the requested file. If you are uploading more than one file in response to an attestation verification request, for each additional file select “Add Additional Documents” and complete the form by indicating the related document type.

• For instance, if each of your easement monitoring reports are separate files:

o Select “Edit” next to the document, “4. Easement Monitoring Reports - Five Years” and upload the first file.

o For each subsequent file, select “Add Additional Document,” enter the easement name as the “Document Name,” select “4. Easement Monitoring Reports - Five Years” as the “Document Type,” and upload the next file and select “Save.”

Once you have confirmed that you uploaded all documents required in your response to the attestation verification request, proceed to completing the remainder of the application and selected project documentation.

Renewal Application: Submittal Certification Tab

NOTE: If your application is not complete and you select the Submittal Certification tab, you will get the following message:

“One or more applications for this renewal is not complete. Please go back and ensure that each application is complete before submitting your submittal certification.”

If you have trouble determining which sections of your application are not complete, please implement each step in the “Troubleshooting the Submittal of a Renewal Application” section.

Once all components of your renewal application are complete (including any related entity applications) you will see this screen.

Sign the certification signature block using your mouse (it will likely look messy – that’s okay!). Once all this information is entered, select “Submit & Lock” to submit your complete renewal application.

Renewal Application: AIR Request & Response Tab

Once the review of your application is complete (see review process timeline), you will receive an email from the Commission that an “Additional Information Request” has been posted and that your land trust has three months to respond. At that point, log into your online application and navigate to the AIR Request & Response tab to download the document.

Documentation provided in response to the Additional Information Request is uploaded to the “AIR Request & Response” tab. To add your documents, click on “Upload Documents.” You will be taken to a form that asks for the following:

• Document Name

o Please name your documents by AIR number; if more than one document is being uploaded for a requested item, label each attachment with the practice number, then a numerical or alphabetical indicator (e.g., 3a, 3b, 3c, etc.) followed by a descriptive file name (for instance, one file name might be “Board approval” and the next might be “Board resolution”).

• Enter the date Uploaded (with current date filled in)

• Enter a brief document description as needed.

Click on “Upload File” to select the requested file from your electronic documents. Once the file is uploaded, click “Save.”

NOTE: If you prefer, you can provide all your documentation for each AIR document request or the entire AIR response in one PDF file if each section/response is clearly labeled within the document.

Once you have confirmed that you uploaded all documents required in your response to the additional information request, please click the “Complete Information Request” button to lock your response and let the review team know you are finished. If you click this button on accident let your staff reviewer know and we will unlock it for you.

Uploading and Managing Attachments: Pre-Application and Application

ADVISEMENT: Please see the “Frequently Asked Questions” section of this User Manual for guidance on naming and uploading files, and for managing files larger than 16MB.

Uploading Electronic Files to the Required Attachments Tabs

Note: this functionality is only available in the pre-application and application Required Attachments tabs; it does not apply to the Selected Projects or Additional Documents tabs.

To upload an electronic file from your computer, click the “Upload New Attachment” button next to the corresponding attachment name.


The following screen will open:

Include a descriptive attachment name that refers to the requested document and (if applying with related entities) distinguishes it from the primary applicant’s documents. For instance, “[Intermediate Entity] 2015 Form 990”. Click “Upload File” to select from electronic files on your computer (follow your Internet browser’s prompts to navigate to, select and upload the file).

If the document to be uploaded should be “attached” or linked to other “Required Attachments”, you can make that selection here by clicking “Search” in the “Additional Required Attachment” section and choosing the attachment number; if you want to link it again select “Cross-Reference This Attachment” to continue “attaching” the document to other “Required Attachments”. For instance, a set of meeting minutes may apply to 3C4, 4A1, and 7A2; you can select all of those from this screen, saving time from uploading and/or cross-referencing the document multiple times at a later date. Continuing with this example, and to make this clear to the reviewer, name the attachment “Meeting minutes for 3C4 4A1 and 7A2”.

When the document is uploaded, you will get the message that “[file name] ready to be saved.” Until you select “Save,” you will be able to remove the file, if necessary, by clicking on “Remove File.”

Click “Save.” The document you uploaded now appears under the column “Referenced Attachments” on the Required Attachments listing.


ADVISEMENT: Once you select the “Save” button the document will be added to your Document Library. If desired, select the “Download” button to confirm your document was uploaded. See “Document Library” for more information on managing and deleting uploaded documents.

Document Library: Cross-Reference and Manage Attachments

Note: this functionality is only available in the pre-application and application Required Attachments tabs; it does not apply to the Selected Projects or Additional Documents tabs. See video tutorial.

When you upload a document to your pre-application or application Required Attachments tab, the document is added to your application’s virtual “document library.” This document library spans the main application and any related entirety applications, and it allows you to reference (rather than re-upload) attachments you have already uploaded to your pre-application or application.

This feature is useful when your organization has policies, procedures, or meeting minutes containing information that applies to more than one question in the application or more than one requested document.

If you already uploaded a document and want to link it to additional “Required Attachments” there is no need to upload the same document more than once. Use the “Cross-Reference and Manage Attachments” button next to the subsequent attachment name.

Here is an example of how to use this cross-referencing feature:

Your organization already uploaded Board meeting minutes (3C4). However, you now want to cross-reference that attachment to fulfill the requirement for Conflict disclosure (4A1), since there is mention in the same board meeting minutes of the most recent conflict disclosure.


• Step 1: click “Cross-Reference and Manage Attachments” button next to Conflict disclosure (4A1). You will be taken to the following screen, which displays all of the documents currently uploaded to your pre-application and application Required Attachments tabs:


• Step 2: Next to “Board meeting minutes,” click “Reference This Document.” (It will change “Reference This Document” button next to Board meeting minutes to “Un-Reference Document” as the following screen shows.)


• Step 3: Click on “Close.” The “Board meeting minutes” will now be listed as a “Referenced Attachment” for 4A1 Conflict disclosure.

Document Library: Un-Referencing Documents

If you uploaded a document but it is referenced to the wrong required attachment or it is no longer needed, it can be “un-referenced” in the Cross-Reference and Manage Attachments area. Once you “un-reference” a document from a specific item on the Required Attachments tab, it will not show up in in your list of “Referenced Attachments” and it can be deleted from your document library.

Here is an example of how to un-reference a document.

Your organization already uploaded Board meeting minutes (3C4) and cross-referenced that attachment to fulfill the requirement for Conflict disclosure (4A1). However, you changed your mind, as you found a better example of a conflict of interest disclosure. You need to unreference (unlink) the 3C4 board meeting minutes from 4A1.


• Step 1: click “Cross-Reference and Manage Attachments” button next to Conflict disclosure (4A1). You will be taken to the following screen, which displays all of the documents currently uploaded to your pre-application and application Required Attachments tabs:


• Step 2: Next to “Board meeting minutes,” click “Un-Reference This Document.” (It will change “Un-Reference This Document” button next to Board meeting minutes to “Reference Document” as the following screen shows.)


• Step 3: Click on “Close.” The “Board meeting minutes” will no longer be listed as a “Referenced Attachment” for 4A1 Conflict disclosure.


Document Library: Deleting Documents

NOTE: To delete a document, you must first un-reference (unlink) it using the steps described above in “Document Library: Un-Referencing Documents.”

At any point prior to submitting your application for renewal, you may review a list of documents that are not referenced anywhere in your pre-application or application and reference or delete those files as needed. To examine unused documents in your document library, select “View Unused Documents” from the Application/Required Attachments tab.


Once that button is selected, a list will appear of any documents that are not currently referenced in the pre-application or application “Required Attachments” tabs. Select “Reference this Document” to assign it to a specific required attachment, or select “Delete” to remove it from the online application system altogether.


Renewal Application: Troubleshooting the Submittal of a Renewal Application Package

If your organization runs into any problems completing the final submittal certification for its renewal application package, please use the following checklist to help locate and complete the missing information.

