Proposed Features for DVO Beta 2

Direct Vendor Ordering 2.2.0

Release Notes

June 22, 2005

Production Release 2.2.0

Direct Vendor Ordering 2.2.0 includes a number of bug fixes as well as enhancements for both the Ordering and eInvoicing applications.

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1. IMPORTANT: We have made a major change to the eInvoicing system. To code invoices, the system now uses a table that is populated by the Financial Systems CRS application. This table stores the store specific POS_DEPT to Team/Subteam mappings used by the eInvoicing system to code invoices.

a. What are the benefits of using this table? The benefits are that the coding structure for a store no longer has to be manually created and updated. Instead the coding structure is retrieved from the Financial Systems CRS application. If the team/subteam organization changes in a store, a regional team member will update CRS. This change is then automatically propagated to another Central database for use by eInvoicing. Please realize that Team/Subteam updates will take at least a day to become available to eInvoicing.

b. What do I need to do? We have tested this change to ensure that all invoices code correctly. Nevertheless, we recommend that you review the coding for all your invoices for at least the next week. Please alert us to any issues.

2. IMPORTANT: We have enhanced the distributor customer account pages. Each region may now add and update customer account numbers and also indicate which account numbers should be used to code an entire invoice to a particular team, e.g. deli or bakery.

a. To access this feature click

i. “Vendors” and then click on the

ii. “Distributor Customer Id List” link

b. Please see the updated “eInvoicing for Accountants” document available under the “User Help Guides” link.

3. We have improved the performance of the checkbox feature that is used to receive invoices. You’ll notice that when you check the checkbox to receive an invoice, the system displays the receive date in a much quicker fashion.

4. We have introduced code that will enable us to load invoices from Mountain People’s Warehouse and Natures Best. We are waiting for more test files from these vendors before we rollout this functionality to NP and SP. We’ll keep you updated on our vendors’ progress.


1. When you reassign a scan error to an ANS purchase order, the system checks to ensure that the item exists in the regional hosting system. Be sure to edit the UPC to correct any typos before reassigning the UPC to the order. The system will no longer allow UPC’s which are not assigned to ANS to be submitted.

2. The costs that are displayed in purchase orders are now effective costs, meaning they take into account any current charges and allowances. These costs come from your regional hosting system and are updated as they are updated in your regional hosting system.

3. We have implemented an order format that works with the Orderlink System. This will allow orders to be sent to a WFM DC that uses Orderlink. This functionality will be used initially with the SW DC. More changes are necessary before it can be rolled out to other DCs.

4. DVO has been updated to handle the new regional organization. The new regions are

a. RM Rocky Mountain

b. PN Pacific Northwest

Regional and Store Administration

1. Regional Admins now have the ability to cancel purchase orders. This feature is available from the System Tools > Transmission Log page. Remember that orders should only be canceled are the order has been sent to the vendor and if both the buyer and vendor agree to cancel the order.

2. We have enhanced the distributor customer account pages. When you go to edit a distributor customer account number you are presented with a list of all of the store’s subteams. The regional admin will need to enter account numbers for any teams that are ordering from distributors with the DVO handheld. Please be aware that the accountants will use this same list to record which account numbers are used to code invoices to a particular subteam, e.g. deli or bakery. The options for Ordering vs. eInvoicing are clearly labeled.

a. To access this feature click

i. “Vendors” and then click on the

ii. “Distributor Customer Id List” link

3. For SP, Natures Best orders are split into separate account numbers using a table that maps item POS_DEPT to SubTeam. Previously this mapping was in a table that was updated by the Purchasing Systems team. We have modified the code to reference the POS_DEPT to Subteam mapping as defined by the CRS application. This was done in tandem with the change for eInvoicing described above.

4. We have fixed an issue with the direct vendor customer account pages that prevented vendors from entering account numbers for new stores.

5. A patch to the HOC version of the handheld software has been posted on the website. The patch fixes a problem with duplicate order file names and orders that get stuck in a “Reprocess” directory on the desktop PC. Please see the Handheld Info page under the “User Help Guides” for more information.


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