Soil Association

Your assessor will require to see the following documents / records either in paper or electronic format during your RTA Crops Scheme assessment.TickStandardDocuments to see DP.bEmergency contact numbers and contingency plans omplaints record SC.cStaff training records SC.dGang masters licence if using labour providers TI.aEvidence of use of Passport TI.a.2Destination of first tipping point TI.b.1Records to identify varieties & fields of origin of stored crops TI.dPurchased seed tickets including batch numbers VC.aExternal Contractors details if one is used for vermin control (revised) VC.bVermin control records including, Site survey, Environmental Risk Assessment,Bait plan and records kept for two years, COSHH assessment (Revised standardsee appendix in Standards) VC.cInsect trap records and any subsequence treatments or follow up actions RC.bMycotoxin Risk Assessment for wheat, crop contamination RA from sources as listed in RCb (revised) EC.cWaste transfer notes or receipts/invoices (revised) EC.e.6List of stored PPP’s EC.fFarm map identifying areas of high risk of pollution as identified in ECf EC.f.3Metaldehyde application records, Farm Map showing areas of high pollution risk (New) EC.gNPTC Details of Spray Operators for applications of PPP EC.g.2Contractors details including NROSO membership number (revised) EC.g.3Basis registration number for advisor (revised) EC.hPPP application records EC.iNSTS Certificate for PPP Applicators EC.i.1Calibration record of PPP Applicator (revised) EC.i.2Records of hand held applicator & knapsack checks EC.1.4Tank washing rinsates permit EC.k.2Manufactured fertiliser stock record EC.lWaste transfer notes & records of product source as listed in EC.l EC.l.2Farmer notification form that sewage sludge is assured (if applicable) (Recommendation) New EC.mManure Management Plan (revised) EC.m.1Fertiliser application equipment calibration record EC.m.2Facts registration of advisor (revised) EC.m.3Analysis results or standard analysis (e.g. RB 209) for organic manure EC.m.5Delivery records of fertiliser for evidence of chemical content EC.m.6Fertiliser Application Records (revised) EI.bRecords of any conversion of land IM.aIPM Plan IM.bIPM Plan IM.cRecords of pests, diseases & weeds SM.aSoil Management Plan IG.cIrrigation water test results (New) IG.fIrrigation water usage records (New) IG.gWater management plan (Recommendation) new IG.hWater Abstraction license (New) SN.aSeed Treatment records ST.bGrain Storage records ST.cRecords of annual calibration of moisture meters & temperature probes ST.dDrier maintenance records, operator manual and drier fuel purchase records ST.ePost-harvest PPP or diatomaceous earth product use records (revised) ST.fPre harvest treatments of the store ST.hAnnual Risk Assessment of temporary and long term stores, CIPC store RA ST.i, ST.j & ST.qStore cleaning records, temporary and long term ST.t.1Records of temporary outside storage/tipping and CB derogation if over 5 days (New) EH.aCleaning records for all equipment used for harvesting, transportation, conveying and loading OT.bIdentification records of trailers OT.c & OT.dTrailer & sheet cleaning records OT.fRecords of 3 previous of farm loads ................

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