1. Navigate to the application for accreditation. Confirm that the “Questionnaire” list states “Complete”; if not, finish all items on the Questionnaire. If the “Complete Application” button is present, click it to complete this application section. If the “Complete Application” button is NOT present, complete the “Required Attachments” section by doing each of the following:

a. Confirm that there is a file name in the “Referenced Attachments” column for each required attachment; if there is not, upload or cross-reference one. If that doesn’t work:

b. Click “Download” for each required attachment listed and confirm that at least one document is uploaded. If that doesn’t work:

c. Confirm that the documents uploaded in the Pre-Application (PreApp1 and PreApp2) are listed; if not, select “Cross-Reference and Manage Attachments”, select “Un-Reference Document”, then immediately select “Reference This Document”; click “Close”.

d. Go back to the “Application/Questionnaire” tab and click the “Complete Application” button.

3. After confirming that each application questionnaire is complete as indicated above, go back to the “Submittal Certification” tab and see if it is now ready to be completed.

a. If yes, proceed with the final submit-and-lock of the application package.

b. If no, see #4 below.

4. Click on the “Selected Projects” tab. For each of the projects, click the “Finish” button. If the “Finish” button is not visible for a project, complete each project by doing the following:

a. Click the “Project Documentation” tab and upload at least one document for each of the required attachments:

00. Project Documentation Checklist

01. General Background Documentation

02. Practice 3F

04. Practice 8B

06. Practice 9H

b. Go back to the “Project Information” tab and click the “Finish” button.

5. After confirming that each of the Selected Projects is complete as indicated above, go back to the “Submittal Certification” tab and see if it is now ready to be completed.

a. If yes, proceed with the final submit-and-lock of the application package.

b. If no, see #6, below.

6. If you have worked through each of the steps above and it fails to solve the problem, contact the Commission at 518-587-3143 or info@.

Appendix 1: Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I find out what the specific deadlines are for my land trust? 33

Q. Why is my registration form and payment not being accepted when I click on “Submit”? 33

Q. How do I change our user name and/or password? 33

Q. Can we have additional user names if we have more than one person working on our application? 33

Q. Can I use any Internet browser to access the online application? 33

Q. Does it matter if we use a MAC or a PC? 34

Q. Are there any limitations on naming electronic files prior to uploading them? 34

Q. Are there any recommendations on how we should organize and name our electronic files? 34

Q. Can I combine statements created as part of our response to the expectations for improvement? 34

Q. I understand the maximum file size is about 16MB; what do I do if the file I need to upload is larger than that? 34

Q. Where do I find the description of the attachments that we are required to upload? 35

Q. Is there a limit on the amount of text I can enter into a text box? 35

Q. If we enter some data into a sub-section of the application questionnaire, then check the “Save these questions for the future” box for that same sub-section, will that data be saved? 35

Q. Can we provide any statements to further clarify responses in our application, in addition to what is required? 35

Q. How do I best give my board the opportunity to review the application prior to our final submittal? 36

Q. How long will it take to upload our application files? 36

Q. We submitted our application! Now, how do we download it so we have a copy? 36

Q. How do I find out what the specific deadlines are for my land trust?

A. Please contact the Commission to get specific due dates for your organization’s round. The Applicant Handbook has general information about the timing of deadlines for the registration form, pre-application, application, etc.

Q. Why is my registration form and payment not being accepted when I click on “Submit”?

A. If you are having trouble submitting your registration form with payment information, and you have confirmed that all required fields are complete, pull out a copy of your credit card billing statement and ensure that the information you are entering (name, billing address, etc.) mirrors exactly the information on your billing statement. Make any necessary changes and try again; you should be successful. Contact the Commission for further assistance as needed. See video tutorial.

Q. How do I change our user name and/or password?

A. If your land trust has already registered and you already have a user name and password that allows you to access the system, you can make changes in the “My Profile” section as noted above. Changes to the email address and/or password in “My Profile” also modify the user name (email address) and/or password that is required to log in for future visits.

If your land trust has not yet registered but has already clicked through the one-time link in the registration email, contact the Commission for assistance in establishing a new user name and/or password.

Q. Can we have additional user names if we have more than one person working on our application?

A. Each applicant has only one primary accreditation contact with one user name. The contact may share the user name and login information with others in the organization for reviewing or working on the application. Although multiple users can be logged in at the same time with the same user name and password, users should refrain from working in the same sections of any questionnaires at the same time (for instance, errors might occur if two users are both working on Standard 4 of the application questionnaire).

Q. Why are we periodically logged out of the system?

A. Users will automatically be logged out after approximately sixty (60) minutes of no activity. If your online session has not had activity for 60 minutes (such as navigating between pages or submitting information), you will prompted by a message asking if you want to stay online or logout. If you don’t respond to the message, you will be automatically logged out. This is a security measure that is required by the host of the online system.

Q. Can I use any Internet browser to access the online application?

A. The use of Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer is strongly recommended; we have not tested the system with other Internet browsers.

Q. Does it matter if we use a MAC or a PC?

A. It should not matter if you are working on a MAC or a PC.

Q. Are there any limitations on naming electronic files prior to uploading them?

A. There are some file name limitations. File names should contain only letters or numbers, and be relatively short (fewer than 200 characters).

Q. Are there any recommendations on how we should organize and name our electronic files?

A. File names should be descriptive and relate to the indicator practice in some way (for instance, a file name might be “1D1 Board Resolution”). If you upload more than one document per practice, please label each attachment accordingly (e.g., 3F1a, 3F1b, 3F1c, etc.). Note that the name of the file that is uploaded is the same name of the file that we download as part of our review, so refrain from using file names that are nondescript (File 1, File 2, etc.).

Q. Can I upload documents as one PDF file, or do all attachments have to be individual electronic files?

A. It is acceptable to combine attachments into one PDF file and upload the PDF as one file. However, please ensure that the reviewer can easily distinguish when one document ends and the next one begins.

Q. Can I combine statements created as part of our response to the expectations for improvement?

A. Technically only one EFI statement document is required in response to the “EFI.A#” required attachment. However, if you choose that approach, please ensure that each EFI response is clearly identified and distinguishable from the other EFI responses.

Q. I understand the maximum file size is about 16MB; what do I do if the file I need to upload is larger than that?

A. If your land trust has electronic files that exceed the recommended 16MB file size, there are a number of other options available to you that involve either reducing the file size or sending it securely through other means. Hard copy (printed) materials should never be sent to the Commission except when specifically requested or unless you alert us to the shipment of application materials so we can track and manage them on arrival.

• PDF documents: PDF documents can be split into multiple, smaller-size documents using any number of PDF-splitter tools and software programs available for free online. Land trusts can also secure a discounted version of Adobe Professional through TechSoup; Adobe Professional can be used to combine, split, and reduce the size of documents.

• Other file types: For files that are not PDF documents, you might be able to compress the electronic file using any number of ZIP software programs available for free online.

• If the solutions suggested above are not available to you, as a last resort we will accept files greater than 16MB in one of two other methods as part of a renewal application.

By mail (preferred):

Step 1 - Place one complete set of your 16MB or larger files on each of two USB drives, CDs or DVDs and send via U.S. Mail (or other service, at your convenience) to 36 Phila Street Suite 2, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. The mailing date must be on or before the application due date.

Step 2 - Log into the electronic renewal application and, for each instance where you mailed the electronic file directly to the Commission, upload a brief statement (in place of the actual document) that indicates the file was provided separately on electronic media that was mailed to the Commission office.

Step 3 - Submit all other application materials electronically, as described in this User Manual, by the appropriate deadline.

By an electronic file share service (note: the Commission cannot assure confidentiality of data submitted through these means):

Step 1 – Using your online file-sharing provider (Dropbox and Hightail are most common), securely share the file with the Commission via email (info@).

Step 2 - Log into the electronic renewal application and, for each instance where you shared the electronic file via the service, upload a brief statement (in place of the actual document) that indicates the file was provided via a file-share service.

