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right-46482000-213360203835001363980137160Community Connections Grant ProgramBridging the GapRapid Response Fund00Community Connections Grant ProgramBridging the GapRapid Response Fund OverviewThe Bridging the Gap Rapid Response Fund recognizes that leaders and groups throughout the city are especially equipped to respond to the unique and pressing needs and challenges experienced in the Detroit community. The grant provides resources to grassroots and community groups to respond to immediate needs, implement activities, and design bridges to quickly address gaps faced by Detroit families as a result of the pandemic. Groups with a current network and access to Detroit parents, children’s caregivers, and children are encouraged to apply. The Bridging the Gap Rapid Response Fund is a partnership between Community Connections and Hope Starts Here Detroit. The grant’s primary focus is groups working with children ages 0-8 and/or their families. There is a smaller amount of funding available for groups working with children and young adults ages 9-18 Groups working with college bound youth are encouraged to apply. Community Connections staff have been in touch with many community leaders over the past few weeks. We stand with you during these uncertain times. The gravity of the moment dictates that no one entity can meet every need. We will, however, do our best to respond to some of the gaps that you have identified and are not met by others.?People and organizations are encouraged to contact program staff to discuss grant applications and receive assistance. Community Connections Grant Program has been linking philanthropy to community groups and leaders since 2006. We believe that people who are closest to the problems are best suited to identify and implement solutions. A community panel representative of grantees will meet to discuss and review grants several times a month in order to respond quickly to grant requests.This opportunity is intended to meet short-term needs. The term of grant activities is expected to extend 4 months or less.Activities Supported Online or digital activities for children, youth, and families such as artistic activities, at-home activities for parents and young children, peer group education and support groups (stress, coping skills, grief, etc.), college readiness workshops, educational forums, mindfulness training, health and fitness groups, translating information for non-English speakers, teaching digital organizing and outreach, etc. – Funds available for group supplies, stipends, etc. Resources to assist with procuring goods to assist with sheltering in place, such as resources for transportation to grocery stores, testing sites, etc., special foods, baby formula, diapers. – Funds available for gift cards and other means to procure needed resources.Home-based and small center, licensed and unlicensed early child care programs are eligible to apply for funding for cleaning and disinfecting material if they are presently operating or preparing to reopen their daycare. – Funds available in increments of $200, $400, etc., depending on size/need.Developing and writing stories documenting experiences, challenges, and coping strategies during the pandemic. Community Connections staff is available to assist with developing and editing stories. – Funds available for stipends.Grant will not support the following:Technology (e.g. internet service, tablets, computers, calculators, cellular phones, etc.) -We believe all families need and deserve resources to connect to digital information. The digital divide is a systemic barrier beyond the scope of our program. We are happy to report that Detroit Connected Futures Initiative will provide computers and internet to DPSCD students starting in June. Food- provided by other agencies throughout the city of Detroit. Duplicating the efforts of others is beyond the scope of this program. Specialty food requests can be supported if there are no alternative sources (e.g. medically fragile, halal). Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) such as gloves and masks (daycare providers may request gloves). Personal expenses (e.g. utilities, car repairs, rent) are needs beyond the scope of this grant.We will carefully consider requests with consideration for whether other agencies are providing the requested items. Please ask us for a list of resources for needs not supported by this grant program.Applicants are encouraged to ask for assistance. For HELP with developing your application, please call Community Connections at 313-782-4042GuidelinesELIGIBILITY AND FUNDING REQUIREMENTSApplicants must be a not-for-profit organization or group. Groups do not have to have 501c3 status. Childcare centers may be for-profit, however, they will need a fiduciary to accept funds. Grant requests may be up to $2,500 and must be substantiated by an itemized budget. Groups with resources at scale and an established network are encouraged to contact us about additional opportunities.Activities must adhere to the State of Michigan stay-at-home and social distancing orders. Priority is given to minority-owned or community-based organizations. Childcare providers may be licensed, license-exempt, and unlicensed.If your project has an online component, ensure participants have online access prior to applying.Activities and resources must be designed for or distributed to Detroit residents and take place in Detroit. Grant funds will be remitted to a preapproved fiduciary or to a non-profit group in the group’s name. Grant checks will not be made out to individuals.The named applicant is considered the responsible party for all activities and funding.Grant awardees must submit a final report and receipts for the funded activities. A form for this report will be included with the award package. BUDGET GUIDELINESFunds may be used for: Basic needs such as transportation, special foods, cleaning and disinfectant materials, formula, diapers, materials, etc. (Applications for items not provided by other organizations will be prioritized over items that are more easily procured by other organizations.)Stipends for leaders with online content are an acceptable expense for the grant. Stipend amounts