Military to Civilian Code Converter

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|Military to Civilian Code Converter |

|Web service Consumption Instructions |

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|Last Revised |

|5/29/2013 |

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction 3

2. Background 3

3. Web service URL 3

4. Web service Example 3

4.1. Request Example 3

4.2. Response Example 3

5. Web service Parameters 6

5.1. Request Parameters Explanation 6

5.2. Response Parameters Explanation 7

6. Web service Errors 9

7. Additional Examples 9

7.1 Use case – 1 9


The Military to Civilian code converter service is a RESTful API that enables developers to input a keyword or a military code to find the matching civilian occupations. The web service will retrieve a list of O*NET occupation codes that matches each of the resulting military codes.


The Department of Defense provides a variety of resources that describe military occupations and link them to their civilian counterparts. The military crosswalk data is produced by the Defense Manpower Data Center(DMDC). This web service utilizes the Department of Defense (DOD) crosswalk of military occupations to O*NET occupations.

Web service URL


Web service Example

1 Request Example


2 Response Example

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|Success |

|0 |

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|Air Force - Commissioned Officer |

|O |

|8076 |

|Manages and performs activities related to applied analysis, production, and dissemination of intelligence provides |

|intelligence support to operational units and headquarters. Manages all-source data bases and serves as unit chief of intelligence.|

|Commands intelligence applications units. |

|Intelligence Applications Officer, Staff |

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|F |

|O |

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| |

|Navy - Commissioned Officer |

|O |

|8076 |

|Directs Naval Air Systems Command section or project on type of aircraft design, development, test and evaluation of |

|experimental aircraft. Assists in screening and evaluating proposals for type of experimental aircraft. Assists research and |

|development activities concerned with preliminary investigation of proposed project. Recommends award of contract. Oversees project|

|through design and engineering stages, coordinating efforts of systems command division and contractor. Reviews field testing at |

|manufacturer's plant and naval aviation test facilities. |

|Type Aircraft Design & Development Officer |

|11-9041.00||11-9121.00||17-2011.00 |

|11-9041.00||11-9121.00||17-2011.00 |

|Aerospace Engineers||Architectural and Engineering Managers||Natural Sciences Managers |

|N |

|A |

| |

| |

|Navy - Warrant Officer |

|W |

|8076 |

|Directs Naval Air Systems Command section or project on type of aircraft design, development, test and evaluation of |

|experimental aircraft. Assists in screening and evaluating proposals for type of experimental aircraft. Assists research and |

|development activities concerned with preliminary investigation of proposed project. Recommends award of contract. Oversees project|

|through design and engineering stages, coordinating efforts of systems command division and contractor. Reviews field testing at |

|manufacturer's plant and naval aviation test facilities. |

|Type Aircraft Design and Development Officer |

|11-9041.00||11-9121.00||17-2011.00 |

|11-9041.00||11-9121.00||17-2011.00 |

|Aerospace Engineers||Architectural and Engineering Managers||Natural Sciences Managers |

|N |

|A |

| |

| |

|3 |

| |

Web service Parameters

1 Request Parameters Explanation

Refer to the following table for a list of the required and optional request parameters.  All parameter names and values are case sensitive.

Important: You must provide all required parameters. Submitting an empty request does not return all possible results; an empty request returns an error.

|Parameter |Required |Description |

|userid |Yes |This value is the unique user ID provided during the CareerOneStop web services registration |

| | |process. |

|keyword |Yes |This value is the keyword string the system will search the military titles, codes and description |

| | |in the database. |

|sortcolumns |Yes |All the requested data can be sorted by “Title”,”BRANCH”, or “MOCCODE”. |

|sortdirections |Yes |Sorting is performed in ascending or descending. Allowed values are “ASC” or “DESC”. |

|start |Yes |The index of the first occupation in the result set to return. Useful when implementing paging. |

|end |Yes |The maximum number of matches to return. |

2 Response Parameters Explanation

The web service returns a XML serialized “MocOccKeywordResult” with general information about the request and a list of matching military occupation objects.