Step 3 - Submit all other application materials electronically, as described in this User Manual, by the appropriate deadline.

Q. Where do I find the description of the attachments that we are required to upload?

A. A reference edition of the Application for Renewal of Accreditation is attached as Appendix 2, and outlines all questions and describes each statement and attachment requested as part of the online renewal application system.

Q. Is there a limit on the amount of text I can enter into a text box?

A. The text boxes have no character limits.

Q. If we enter some data into a sub-section of the application questionnaire, then check the “Save these questions for the future” button for that same sub-section, will that data be saved?

A. When you select “Save these questions for the future,” any responses entered into that sub-section will not be saved – they will be cleared upon submittal of the page. You must complete the sub-section of the Preliminary Information or Standard “X” section in its entirety in order for data entered into that sub-section to be saved.

Q. Can we provide any statements to further clarify responses in our application, in addition to what is required?

A. Any documentation that is not expressly requested as part of the application process can be uploaded to the “Additional Documents” tab. All materials provided in the “Additional Documents” tab will be reviewed and considered as part of your complete application for accreditation, provided all deadlines are met in accordance with the requirements.

Q. How do I best give my board the opportunity to review the application prior to our final submittal?

A. Here are some approaches other organizations have taken, for your consideration.

• The board delegated one board member to review the application in its entirety.

• The board delegated a key staff person as the representative responsible for ensuring the application is complete and accurate.

• The organization provided the board members with the log-in information so they could review the materials at their convenience.

Q. How long will it take to upload our application files?

A. The amount of time needed to upload all required attachments prior to submitting your renewal application will depend on your Internet speed, the size of the files, and the number of files to be uploaded. Generally it is safest to block at least two days prior to the deadline to ensure enough time for uploading. If you finish early, great!

Q. We submitted our application! Now, how do we download it so we have a copy?

A. Once you complete each questionnaire (registration, pre-application, and application), a button should appear that invites you to view the questionnaire as a web page or a PDF. Click that button and save/print your responses to the questionnaire. Any files that were uploaded to the system need to be downloaded and saved individually. Most applicants create a folder system locally that contains all the files that will be uploaded for the renewal application, since it is not easy to retrieve those files back from the online application.

Appendix 2: Application Reference Guide

Reference Guide:

Application for

Renewal of Land Trust Accreditation

For 2019 round 1 and 2 Renewal Applicants ONLY



Renewal Registration

Note: applicants must gather the following information prior to submitting its renewal registration form via the online renewal application system. In addition, the renewal registration requires payment of the renewal registration fee.

Related Corporations

Does your organization have more than one corporation, governing authority or related entity that is legally linked to it (i.e., a supporting organization or other for-profit or nonprofit entity that is directly tied your organization)? †

□ yes □ no

If yes, has the Commission made a determination on the level of information that the related entity or entities must provide for renewal of accreditation?

□ yes □ no

If the Commission has not made a determination, provide the name(s) of the other entity or entities along with a brief description of your organization’s relationship with the other entity or entities:

Renewal Application Registration Terms of Agreement

Renewal Registrant Agreements

By submitting this registration form our organization agrees to the following.

Understanding Program Requirements

That a representative of our organization has read and is responsible for reviewing updates to and being familiar with the requirements for accreditation, including the following Commission publications.

← The Applicant Handbook.

← The Requirements Manual.

← The applicable Accreditation Fee fact sheet.

Application Contents

That our organization will use the online system to submit a complete application for renewal, including the following.

← A completed renewal application questionnaire.

← Documentation of how our organization met any expectation(s) for improvement issued at accreditation and/or issued during interim compliance confirmation.

← Evidence that our organization complied with each of the accreditation indicators throughout its accredited term and that it meets current program requirements, including the following documents.

▪ The renewal application and required attachments.

▪ The project documentation indicated on the Project Documentation Checklist.

▪ Information provided on the Land Conservation Project List.

Land Trust Accreditation Commission Agreements

By submitting this registration form, our organization understands that the Commission agrees to follow its published policies and procedures, including its confidentiality policy.

I agree to the Registration Terms of Agreement:

← I Agree

† Applicants that operate with or are linked to additional corporations are encouraged to contact the Commission as early as possible in the accreditation renewal process to provide information about the related entities. If your organization has more than one corporation, governing authority or related entity that is legally linked to it, the Commission must make a determination about the level of application information required. The Commission may require an addendum to the application at the basic or intermediate level. Please contact the Commission prior to the submittal of the pre-application to determine what additional application requirements may apply.

If a renewal applicant fails to disclose a related corporation by the time of registration, additional fees may apply. The Commission reserves the right, depending on when the related entity is disclosed and the degree to which it affects the accreditation review, to not accept a renewal application based on the applicant’s failure to supply required information. For more information see the Commission’s policy, Requirements for Land Trusts with Multiple Corporate Structures or Corporate Combinations.

Renewal Pre-Application Questionnaire

Note: applicants must gather the following information prior to submitting its renewal pre-application via the online renewal application system.

1. Overview of Land Conservation Activities

A. Number of conservation easements now held: ____ as of ____ (mm/dd/yy)

B. Number of acres protected with conservation easements held by your organization: ____

C. Number of fee properties now held: ____ as of ____ (mm/dd/yy)

D. Number of acres owned in fee by your organization: ____

2. Related Entities

Will your organization be applying as a single corporation or with multiple, related corporate entities?†

□ single corporation □ multiple corporate entities

If multiple entities, list the related entity (entities) for which additional information will be provided as part of the application.


Related Entity Name(s): _________

For each intermediate-level related entity, answer the questions below and submit the required renewal pre-application attachments.

A. Number of conservation easements now held: ____ as of ____ (mm/dd/yy)

B. Number of acres protected with conservation easements held by the entity: ____

C. Number of fee properties now held: ____ as of ____ (mm/dd/yy)

D. Number of acres owned in fee by the entity: ____

3. Conflicts of Interest – Review Team Assignments

Please review the list of commissioners and application reviewers and the list of Commission staff. If your organization has a real or perceived conflict of interest (positive or negative) with any member of the Commission and/or Commission staff or application reviewers, check the box next to the name(s) of the individual(s) and include a brief description of the nature of the real or perceived conflict(s). (Please note: this information will be used to assign non-conflicted members of the Commission and staff to the team that will review your application.)

2 Attachments

2 PreApp1 Most recent Form 990 (or Form 990-EZ, or Form 990-N) with all schedules and statements

2 PreApp2 Land Conservation Project List(s) (download template)

2 PreApp3 Renewal of Accreditation Agreement (download template)

Renewal Application Questionnaire

Note: applicants must gather the following information prior to submitting its renewal application via the online renewal application system.

Preliminary Information

Organization Description

Provide a brief (3-5 paragraphs) description of and update on your organization. Include the following:

• A short description of your organization, its mission and its programs.

• Information about your organization’s land conservation work, including any work it may do beyond holding conservation easements or fee property (such as holding third-party enforcement rights, holding mineral or water rights, protecting historic buildings, working through agreements to manage properties held by others, etc.).

• A summary of your organization’s major accomplishments or proudest achievement since its last application for accreditation.

• Comments about the value of accreditation and any challenges related to renewal, if any.

Organization Update

Provide information on major changes in your organization since its last application for accreditation.

1. Has your organization changed its name?

□ yes □ no

If yes, provide the former and current name.

2. Has your organization had major changes in its mission, scope or operations (such as completing its first conservation easement or accepting its first fee property, expanding its service area, engaging in corporate combinations and/or mergers, accepting fee property or conservation easements from another organization, etc.)?

□ yes □ no

If yes, describe.

3. Has your organization had major changes in its board (such as turnover of more than 75 percent of its board members, a large increase or decrease in the size of the board, etc.)?

□ yes □ no

If yes, describe.

4. Has your organization had changes in key staff (such the addition of, or turnover in the position of, executive director, director of land protection, etc.)?