up to $30/hour will be considered and may be the sole request. The grant making panel has discretion to modify stipend amount requests for any reason, including high demand.Groups distributing basic needs are encouraged to utilize gift cards to distribute to residents or families in need. Groups must maintain a record of who receives resources. The record is required to be submitted with the final report.Grassroot groups with a proven track record of coordinating the purchase of large volume high-need supplies at discounted amounts, with a trusted network of partners, are encouraged to contact office staff to discuss other possible grant opportunities.FUNDING CONSIDERATONSOur staff is committed to finalizing grants and getting funds into the hands of grantees as quickly as possible. We are eager to provide you with the resources to begin activities. We have retooled our processes to finalize grants while observing no or very little contact guidelines to minimize risk to all. We will contact approved grantees individually to determine the best way to finalize the grant. Please be patient as we tailor our approach to each grantee. We anticipate high demand to this grant announcement. Please consider needs in your network carefully. The grant making panel will evaluate requests with an eye toward honoring as many requests as possible. They reserve the discretion to revise requested amounts of funded projects.BRIDGING THE GAP RAPID RESPONSE GRANT APPLICATIONDate of application: _________Organization applying: _______________________________________Address: Zip: Contact Person (who can answer questions)Name: ______________________________________ Ms. Mrs. Mr. Other: Phone: Cell phone: Email address: Where in the city will planning and activities take place? (check one or more if applicable)Eastside______ Westside______ North End ______Southwest______ Northwest_______If you could title your grant request what would it be? Make it short and descriptive: Grant amount requested: $Start Date and End Date of Activities: Proposed days and times (if applicable):Have you received a Community Connections grant before? Yes ??No ? If Yes, Date: People playing leadership roles: (If more than 4, please attach a list with the rest)Name/Zip Code/Age: Name/Zip Code/Age:Name/Zip Code/Age:Name/Zip Code/Age:Number of adult participants, if applicable: Number of child participants, if applicable:Age range of child participants: Are you a childcare provider? Yes ??No ? If yes, are you: A Home Daycare ??A Child Care Center ? Are you: Licensed ??Unlicensed ? Describe your group and/or participants. Who is your community? Why is your group best suited to support them?Describe the activities that will take place with grant funding. Be specific and paint a picture that will give reviewers a good idea of what you are asking them to fund. (If you need additional space, please attach a page.)A) What is your main goal? (Keep this simple, it does not need to be detailed.)Name of goalEvidence of AchievementGoal B) What do you expect to be different after you implement this grant? Are there partners involved in your activities? Yes ?No ?If ‘Yes,’ who are they? For example, is a community organization, municipality, or healthcare organization involved? Did you receive assistance from a Community Connections staff person in completing this grant application? Yes ?No ?If ‘No,’ have you ever received assistance from a Community Connections staff person in designing a project or completing a grant application? Yes ?No ?BUDGET (Please itemize expenses)Description of ExpenseDollar Amount TOTAL:If applicable, what amount of your grant request is for diapers/wipes? __________Attach an additional sheet to explain budget items that include details not obvious from the costs listed.Do you have any other source(s) of income for your request?Yes ?No ?If ‘Yes,’ indicate how much income, the source, and what it will be used for. AmountSourceUseright158749GRANT CHECK (OR DIRECT DEPOSIT)Grant check should be made out to the applicant non-profit organization named on page one.Grant check should be made out to the fiduciary (school, church, agency, etc.).Please contact us if you need help locating a fiduciary. We may be able to help. Grant checks will not be made out to individuals. Name of Organization: Address: City: _______________________________ ZIP: ____________ Phone #: Does the fiduciary require an administrative 5% of the grant awarded? _______ Yes ________ NoAre you able to accept direct deposit of funds? _______ Yes ________ No00GRANT CHECK (OR DIRECT DEPOSIT)Grant check should be made out to the applicant non-profit organization named on page one.Grant check should be made out to the fiduciary (school, church, agency, etc.).Please contact us if you need help locating a fiduciary. We may be able to help. Grant checks will not be made out to individuals. Name of Organization: Address: City: _______________________________ ZIP: ____________ Phone #: Does the fiduciary require an administrative 5% of the grant awarded? _______ Yes ________ NoAre you able to accept direct deposit of funds? _______ Yes ________ No**Grant applications will be accepted starting immediately and on a rolling basis. The first review will take place on April 27th and every 2 weeks until funds are exhausted. **Approved applicants should expect to receive grant funds within 2-3 weeks of being approved. Please send applications to: grants@Community Connections, 2727 2nd Ave, Suite #144, Detroit, MI 48201Phone: (313) 782-4042 Fax: (313) 782-4044Website: Facebook & Twitter: ccgrantsdetroitInstagram: communityconnectionsdetroit022860410781576835 The Bridging the Gap Grant is generously funded by W.K. Kellogg Foundation & The Kresge FoundationAGREEMENT FORM FOR BRIDGING THE GAP RAPID RESPONSE GRANT FUNDSIF AWARDED FUNDING the funded group agrees to the following:(1) We will use the grant funds as outlined in our application budget, or revised budget. We will keep receipts or other documentation for everything we pay out with grant funds, and will submit these with our final report, no later than 30 days after our project ends.(2) We will get permission from Community Connections to make any changes in our budget and how we use grant funds.