Activity 1 Electricity 1


The safe@work General Module (Dealing with an Emergency) is available from


Work in the classroom by yourself, under the supervision of your teacher, on the following tasks:

• Complete the missing words exercise below, then unscramble the “Dealing with an Emergency” words

Complete the missing words

1. In a fire or other emergency, a warning _____ will sound.

2. Employers must provide _____ aid facilities for employees.

3. Only authorised employees can use fire ____________ in an emergency.

4. __________ means following procedures to leave a ________ quickly and calmly in an emergency.

5. Employers must make sure that employees are ________ to carry out _____ ___ if someone is injured or becomes ill.

6. First aid facilities may include first aid ________ or first aid _____ within a workplace, and first aid _____ attached to a wall.

Unscramble the following “Dealing with an Emergency” words.

1. VAECATEU _______________________________________________________

2. SIFRT DIA _______________________________________________________

3. ERFI DNAWRE ___________________________________________________

4. MAALR __________________________________________________________


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