□ yes □ no □ N/A (organization has no staff)

If yes, describe.

5. Has your organization made any changes or corrections to its Land Conservation Project List since submitting its renewal pre-application questionnaire?

□ yes □ no

If yes, provide an updated Land Conservation Project List.

2 Attachments

2 PreInfo1 Documentation of stakeholder notification of public comment period.

( PreInfo2 Updated Land Conservation Project List(s), if applicable.

Expectations for Improvement

Expectations for improvement are used to foster continuous learning and quality improvement when the Commission determines that an organization needs to do additional work to fully comply with one or more elements of an accreditation indicator. In this section of the application for renewal, your organization must document how it met each expectation for improvement received either as part of the accreditation award letter or through the compliance confirmation process.

σ Question

σ 1. Did your organization receive expectations for improvement (EFIs), either as part of its previous accreditation or subsequent compliance confirmation?

□ yes □ no

If yes, include the following attachments.

2 Attachments

2 EFI1 Copy of the accreditation award letter and/or compliance confirmation letter with the list of specific EFIs.

2 EFI.A1 A statement describing how and when each EFI specified in attachment EFI1 was addressed.

2 EFI.A2 Documentation that supports statement EFI.A1. Label each supporting document (either separate attachments or separate documents within an attachment) to correspond with the applicable EFI (for instance, EFI.A2, EFI.B2, EFI.C2, etc.).

Practice 1D – Ethics [2017 Standards: Element 1A3]

The land trust upholds high standards of ethics in implementing its mission and in its governance and operations.

Your organization must attest to this practice by adopting the Renewal Application Board Resolution (download template).

2 Attachment

2 1D1 Signed and dated Renewal Application Board Resolution

Practice 2B – Nonprofit Incorporation and Bylaws [2017 Standards: Element 2B2]

The land trust has incorporated according to the requirements of state law and maintains its corporate status. It operates under bylaws based on its corporate charter or articles of incorporation. The board periodically reviews the bylaws.

σ Question

σ 1. Since its last application for accreditation, has your organization amended its articles of


□ yes □ no

If yes, include attachment 2B1.

2 Attachments

2 2B1 Articles of Incorporation, if amended since your organization’s last application for accreditation.

2 2B2 Current bylaws.

Practice 2C – Tax Exemption [2017 Standards: Element 2C1(a) and (b)]

The land trust has qualified for federal tax-exempt status and complies with requirements for retaining this status, including prohibitions on private inurement and political campaign activity, and limitations and reporting on lobbying and unrelated business income. If the land trust holds, or intends to hold, conservation easements, it also meets the Internal Revenue Code's (IRC) public support test for public charities. Where applicable, state tax-exemption requirements are met.

σ Questions

σ 1. Since its last application for accreditation, has your organization’s 501(c)(3) status changed or been revoked?

□ yes □ no

If yes, explain the change in your organization’s 501(c)(3) status.

If yes, is your organization currently eligible for accreditation?

□ yes □ no

If your organization received a new or revised tax determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service, include attachment 2C2.

σ 2. Has your organization updated or completed a new Form 990 (or Form 990-EZ or Form 990-N) since submitting its renewal pre-application questionnaire?

□ yes □ no

If yes, include attachment 2C1.

2 Attachments

2 2C1 Most recent Form 990 (or Form 990-EZ, or Form 990-N) with all schedules and statements, if new or updated since the pre-application was submitted.

2 2C2 Federal tax-determination letter, if new or revised since your organization’s last application for accreditation.

Practice 3C – Board Governance [2017 Standards: Elements 3A2, 3A3, 3B1, 3B3, 3C2 and 3C3]

The land trust provides board members with clear expectations for their service and informs them about the board’s legal and fiduciary responsibilities. The board meets regularly enough to conduct its business and fulfill its duties, with a minimum of three meetings per year. Board members are provided with adequate information to make good decisions. Board members attend a majority of meetings and stay informed about the land trust’s mission, goals, programs and achievements.

σ Questions

σ 1. Provide the following information about your organization’s board.

A. Number of board seats currently filled:

B. Total number of board meetings with a quorum during the last 12 months:

σ 2. Since its last application for accreditation, has your organization met the requirements of practice 3C as follows?

• Provided board members with adequate information, in a timely manner, necessary to make decisions in the best interests of the organization and informed them about the activities of the organization (such as providing meeting materials several days to a week in advance of meetings, holding a minimum of three meetings per year, etc.).

□ yes □ no

• Provided board members with training to fulfill their duties (such as participating in national or regional training events as appropriate, receiving training at board meetings about topics that require board action and specific technical expertise, etc.). □ yes □ no

• Involved the board in setting strategic direction and evaluating the organization’s progress (such as conducting periodic strategic planning, creating or reviewing annual plans, etc.) and in the annual evaluation of the executive director or equivalent position (if the organization has staff).

□ yes □ no

• Provided financial reports and the annual audit (or review or compilation) to the board for review.

□ yes □ no

If your organization’s response is “no” to any of the above, include statement 3C5.

2 Attachments

2 3C1 List of board committees, by name.

2 3C2 List of current board members and board member biographies.

2 3C3 Materials provided to the board in advance of its most recent regular board meeting for which minutes are available as well as any additional materials provided at the meeting.

Note: please indicate on each attachment the date of the board meeting and the date the materials were provided to board members.

2 3C4 Complete set of minutes from the board meeting for which materials are submitted in 3C3 above.

2 3C5 Statement 3C5: If your answer to any of the statements inσ2 is no, attach statement 3C5 describing which of the requirements your organization did not meet and how your organization has since ensured continued compliance with this practice.

Practice 3F – Board Approval of Land Transactions [2017 Standards: Element 3D1]

The board reviews and approves every land and easement transaction, and the land trust provides the board with timely and adequate information prior to final approval. However, the board may delegate decision-making authority on transactions if it establishes policies defining the limits to that authority, the criteria for transactions, the procedures for managing conflicts of interest, and the timely notification of the full board of any completed transactions, and if the board periodically evaluates the effectiveness of these policies.

1 Note: information relative to this practice is also requested as part of project documentation.

σ Question

σ 1. Does the full board of your organization always approve every land and easement transaction before the transaction is completed?

□ always □ not always

If not always, indicate the name of the committee, entity or person that is delegated to approve land and easement transactions:

If not always, also include attachment 3F1.

2 Attachment

2 3F1 The policy or policies delegating transaction approval authority.

Note: here and on all policies indicate the date(s) of adoption by the full board. If date of board adoption is not indicated on the policy, attach the minutes from the meeting when the board adopted the policy. If the delegation authority is provided in the bylaws, please cross-reference the bylaws.

Practice 4A – Dealing with Conflicts of Interest [2017 Standards: Elements 4A1 and 4A2]

The land trust has a written conflict of interest policy to ensure that any conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof are avoided or appropriately managed through disclosure, recusal or other means. The conflict of interest policy applies to insiders, including board and staff members, substantial contributors, parties related to the above, those who have an ability to influence decisions of the organization and those with access to information not available to the general public. Federal and state conflict disclosure laws are followed.


σ 1. Since its last application for accreditation, has your organization acquired (through purchase, donation or other means) land or easements from an insider?

□ yes □ no

a. If yes, include statement 4A2 and attachment 4A3.

b. If yes, did the transaction involve a donation or a bargain sale for which the landowner claimed a tax deduction?

□ yes □ no

If yes, also include attachment 4A4.

σ 2. Since its last application for accreditation, has your organization sold land to an insider?

□ yes □ no

If yes, include statement 4A2 and attachment 4A3.

σ 3. Since its last application for accreditation, has your organization engaged in any other land or easement transactions with an insider (such as transfer, amendment, condemnation or other exchange related to conservation easements or land)?

□ yes □ no

If yes, include statement 4A2 and attachment 4A3.

