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BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGMay 6, 201910:00 – 11:30 AM Pacific(11:00-12:00 mountain, 12:00-1:00 central, 1:00-2:00 eastern)Zoom Web ConferencingOFFICERSDISTRICT DIRECTORSCOMMITTEE CHAIRSCOMMITTEE COORDINATORSGrant Axtell, PresidentMary Rogers, President-ElectLinda DeMore, Vice-PresidentMisti Hodges, Secretary/TreasurerCheryl Brown, Immediate Past PresidentMike Mrvichin, District IDenise Carey, District IISherry Maddock, District IIIJenny Yarian-Scalpelli, District IV-0Stephanie Stevens, District VIIKatsuto Hisano, District X-0Jason Huang, District XI-0Stephanie Stevens, AwardsAmber Drake, Bylaws (Parliamentarian)Linda DeMore, MembershipDonna Glacken, Chapter DevelopmentRebecca Stancil, International RelationsNancy Fink, Professional DevelopmentSharon Mike, Senior Workforce ProfessionalsAmber Drake, Conference ProgramSteve Strain, FLASH-0STAFFSteve Bent, Executive DirectorJill Bent, Operations & Conference Manager-0Terri Pasternik, Education & Certification Manager-AGENDA ITEMLEADPURPOSE/ACTIONNOTESCall to orderGrantPresident Grant Axtell called the meeting to order at 10:05 am pacific time.Roll Call, Establish quorumMistiSecretary/Treasurer Misti Hodges took roll call. Quorum requirements were met. Those not in attendance were Sharon Mike and Katsuto Hisano.Approval of agendaGrantMisti Hodges moved to approve the agenda with a change regarding approval of minutes. Agenda should read approval for 4/1/19 instead of 1/7/19. Seconded by Mary Rogers. Motion carried.Approval of minutes MistiMotion to approveMisti Hodges presented the minutes from 04/01/19. Mary Rogers moved to approve as presented. Seconded by Linda Demore. Motion carried.ReportsFinancialMistiMotion to acceptThe financial reports were presented by Misti Hodges. Grant entertained a motion to accept reports as presented. So moved by Mary Rogers. Seconded by Cheryl Brown. Motion carried.Executive DirectorSteveInformationSteve reported one of the bigger things that has been accomplished recently is the movement to new LMS recently. He added Washington is our largest customer and that our original software could not accommodate their requirements. Steve also added he met with commissioners in some states in hope of implementing the WPDP program there. There is also an effort to reach out to chapters for which we have not received dues. Biggest are CA, NY, and GA. We are seeing more membership from partners and currently have 5-6 solid chapters. Steve added we have several states having conferences coming up, including Washington that has 140 registered. He reports Donna Glacken continues to hold meetings with chapter leaders. Steve closed his report by stating Terri and Jill are working on specific areas to allow him to work more on building relationships and to market the association. Old BusinessDistrict Director updates: Sherry Maddock reported the Georgia chapter treasurer had transmitted their dues. Denise Carey reported their District meeting will be held May 17 and current association president Grant Axtell will be in mittee Chair updates: Rebecca Stancil reported that we will have a delegate from France at the conference. She added that makes a total of 3 countries that plan to have attendees at the conference: Taiwan, Japan and France. Donna Glacken reported the Chapter Development committee continues to meet biweekly. Their team will serve as host to guide people through IAWP day. Updates on legal proceedingsGrant and SteveInformationGrant stated that there is nothing new to report. Thirty days have passed from date of our last letter restating our position and suggesting arbitration/mediating. As of this date, we have not received any response.501c3 statusSteve, GrantSteve reports we are very close to moving forward with filing for 501(c)(3) status, assuming new articles of incorporation are approved. Forming a 501c3 requires certain items in the articles. The process involves creating a new nonprofit in Texas. We will no longer operate in KY but will keep the current 501(c)(6) but will need to decide what to do with it. Once all of the forms are submitted, it should take the IRS 3-4 months to make decision in approving our status.IAWP Day & ConferenceJill, GrantInformationGrant states we’d love to get another 50-60 people registered. The deadline for hotel is May 17th. Grant added most of the board has already registered. He also stated the Board would be volunteering during the conference to help where needed.New BusinessStrategic PlanningSteve, GrantInformationGrant reported the officers went through and discussed the categories of all of the things we do as an association. The officers looked at goals for 1,2, and 3 and 4 years in the future. Items were task oriented such as membership and we set hard goals for each area. The Membership goal, for example, is an annual increase of 10% and 1 new country and 2 new organizations. Grant added these are some lofty goals and there will be tasks that we can do to help us get there. Some of these things are staff related but some are officers and the incoming Directors at Large. For example, the officers would like to see one member interest group up and running by the end of the year (similar interest or topic such as UI tax). Other items/categories discussed by the officers include: Hand written notes to members, new member process, membership drives, auto renewal, job board feed. One challenge we’ve faced is that we’ve gotten overwhelmed. Strategic planning helps guide the work we are doing each day. The big buckets of things we do as an association are marketing, education (profession related) and development (skills), conference, communication, chapters, and certification programs. Some of the specific goals the officers set include: To be a thought leader, increase WPDP by 10% each year, 20 new CWPs each year and an 80% renewal. We want to do better and continue to grow and for the first time in a while we were forward looking instead of cleaning things up. Regarding awards we want to put a group of people together to continue to look at how to improve. The conference is a bigger challenge. We need to look at how we can do the