OccupationMatchResult Object

|Name |Description |

|ErrorMessage |If there was a problem processing the request a message describing the error is returned. If the request was |

| |completed without error “Success” is returned. |

|ErrorNumber |Refer Error Number & Description section for more information. |

|AutoCorrection |Corrected keyword for a misspelled word. |

|DidYouMean |Suggestions for a misspelled word. |

|MocOccupationList |A collection of MocOccupation objects returned by the keyword search. (See MocOccupation object below) |

|RecordCount |Total records count |

Error Number & Description

|Error Number |Description |

|0 |Success |

|-1 |Failure |

|-2 |NoDataAvailable |

|-3 |ValidLocation - DataNotFound |

|-4 |InValidLocation |

|-5 |InvalidOccCode |

|-6 |EmptyLocation |


|Name |Description |

|Branch | Branch (“SVC – MPC”) |

| |See below (MPC, SVC definitions) |

|MPC |Military Personnel Category |

| |E=Enlisted |

| |O=Commissioned Officer |

| |W=Warrant Officer |

| | |

|MOCCode | Military service occupation code |

|MocDesc | Military service occupation description |

|MocTitle | Military service occupation title |

|OldOnetCode | Delimited O*NET codes (2009 format) associated with the matched MocCode. |

|OnetCode | Delimited O*NET codes associated with the matched MocCode. |

|OnetTitle | Delimited O*NET titles of the O*NET codes associated with the matched MocCode. |

|SVC |Military Service Branch |

| |A = Army codes |

| |F = Air Force codes |

| |C = Coast Guard codes |

| |M = Marine Corps codes |

| |N = Navy Enlisted Codes & Navy Commissioned/Warrant Officer Billet Code |

| | |

|Status | |

| |A = Active (Current) Record |

| |O = Obsolete (Rescinded) Record |

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Web service Errors

Error codes returned from the web service and their descriptions are described below.

|Error |Description |

|“Invalid user ID” |The userid is not in the proper format. A user ID should be 15 alpha-numeric characters. |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service has been suspended by CareerOneStop. |

|service has been suspended.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service has not yet become active or has expired. |

|service is not valid at this time.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service could not be found in CareerOneStop system. |

|service cannot be found.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - Usage |This user’s usage limit for this service has been exceeded. |

|limit exceeded.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s subscription for this service has expired. |

|Subscription has expired.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s subscription for this service has not yet become valid. |

|Subscription is not yet valid.” | |

|“Access to Service Denied - No valid |No subscription was found for this user ID and service. |

|subscription found.” | |

Additional Examples

7.1 Use case – 1

A user would like to see military occupations that would be a good match for a keyword “airforce”. They would like to sort the columns by Title,BRANCH and MOCCODE. All the sorts need to be “ASC” order. The user would like a maximum of 2 military occupations.

Request Parameter Specifications

Refer to the following table for the parameters required to satisfy the use case above.

|Parameter |Value |

|userid |012345678901234 |

|keyword |airforce |

|sortcolumns |Title,BRANCH,MOCCODE |

|sortdirections |ASC,ASC,ASC |

|start |0 |

|end |2 |

Request URL:

Refer to the following for an example (code example) of results for the request parameters specified above.

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|Success |

|0 |

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|Air Force - Commissioned Officer |

|O |

|8076 |

|Manages and performs activities related to applied analysis, production, and dissemination of intelligence provides |

|intelligence support to operational units and headquarters. Manages all-source data bases and serves as unit chief of intelligence.|

|Commands intelligence applications units. |

|Intelligence Applications Officer, Staff |

| |

| |

| |

|F |

|O |

| |

| |

|Navy - Commissioned Officer |

|O |

|8076 |

|Directs Naval Air Systems Command section or project on type of aircraft design, development, test and evaluation of |

|experimental aircraft. Assists in screening and evaluating proposals for type of experimental aircraft. Assists research and |

|development activities concerned with preliminary investigation of proposed project. Recommends award of contract. Oversees project|

|through design and engineering stages, coordinating efforts of systems command division and contractor. Reviews field testing at |

|manufacturer's plant and naval aviation test facilities. |

|Type Aircraft Design & Development Officer |

|11-9041.00||11-9121.00||17-2011.00 |

|11-9041.00||11-9121.00||17-2011.00 |

|Aerospace Engineers||Architectural and Engineering Managers||Natural Sciences Managers |

|N |

|A |

| |

| |

|Navy - Warrant Officer |

|W |

|8076 |

|Directs Naval Air Systems Command section or project on type of aircraft design, development, test and evaluation of |

|experimental aircraft. Assists in screening and evaluating proposals for type of experimental aircraft. Assists research and |

|development activities concerned with preliminary investigation of proposed project. Recommends award of contract. Oversees project|

|through design and engineering stages, coordinating efforts of systems command division and contractor. Reviews field testing at |

|manufacturer's plant and naval aviation test facilities. |

|Type Aircraft Design and Development Officer |

|11-9041.00||11-9121.00||17-2011.00 |

|11-9041.00||11-9121.00||17-2011.00 |

|Aerospace Engineers||Architectural and Engineering Managers||Natural Sciences Managers |

|N |

|A |

| |

| |

|3 |

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