σ 4. Since its last application for accreditation, has your organization engaged in financial transactions, other than the land or easement transactions described above, with an insider (such as contracts for legal or bookkeeping services, rental payments, purchases of goods or services, loans, etc.)?

□ yes □ no

If yes, include statements 4A5 and 4A6 and attachments 4A7 and 4A8.

2 Attachments

2 4A1 Evidence of a conflict disclosure (such as minutes of a recent meeting when a conflict was disclosed or, if there have been no recent conflicts of interest disclosed, representative examples of signed annual disclosure statements, etc.).

2 4A2 Statement 4A2: If your answer toσ 1, 2 or 3 is yes, attach statement 4A2 describing the nature of the most recent land or easement transaction (acquisition, sale or other land transaction) involving an insider. If you answered yes to more than one of these questions, label your responses 4A2.1, 4A2.2, and/or 4A2.3, as applicable. Address the following:

a) The name of the individual and his/her relationship to your organization.

b) The date of the land or easement transaction and type of transaction.

c) How your organization evaluated and managed the conflict of interest and ensured there was no private inurement or impermissible private benefit.

d) For transactions involving a purchase, sale or other exchange of funds, provide the purchase or sale price. Indicate if your organization obtained an independent appraisal or, if not, how the price was determined.

e) For land sold to insiders, indicate how the property was marketed in advance of the sale.

2 4A3 Minutes of the meeting when the decision was made on the most recent land or easement transaction (acquisition, sale or other land transaction) involving an insider. If you answered yes to more than one of these questions, label your responses 4A3.1, 4A3.2, and/or 4A3.3, as applicable.

2 4A4 If your answer toσ 1.b is yes, and the transaction involved a donation or a bargain sale for which the landowner claimed a tax deduction, attach a copy of the donor’s:

• Signed Form 8283 and supplemental statement.

• Qualified independent appraisal used to substantiate the tax donation (or documentation that the appraisal was requested from the landowner).

2 4A5 Statement 4A5: If your answer toσ4 is yes, attach statement 4A5 briefly describing

the nature of each financial transaction involving an insider completed by your organization since its last application for accreditation.

2 4A6 Statement 4A6: If your answer toσ4 is yes, attach statement 4A6 describing in detail the nature of the most recent financial transaction involving an insider. Address the following:

a) The name of the individual and his/her relationship to your organization.

b) The date of the financial transaction and type of transaction.

c) The dollar value and how the value was determined.

d) How your organization evaluated and managed the conflict of interest and ensured there was no private inurement or impermissible private benefit.

2 4A7 Evidence that shows your organization determined that there was no private inurement for the most recent financial transaction involving an insider (such as data supporting the rate of compensation paid [comparable data of hourly or flat rates paid for similar services, competitive bid results, received in response to a solicitation for services, other market analysis of the going rate for the scope of services provided, etc.)], minutes from the board meeting showing discussion of how the rate was determined, a memo to file documenting that the research and analysis was conducted, etc.).

Note: If the rate paid for services was very low and/or is a small amount that clearly would not have resulted in private inurement (such as a paying an insider a small amount to mow grass at a land trust’s property, to provide cleaning services, etc.), then please provide a statement explaining how the organization came to the determination that the transaction was de minimis.

2 4A8 Minutes of the meeting when the decision was made on the most recent financial transaction involving an insider.

2 4A9 Conflict of interest policy and any available related policies (such as a policy on

transactions with insiders, the sale of land, etc.).

Note: here and on all policies indicate the date(s) of adoption by the full board. If date of board adoption is not indicated on the policy, attach the minutes from the meeting when the board adopted the policy.

Practice 5A – Legal and Ethical Practices [2017 Standards: Elements 5B2 and 5B3]

The land trust complies with all charitable solicitation laws, does not engage in commission-based fundraising, and limits fundraising costs to a reasonable percentage of overall expenses.

1 Note: information relative to this practice is requested as part of project documentation and/or verified in other documentation requests.

Practice 6B – Financial Records [2017 Standards: Elements 3A2, 5B2, 5B3, 6A2 and 6D1]

The land trust keeps accurate financial records, in a form appropriate to its scale of operations and in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or alternative reporting method acceptable to a qualified financial advisor.

2 Attachments

2 6B1 Schedule of Dedicated and Restricted Funds (download template).

2 6B2 Statement 6B2: Using a recent actual contribution to your organization’s conservation easement or fee property stewardship fund as an example, describe how your organization solicits, acknowledges and classifies dedicated funds. (If no stewardship contribution was received since your organization’s last application for accreditation, use a recent special fundraising campaign or grant proposal as an example.) Address the following:

a) Who solicited the contribution and what materials were provided to the donor.

b) Who acknowledged the contribution.

c) Who made the decision as to which account/fund would be credited with the contribution.

d) What restrictions, if any, are there on the account/fund the contribution was credited to (without donor restrictions (undesignated or board designated) or with donor restrictions (restricted by time/purpose or perpetual).

e) What are the allowable uses of the principal and income of the account/fund to which the contribution was credited.

2 6B3 Copy of the solicitation described in statement 6B2.

2 6B4 Copy of the signed acknowledgement of the contribution received via the process described in statement 6B2. Indicate on the acknowledgement the account/fund that was credited with the contribution. This account/fund should correspond to one of the accounts/funds listed on your Schedule of Dedicated and Restricted Funds.

Practice 6D – Financial Review or Audit [2017 Standards: Element 6C1]

The land trust has an annual financial review or audit, by a qualified financial advisor, in a manner appropriate for the scale of the organization and consistent with state law.

σ Questions

σ 1. For each year of your organization’s accredited term, provide the amount of your organization’s total support and revenue and amount of total expenses and also indicate the level of external financial evaluation obtained.

Current Year Total Anticipated Support and Revenue: [dollar amount]

Current Year Total Anticipated Expenses: [dollar amount]

| |Last Fiscal Year |Year Prior |Two Years Prior |Three Years Prior |Four Years Prior |

|Year Ending: | | | | | |

|Total Support and | | | | | |

|Revenue: | | | | | |

|Total Expenses: | | | | | |

|Level of independent |Financial audit |Financial audit |Financial audit |Financial audit |Financial audit |

|external financial |completed by a CPA. |completed by a CPA. |completed by a CPA. |completed by a CPA. |completed by a CPA. |

|evaluation obtained |Financial review |Financial review |Financial review |Financial review |Financial review |

|(check one): |completed by a CPA. |completed by a CPA. |completed by a CPA. |completed by a CPA. |completed by a CPA. |

| |Financial compilation |Financial compilation |Financial compilation |Financial compilation |Financial compilation |

| |completed by a CPA or |completed by a CPA or |completed by a CPA or |completed by a CPA or |completed by a CPA or |

| |qualified accountant. |qualified accountant. |qualified accountant. |qualified accountant. |qualified accountant. |

| |None. |None. |None. |None. |None. |

σ 2. Did the correspondence that accompanied the most recent financial audit/review/compilation of your organization’s financial records indicate that significant changes should be made to your organization’s financial procedures?

□ yes □ no

If yes, include statement 6D3.

σ 3. Since its last application for accreditation, did your organization have one or more years when it did not have a financial audit/review/compilation in accordance with the Commission’s requirements for this practice?

□ yes □ no

If yes, include statement 6D4.

2 Attachments

2 6D1 Audited/reviewed/compiled financial statement from the last three fiscal years. If most recent audit/review/compilation is not yet complete, provide the Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) and Statement of Activities (Profit and Loss) for the fiscal year.

2 6D2 Management letter and related correspondence that accompanied the most recent financial audit/review/compilation of your organization’s financial records.

2 6D3 Statement 6D3: If correspondence attached in 6D2 indicated that significant changes should be made to your organization’s financial procedures, attach statement 6D3 describing what actions have been taken to address the recommended changes.

2 6D4 Statement 6D4: If your organization did not have a financial audit/review/compilation for each year of its accredited term, at a level consistent with the Commission’s requirements for this practice, attach statement 6D4 explaining why your organization did not and how your organization has since ensured compliance.

