
RequirementsPlanned upgrades/ MaintenanceActual upgrades/MaintenanceFeedback / Improvementshigh definition monitorsThe planned upgrade was to get a 1080p monitor 24inch.The actual upgrade was getting a 1440p monitor 24inch. The feedback I had got was to make the monitor size 32inch for most of the computers and If not affordable keep them 24inch.Lots of storage across multiple DrivesThe planned upgrade was to add 1TB Hard Drive and a 250GB solid state drive.The actual upgrade was adding a 2TB hard drive and a 500GB solid state drive.The feedback I got was to get a NAS drive what is connected to the network what everyone can access so it is a really big storage space.High spec graphics card but not gaming cardsThe maintenance was just using an air compressor on the already existing Graphics card.The Actual Maintenance was using an air compressor and anti-static foam.The feedback I had got was to upgrade the graphics card so it was really high spec instead of it being a gaming card what it has already installed.Between 16GB and 32GB of Ram for desktopThe planned upgrade is to add 16GB to the already existing 8GB.The actual upgrade was getting two 16GB sticks of Ram and replacing the 8GB of Ram already there.The feedback I had got was I had to get a new motherboard because the motherboard currently in the computer can only hold 16GB and I tried installing 32Gb what is good in the long run because It can then cope with more when next upgraded.Reliable, speedy and easy to use backup storagePlanned upgrade was to add 1TB external Hard Drive.Actual upgrade was adding 2TB external Hard Drive.See above for network attached storageLaptop storageThe planned upgrade was to add a 2TB Hard Drive.The actual upgrade was adding a 1Tb Hard Drive.Unit 14 task 4IntroductionThis table is to represent the requirements from the company and the planned and actual upgrades what I had done for the company and then I had got feedback on things what would have been better then what I had done. ................

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