Use Case Narrative Template

|Use case: Scan Member Card Scan Item to Purchase | |

|Actors: Clerk | |

|Purpose: Process the Member Card when it is scanned at any time during purchase processing. | |

|Overview: Verify memberId, update previously scanned items to member prices if necessary, | |

|and retain member information as part of purchaseReceipt. | |

|Type: Essential | |

|Preconditions: purchaseReceipt exists for the present purchase transaction | |

|Postconditions: prices updated for previous items in purchaseReceipt; memberInformation | |

|added to purchaseReceipt | |

|Special Requirements: none | |

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|Flow of Events |

|Actor Action |System Response |

|1. This use case Scan Item to Purchase and |2. Verify scanned memberId; add to |

|begins when the scanned item is a Member Card instead of|purchaseReceipt |

|a normal product to purchase |Access memberInformation and add |

| |memberName to purchaseReceipt |

| |Adjust price for all products now in |

| |purchaseReceipt (product pricing only) |

| |if necessary (Member price exists) |

| |Update and Display currentTotal |

| |PurchaseAmount to Clerk, Customer |

| | |

|Note: memberVisitData is not recorded at this time, but | |

|updated later in the Finalize Purchase Transaction use | |

|case. | |

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|Alternative Flow of Events | |

|Line 2: If memberId is invalid, return error indication so |

|"Unknown Member" appears as Output to Clerk, Customer |

|and terminate this Use Case. |

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Source: Stumpf and Teague, Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design with UML, as modified by W.L.Honig for Comp 320, Loyola University Chicago, Spring 2008.


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