Practice 7A – Capacity [2017 Standards: Element 1B2]

The land trust regularly evaluates its programs, activities and long-term responsibilities and has sufficient volunteers, staff and/or consultants to carry out its work, particularly when managing an active program of easements.

σ Question

σ 1. Provide the following information regarding your organization’s staff and volunteers.

A. Number of full-time staff:

B. Number of part-time staff:

2 Attachments

2 7A1 Strategic goals or strategic plan

2 7A2 Statement describing a) how the board established the strategic goals or strategic plan and b) the date the board last reviewed them

Practice 8B – Project Selection and Criteria [2017 Standards: Element 8B2]

The land trust has a defined process for selecting land and easement projects, including written selection criteria that are consistent with its mission. For each project, the land trust evaluates its capacity to perform any perpetual stewardship responsibilities.

1Note: information relative to this practice is requested as part of project documentation and/or verified in other documentation requests.

Practice 9E – Easement Drafting [2017 Standards: Elements 9D2, 9E1 and 9E2]

Every easement is tailored for the property according to project planning (see practice 8G) and: identifies the important conservation values protected and public benefit served; allows only permitted uses and/or reserved rights that will not significantly impair the important conservation values; contains only restrictions that the land trust is capable of monitoring; and is enforceable.

1 Note: information relative to this practice is also requested as part of project documentation.

Note: if your organization does not hold conservation easements, please mark “NA” and proceed to 9G.

σ Question

σ 1. Does your organization use a conservation easement template?

□ yes □ no □ NA

If yes, include attachment 9E1.

2 Attachment

2 9E1 Standard easement template, if your organization uses a template.

Practice 9G – Recordkeeping [2017 Standards: Elements 9G1, 9G2 and 9G3]

Pursuant to its records policy (see practice 2D), the land trust keeps originals of all irreplaceable documents essential to the defense of each transaction (such as legal agreements, critical correspondence and appraisals) in one location, and copies in a separate location. Original documents are protected from daily use and are secure from fire, floods and other damage.

σ Question

σ 1. For the specific records on the next page, indicate where both the original document and the duplicate copy are located.

Note: an organization may have some paper duplicates and some electronic duplicates. This form allows you to indicate both. Indicate “NA” if the particular record does not apply to your organization.

| |Originals |Duplicates |

|Record |Physical Location of |Description of How Originals are |Physical Location of |Location of Electronic |

| |Originals |Protected from Daily Use and Kept |Paper Copies |Server/Copies (office |

| | |Secure from Fire, Floods and Other | |server, Internet cloud, |

| | |Damage | |etc.) |

|Legal agreements, deeds, | | | | |

|easements, amendments | | | | |

|Critical correspondence | | | | |

|Baseline documentation | | | | |

|reports for conservation | | | | |

|easements | | | | |

|Title insurance policies or | | | | |

|evidence of title | | | | |

|investigation | | | | |

|Surveys, if any | | | | |

|Conservation easement | | |N/A |

|stewardship records, | | | |

|including substantive | | | |

|notices, approvals, denials, | | | |

|interpretations, exercise of | | | |

|significant permitted rights | | | |

|Conservation easement | | |N/A |

|monitoring reports | | | |

|Appraisals used to | | |N/A |

|substantiate the purchase | | | |

|price or used by the | | | |

|landowner to substantiate the| | | |

|value on the Form 8283 | | | |

|Forms 8283 | | |N/A |

|Fee property inspection | | |N/A |

|records | | | |

|Contracts and leases relative| | |N/A |

|to long-term land management | | | |

|activities | | | |

2 Attachment

2 9G1 Records policy that governs organization, transaction and stewardship documents .

Note: here and on all policies indicate the date(s) of adoption by the full board. If date of board adoption is not indicated on the policy, attach the minutes from the meeting when the board adopted the policy.

Practice 9H – Title Investigation and Subordination [2017 Standards: Elements 9F1, 9F2 and 9F3]

The land trust investigates title to each property for which it intends to acquire title or an easement to be sure that it is negotiating with the legal owner(s) and to uncover liens, mortgages, mineral or other leases, water rights and/or other encumbrances or matters of record that may affect the transaction. Mortgages, liens and other encumbrances that could result in extinguishment of the easement or significantly undermine the important conservation values on the property are discharged or properly subordinated to the easement.

1 Note: information relative to this practice is also requested as part of project documentation.

σ Question

σ 1. Since its last application for accreditation, has your organization always investigated title prior to each acquisition of a conservation easement or fee property?

□ always □ not always (please explain)

If not always, include statement 9H1.

2 Attachment

2 9H1 Statement 9H1: If your answer toσ1 is not always, attach statement 9H1 describing how many projects were completed without title investigation and, for each, explain why title was not investigated and whether any retroactive title investigation has since been completed. Describe how your organization has since ensured continued compliance with this practice.

Practice 9J – Purchasing Land [2017 Standards: Elements 9H1 and 9H2]

If the land trust buys land, easements or other real property, it obtains a qualified independent appraisal to justify the purchase price. However, the land trust may choose to obtain a letter of opinion from a qualified real estate professional in the limited circumstances when a property has a very low economic value or a full appraisal is not feasible before a public auction. In limited circumstances where acquiring above the appraised value is warranted, the land trust documents the justification for the purchase price and that there is no private inurement or impermissible private benefit. If negotiating for a purchase below the appraised value, the land trust ensures that its communications with the landowner are honest and forthright.

1 Note: information relative to this practice is also requested as part of project documentation.

σ Questions

σ 1. Since its last application for accreditation, has your organization purchased conservation fee properties or conservation easements or been involved in a bargain sale transaction? If your organization did not purchase land or easements since its last application for accreditation, please mark “N/A” and proceed to 10B.

□ yes □ N/A

If yes, include attachment 9J1.

σ 2. Since its last application for accreditation, has your organization always obtained a qualified independent appraisal (or letter of opinion) per the Requirements Manual prior to purchasing each conservation fee property or conservation easement?

□ always □ not always (please explain)

If not always, include statement 9J2.

σ 3. Since its last application for accreditation, has your organization purchased one or more conservation fee properties or conservation easements at a price above the appraised value?

□ yes □ no

If yes, include statement 9J3 and attachment 9J4.

2 Attachments

2 9J1 If your answer toσ 1 is yes, attach the appraisal for the most recent purchase or bargain sale and the corresponding purchase and sale agreement or other documentation showing the purchase price.

2 9J2 Statement 9J2: If your answer toσ 2 is not always, attach statement 9J2 describing how many easements or properties were purchased without obtaining an independent appraisal (or letter of opinion) and, for each, explain how the purchase price was determined and why an appraisal was not completed. Describe how your organization has since ensured continued compliance with this practice.

2 9J3 Statement 9J3: If your answer toσ 3 is yes, attach statement 9J3 describing how many projects your organization has paid more than appraised value for and, for each, explain how your organization determined what price it would pay.

2 9J4 If your answer toσ 3 is yes, provide evidence that there was no private inurement or impermissible private benefit for the most recent transaction acquired at a price above the appraised value (such as trend data for market appreciation, range of value of similar purchases, market factors not covered in the appraisal, etc.).

Practice 10B – Appraisals [2017 Standards: Elements 10C2, 10C3 and 10C4]

The land trust informs potential land or easement donors (preferably in writing) of the following: IRC appraisal requirements for a qualified appraisal prepared by a qualified appraiser for gifts of property valued at more than $5,000, including information on the timing of the appraisal; that the donor is responsible for any determination of the value of the donation; that the donor should use a qualified appraiser who follows Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice; that the land trust will request a copy of the completed appraisal; and that the land trust will not knowingly participate in projects where it has significant concerns about the tax deduction.

1 Note: information relative to this practice is also requested as part of project documentation.

σ Question

σ 1. Since its last application for accreditation, has your organization participated in a conservation fee property or conservation easement transaction for which the landowner claimed a tax deduction?