(3) We will get permission from Community Connections if we need to make changes in our project schedule, timeline, activity, or any other substantial part.(4) We will return any leftover funds from our grant to Community Connections. (Such money is put back in the grant pool for future awards to community groups.)(5)Our organization, officers, and board of director members are not on any federal terrorist watch list.(6) We will act in compliance with all applicable anti-terrorist financing and asset control laws and regulations.(7) Grant funds will not be used to fund any form of violent political activity, terrorism, or terrorist organizations.(8) Grant funds will not be used to influence the outcome of any specific public election, or to carry out any voter registration to influence any specific legislative issue, or to influence a legislative outcome.(9) Groups using grant funds do not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. (9) Grant funds will not be used in any way to raise funds for our own or another organization.(10) Grant funds will not be used for religious practice, to carry out religious activity, or to promote any specific religion or place of worship.(11) We will hold Community Connections harmless for any liabilities that may occur in association with the grant funded project.(12)Since the Bridging the Gap Grant is administered by Community Connections and funded by W.K. Kellogg Foundation and The Kresge Foundation, this project in whole or in part, will enter the public domain. In this case, no part of the project may be patented or copyrighted. (13) Acknowledge in all publicity, exhibits, publications, social media and on your website the source of your grant. This project was funded by a grant from the Community Connections Grant Program. ____________________________________________________ Signature of contact person named on page one Date Signature of person responsible for project, if different from aboveDate ______________________________________________________________________________ Fiduciary signature/title, if a fiduciary will be usedDateSAFETY REQUIREMENTSSafety is the utmost priority and concern throughout every step of the grant making and project implementation process. The staff at Community Connections and our grantees’ health and wellness come before anything else. We are continually learning and updating our procedures to ensure we are in compliance with Governor Whitmer’s Executive order. We are adhering to best practices during these uncertain times. Projects: We have outlined steps that groups must adhere to when creating kits, boxes, or other resources. Cindy Eggleton, Executive Director of Brilliant Detroit consulted with an epidemiologist for guidance on best practices to minimize risks. We have adopted the recommendations for our grantees. We want you, your volunteers, and the community to place your health first. Thank you, Brilliant Detroit, for your assistance. Volunteers must clean and wash hands before starting work - alwaysIndividual grantees will select the supplies or resources to be distributed. Supplies, kits, and/or boxes will be prepared and delivered to the porch of volunteers or picked up from the porch of the grantees’ work site.The volunteers will take the supplies home and make boxes, kits, etc., and bring them back to the grantee organization.Boxes, kits, and resources should sit for at least three days. All distributed resources should also sit for at least 3 days.Families and/or community members should receive kits, boxes, or other resources through a drive-through set up at a designated site during designated times. During the drive-through pick up time, communication will occur through a verbal sign in through the car window, at least 6 feet away.Should a family not be able to come safely to the drive through, the grantee or their designee can take items and put them on the family's porch and will have no contact.Group leaders and volunteers are encouraged to wear gloves and masks when available. Gloves should be changed often to avoid cross contamination.I, ______________________________________________, agree to abide by these safety requirements if awarded grant funding. I also agree to have group leaders, their designees, and all volunteers who assist with funded activities to consider and sign the volunteer pledge attached below. A copy of the volunteer pledge will be available as a hard copy and/or electronically with the grant package. _________________ __________ Signature & Date SAMPLE VOLUNTEER PLEDGE FOR ACTIVITIESGroup leaders, their designees, and all volunteers are required to consider and sign the attached COVID-19 pledge. These basic safety procedures are intended to provide you with tools to assist with minimizing risks.COVID-19 Volunteer Pledge*Thank you for volunteering with _____________________ We are so thankful for your support during this pressing time. In order to keep everyone safe and healthy, we are taking every measure we can to ensure we do not contribute to the spread of this virus, while still meeting the needs of our families.I, _____________________________________________, verify that I have not experienced any symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, coughing, sneezing, sore throat, and/or exhaustion. I also verify that no one who was in direct contact with me or these materials has experienced any of the above symptoms.I verify that when assembling kits, boxes, and/or resources, I:Wore gloves or washed hands thoroughly before making kits.Did not touch my face and then touch materials.Did not expose these items to anyone experiencing symptoms.I verify that I will contact ________________ if I or anyone in my home starts to exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 after making these kits, to ensure we do not give them out to our families and risk further spread of the virus.Signature:________________________________________________________________________________Date:______________________ Phone number: _______________________________________________*Thank you, Cindy Eggleton of Brilliant Detroit for sharing this and other tools to assist us and the community to care for each other together. ................

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