□ yes □ no

If yes, include attachment 10B1.

2 Attachment

2 10B1 For the most recent transaction where the landowner claimed a tax deduction, provide the following.

• Signed Form 8283 and supplemental statement.

• Qualified independent appraisal used to substantiate the tax donation (or documentation that the appraisal was requested from the landowner).

(Please see the User Manual “Frequently Asked Questions” for tips on uploading large files.)

Practice 11A – Funding Easement Stewardship [2017 Standards: Element 6A5]

The land trust determines the long-term stewardship and enforcement expenses of each easement transaction and secures the dedicated or operating funds to cover current and future expenses. If funds are not secured at or before the completion of the transaction, the land trust has a plan to secure these funds and has a policy committing the funds to this purpose.

1 Note: information relative to these practices is also requested as part of project documentation.

Note: if your organization does not currently hold conservation easements, please mark “N/A” on the online application and proceed to Standard 12. If your organization plans to hold conservation easements in the next five years, please make sure it is familiar with the practices below and the Commission’s Compliance Confirmation policy.

σ Question

σ 1. Using the results from your organization’s completed Land Trust Alliance’s Legal Defense Reserves Calculator (see attachment 11A2 description, below), does your organization have sufficient dedicated or restricted defense funds for its conservation easements and fee properties?

□ yes □ not at this time

If not at this time, include attachment 11A1.

2 Attachments

2 11A1 If your organization does not meet the defense fund requirements (as specified in the current Requirements Manual), provide a plan for raising the defense funds and the required board resolution committing the organization to plan implementation.

Note: For more information on when a plan is required and what it should contain, see the Requirements Manual.

2 11A2 Completed Defense Fund Calculator (visit to launch the calculator; you may need to save the calculator to your computer prior to completing it).

Practice 11B – Baseline Documentation Report [2017 Standards: Elements 11B1 and 11B2]

For every easement, the land trust has a baseline documentation report (that includes a baseline map) prepared prior to closing and signed by the landowner at closing. The report documents the important conservation values protected by the easement and the relevant conditions of the property as necessary to monitor and enforce the easement. In the event that seasonal conditions prevent the completion of a full baseline documentation report by closing, a schedule for finalizing the full report and an acknowledgement of interim data [that for donations and bargain sales meets Treasury Regulations §1.170A-14(g)(5)(i)] are signed by the landowner at closing.

1 Note: information relative to this practice is also requested as part of project documentation and/or verified in other documentation requests.

σ Questions

σ 1. Since its last application for accreditation, has your organization always completed each conservation easement’s baseline documentation report prior to closing, including having it signed by the landowner at or prior to closing?

□ always □ not always (please explain)

If not always, include statement 11B1.

σ 2. Do each of your organization’s baseline documentation reports contain all of the following required elements?

• Date of completion.

• Written descriptions, maps and photographs that document the following:

o Protected conservation values

o Relevant conditions of the property as necessary to monitor and enforce the conservation easement

• Dated signatures of the landowner and your organization acknowledging that both attest to the accuracy of the information contained in the report. (Landowner signatures (or a documented attempt to obtain the signature) for all easements completed in 2004 or later.

□ yes □ no

If no, include statement 11B2.

2 Attachments

2 11B1 Statement 11B1: If your answer toσ 1 is not always, attach statement 11B1 describing a) how many conservation easements were accepted since your organization’s last application for accreditation without having a signed baseline documentation report at the time of closing, b) for each, explain why the baseline was not completed and/or signed by closing and when the baseline was completed and/or signed, and c) describe how your organization has since ensured compliance with this practice.

2 11B2 Statement 11B2: If your answer toσ2 is no, attach statement 11B2 describing a) how many baselines do not meet the requirements, b) the type of information that needs to be compiled, and c) the specific timeline for securing this information.

Practice 11C – Easement Monitoring [2017 Standards: Element 11C2]

The land trust monitors its easement properties regularly, at least annually, in a manner appropriate to the size and restrictions of each property, and keeps documentation (such as reports, updated photographs and maps) of each monitoring activity.

1 Note: information relative to this practice is also requested as part of project documentation.

σ Question

σ 1. Since its last application for accreditation has your organization always monitored each of its conservation easements on an annual basis?

□ always □ not always (please explain)

If not always, include statement 11C1.

2 Attachment

2 11C1 Statement 11C1: If your answer toσ1 is not always, attach statement 11C1 explaining the circumstances that resulted in each annual monitoring gap. Describe how your organization has since ensured continued compliance with this practice.

Practice 11E – Enforcement of Easements [2017 Standards: Elements 11E1 and 11E2]

The land trust has a written policy and/or procedure detailing how it will respond to a potential violation of an easement, including the role of all parties involved (such as board members, volunteers, staff and partners) in any enforcement action. The land trust takes necessary and consistent steps to see that violations are resolved and has available, or a strategy to secure, the financial and legal resources for enforcement and defense. (See practices 6G and 11A.)

1 Note: information relative to this practice is also requested as part of project documentation.

σ Question

σ 1. Since its last application for accreditation, have any of your organization’s conservation easements been violated?

□ yes □ no

If yes, include statements 11E1 and 11E2 and attachment 11E3.

2 Attachments

2 11E1 Statement 11E1: If your answer toσ 1 is yes, attach statement 11E1 briefly describing the nature of each violation that has occurred since your organization’s last application for accreditation. Indicate how each violation has been resolved, or if not, the steps being taken to resolve the violation.

2 11E2 Statement 11E2: If your answer toσ 1 is yes, attach statement 11E2 describing the most recent conservation easement violation in detail. Address the following:

a) The nature of the violation.

b) How and when the violation was discovered, documented and investigated and who was involved in each step.

c) The role of the board in the resolution of the violation, if any.

d) How the violation was resolved.

2 11E3 If your answer toσ 1 is yes, attach the materials provided to the board (or committee/person delegated to take action) in advance of its discussion(s) of the violation described in 11E2 and the meeting minutes or other document recording the discussion(s).

2 11E4 Conservation easement enforcement policy or procedure.

Note: here and on all policies indicate the date(s) of adoption by the full board. If date of board adoption is not indicated on the policy, attach the minutes from the meeting when the board adopted the policy.

2 11E5 Recent example of your land trust’s conservation easement stewardship records related to a notice, approval, denial, substantive interpretation, or the exercise of a significant permitted right. Include the conservation easement deed, the landowner’s request/notice and your land trust’s response to the landowner.

Practice 11I – Amendments [2017 Standards: Element 11H1 and 11J1]

The land trust recognizes that amendments are not routine, but can serve to strengthen an easement or improve its enforceability. The land trust has a written policy or procedure guiding amendment requests that: includes a prohibition against private inurement and impermissible private benefit; requires compliance with the land trust’s conflict of interest policy; requires compliance with any funding requirements; addresses the role of the board; and contains a requirement that all amendments result in either a positive or not less than neutral conservation outcome and are consistent with the organization’s mission.

1 Note: information relative to this practice is also requested as part of project documentation.


σ1. Since its last application for accreditation, have any of your organization’s conservation easements been amended or extinguished (in whole or in part)?

□ yes □ no

If yes, include statements 11I1 and 11I2 and attachments 11I3, 11I4, 11I5, 11I6, and 11I7.

2 Attachments

2 11I1 Statement 11I1: If your answer toσ1 is yes, attach statement 11I1 briefly describing the nature of each conservation easement amendment/extinguishment approved by your organization since its last application for accreditation.

2 11I2 Statement 11I2: If your answer toσ1 is yes, attach statement 11I2 describing the most recent conservation easement amendment or extinguishment in detail. Address the following:

a) Who requested the amendment or extinguishment and why.

b) How the amendment resulted in a positive or not less than neutral conservation outcome.

c) How your organization analyzed the potential for private inurement and/or private benefit as a result of granting the amendment and how it documented that there would be no private inurement and/or impermissible private benefit.

d) If an extinguishment, describe how your land trust followed the conservation easement terms with respect to obtaining judicial review or regulatory review (or obtained written legal counsel determination why judicial or regulatory review was not needed).

e) Who was involved at major steps in the amendment process, including the role of the board and any co-holders.

2 11I3 Original conservation easement for the most recently amended/extinguished easement.

2 11I4 Amended version(s) of the conservation easement provided in 11I3 (or a tracked-changes version). If extinguished, provide a record of the extinguishment action.

2 11I5 Materials provided to the board (or committee/person delegated to take action) in advance of its approval of the amendment/extinguishment provided in 11I4.

2 11I6 Meeting minutes recording the action approving the amendment/extinguishment provided in 11I4.

2 11I7 Documentation used to determine that the amendment/extinguishment in 11I4 did not confer private inurement or impermissible private benefit.

2 11I8 Conservation easement amendment policy or procedure.

Note: here and on all policies indicate the date(s) of adoption by the full board. If date of board adoption is not indicated on the policy, attach the minutes from the meeting when the board adopted the policy.

Practice 12A – Funding Land Stewardship [2017 Standards: Element 6A5]

The land trust determines the immediate and long-term financial and management implications of each land transaction and secures the dedicated and/or operating funds needed to manage the property, including funds for liability insurance, maintenance, improvements, monitoring, enforcement and other costs. If funds are not secured at or before the completion of the transaction, the land trust has a plan to secure these funds and has a policy committing the funds to this purpose.

1 Note: information relative to this practice is also requested as part of project documentation.

Note: if your organization does not currently hold fee to any property, please mark “N/A” on the online application and proceed to the Renewal Application Submittal Certification. If your organization plans to hold land in fee in the next five years, please make sure it is familiar with the practices below and the Commission’s Compliance Confirmation policy.


σ1. Using the results from your organization’s completed Land Trust Alliance’s Legal Defense Reserves Calculator (see 12A2 below), does your organization have sufficient dedicated or restricted defense funds for its conservation easements and fee properties?

□ yes □ not at this time □ already answered in response to question 11A1

If not at this time, include attachment 12A1.

2 Attachments

2 12A1 If your organization does not meet the defense fund requirements (as specified in the Requirements Manual), provide a plan for raising the defense funds and the required board resolution committing the organization to plan implementation.

Note: For more information on when a plan is required and what it should contain, see the Requirements Manual.

2 12A2 Completed Defense Fund Calculator (visit to launch the calculator; you may need to save the calculator to your computer prior to completing it).

Practice 12C – Land Management [2017 Standards: Element 12B1]

The land trust inventories the natural and cultural features of each property prior to developing a management plan that identifies its conservation goals for the property and how it plans to achieve them. Permitted activities are compatible with the conservation goals, stewardship principles and public benefit mission of the organization. Permitted activities occur only when the activity poses no significant threat to the important conservation values, reduces threats or restores ecological processes, and/or advances learning and demonstration opportunities.

1 Note: Note: information relative to this practice is requested as part of project documentation and/or verified in other documentation requests.

Practice 12D – Monitoring Land Trust Properties [2017 Standards: Elements 12C2 and 12C3]

The land trust marks its boundaries and regularly monitors its properties for potential management problems (such as trespass, misuse or overuse, vandalism or safety hazards) and takes action to rectify such problems.

1 Note: information relative to this practice is also requested as part of project documentation.

σ Questions

σ 1. Does your organization always inspect each of its conservation fee properties annually?

□ always □ not always (please explain)

If not always, include statement 12D1.

σ 2. Does your organization have any ownership challenges to you land trust’s conservation fee properties (such as significant trespass, encroachments, adverse possession claims)?

□ yes □ no

If yes, include statement 12D2.

2 Attachments

2 12D1 Statement 12D1: If your answer toσ1 is not always, attach statement 12D1 explaining the circumstances for each missed inspection. Describe how your organization has since ensured continued compliance with the Commission’s requirements.

2 12D2 Statement 12D2: If your answer toσ2 is yes, attach statement 12D2 describing the nature of the ownership challenges and how the issue was resolved (or the steps being taken to resolve the issue(s)).

Supplemental Application Information (“SAI List”)

Additional documents will need to be uploaded to your land trust’s “Required Attachments” tab to demonstrate how the land trust meets the 2018 accreditation requirements.

• SAI1: Statement describing the procedures for a) recruiting board members and b) training new board members

• SAI2: If the land trust has staff: Statement describing a) the board’s process for evaluating the performance of the chief staff person and b) the date of the most recent evaluation

• SAI3: Budget for the current fiscal year

• SAI4: Most recent financial reports provided to the board, including a statement of financial position (balance sheet) and a statement of activities (budget-to-actual report)

• SAI5: Minutes from the following board meetings:

a. When the budget submitted in #3 was approved

b. When the financial reports submitted in #4 were discussed

c. When the results of the most recent audit, review or compilation were presented

• SAI6: Documentation of the business process system your land trust follows when a) soliciting and accepting restricted gifts/grants, b) determining restrictions on gifts/grants, c) documenting donor restrictions and d) tracking receipt of and expenditures from restricted gifts/grants to comply with donor restrictions (such as policies/procedures for determining gift restrictions or whether an expense can be applied against a gift/grant, applicable sections from your land trust’s accounting manual)

• SAI7: Please upload a statement that responds to the following questions. More about internal controls.

a. What are your land trust’s greatest risks related to misuse of funds (theft, fraud, and/or misappropriation)?

b. What are your land trust’s greatest risks related to misstatement of funds (errors in reporting or presentation of financial statements)?

c. What are your land trust’s greatest risks related to making sure board-designated and donor-restricted funds are used appropriately?

d. Describe how your land trust’s internal controls or accounting procedures manage risks associated with the payment of expenses for individuals who have access to checkbooks, bank accounts or investment accounts (or in lieu of a written answer attach the supporting documentation [excerpts or annotations] in #8).

e. If your land trust has staff, how does the board manage risks associated with setting compensation for its executive director or chief staff officer?

• SAI8: Attach excerpts from or an annotated version of your internal controls or accounting procedures that address the risks your land trust identified in #7a, b, and c.

• SAI9: Attach a signed attestation from the board chair or executive director certifying that the land trust has written internal financial controls and accounting procedures in place and that these controls are periodically tested to ensure they are effective.

• SAI10: If your land trust did not have an operating surplus at the end of the last fiscal year: Statement from a board officer or executive director explaining the reason for the deficit

• SAI11: If your land trust did not have operating reserves to cover three months of operating expenses at the end of the last fiscal year: Report from the board of its evaluation of operating reserve needs and its plan to address the needs (such as a plan that includes specific funding targets, specific strategies with timelines to meet the funding targets)

• SAI12: Certificate of general liability insurance or equivalent documentation (such as premium summary, declarations page or other summary page)

• SAI13: Dated evaluation of insurance needs by board or delegated entity (such as board or committee meeting minutes, analysis of insurance needs by delegated staff member, recommendations from insurance provider given to the board)

• SAI14: Recent example of how your land trust documented (such as with a monitoring report, baseline supplement or current conditions report) a significant change to the land (such as resulting from natural disaster or exercise of a permitted right) or change to the conservation easement (such as resulting from an amendment)

o If your land trust has had no such changes to document, provide a statement of that fact and provide a statement of how it would document such changes in the future.

Renewal Project Documentation

Documentation for projects selected by the Commission is required as part of your renewal application; the project documentation requests are posted to the “Selected Projects” tab. A checklist is required for each project (download template). Prior to submitting your application, review and respond to each project documentation request. For more information about project documentation, see the Applicant Handbook.

Sampled Documentation

Supporting documentation is required as part of your renewal application, for practices 9H, 11B, 11C, 12C, and 12D (as applicable); the sample documentation request is posted to the “Additional Documents” tab. Prior to submitting your application, review and respond to each additional document request. For more information about attestations and verification, click here.


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