conference differently. We still plan to hold in 2020 and the membership voted for Denver area. Jill is currently doing work to find a location but as part of that is looking at dates. Does a June make sense since NADWP is 3 weeks before ours each year plus it is in San Antonio this year? Jill will report out on her findings at the fall board meeting. The Board will then review the package of recommendations and will vote on a decision. The challenge is having a conference at a full-service hotel motel is very expensive. While we were able to negotiate a great hotel night rate of $139, the cost to the association is high regarding food and other commitments. We just have to rethink things and think about it differently. Articles of IncorporationSteve, GrantDiscuss, VoteThe proposed Articles of Incorporation have been previously distributed and discussion has previously included the need to start a new organization in order to move forward with 501c3 tax status. Grant stated the information in the proposed articles is fairly standard. He added that the purpose of the organization must justify the exempt status. Furthermore, the vast majority of the language was taken directly from the IRS requirements. Grant entertained a motion to approve the new articles of incorporation. So moved by Denise Carey. Second by Cheryl Brown. Motion carried.Mission StatementGrantDiscuss, VoteGrant stated a small change was needed to our mission statement to make it more active in terms of where we are going as an association. Our current mission statement is more about the workforce system not the people in the system. The proposed statement tweaks the mission to focus on the professionals that do the work each and every day. Strengthen the workforce system by developing, educating, and connecting workforce development professionals. Misti Hodges moved to approve the revision to mission statement. Seconded by Mary. Motion mitteesGrant, MaryDiscuss, VoteGrant stated that with the change in the board structure to Directors at Large and the addition of staff we needed to rethink our current committee structure. He then presented the executive committee’s recommendations as previously distributed. The proposal eliminates the awards committee. We want to get to the point of virtual awards judging. We also want create a process that it’s not a standing committee but a group of people individuals from different areas of the workforce system to judge awards. We discovered that this year’s awards committee was comprise of individuals that all had a UI background. The proposal changes the name of Bylaws & Resolutions to the Rules committee. The role of the committee would be similar but the Secretary/Treasurer would chair this committee as that officer is responsible for all the association’s documentation. Next, the proposal deletes resolutions sections for this committee. The proposal changes Chapter Development to Chapter Relations committee. This committee would be chaired by the Vice President and would include the Directors at Large and Chapter leaders. The committee would be tasked with working on how we continue to grow and build chapters. The Conference committee is to be chaired by the immediate Past President. With Jill as conference planner, this committee would act as an assistant and would be tasked to create a program advisor committee to help select speakers. It would also include marketing which would encompass The Flash and its editors. The proposal eliminates the local arrangements section as this is no longer necessary. The International Relations committee will not change other than having a Director at Large as chair. The Membership committee would also not change other than the President Elect serving as chair. Professional Development would be changed to Education & Professional Development and would be chaired by President. Committee would be members that have an education/development role in their profession. People who are actually out in the world and know what we need. The purpose is to advise on current trends, potential certificate programs, updates to CWP WPDP. Grant entertained a motion to approve the changes to them committee structure as presented. Denise Carey so moved. Seconded by Cheryl Brown. Discussion included if the Secretary/Treasurer could chair the Rules committee per Robert Rules. Furthermore, it was noted that a change regarding the chair could be made at a later date but this would allow Mary to start forming her committees. Motion . Member CategoryLinda, SteveDiscuss, VoteLinda stated the proposal is combine the current Government and Organizational categories. int one Organizational Member category. Mike Mrvichin moved to approved the change in member categories as presented. Sherry Maddock seconded. Motion carried.Branding & WebsiteGrant, SteveDiscussSteve reported that we need to do a better job of telling our story but none of us are in marketing by trade. Grant added that we’ve reached out to a small marketing company to help us put together the language to tell our stories to reach out to agencies and organizations in the workforce system. This company would engage with us and our members to shape our story. Connected to that is our Website and member management system. A couple of years ago we moved from an old antiquated member management system to YourMembership. The challenges with YourMembership is that while it does allow members to update their own information, we’ve found that we have issues with chapters submitting dues in bulk without updating member information. Therefore, we cannot input the transmittals as a whole. Instead we must verify/update each individual record. We need to have better abilities to have effective membership reports. YourMembership could not offer any solution and recommended we contact with another company to build what we needed into their existing system. The current annual cost of YourMembership is roughly $7500 and is included in the budget. Steve would like to ask the board to consider authorizing a shift of these funds from the renewal of YourMembership to a web developer company to build, using word press plug ins, our own website with our own membership data program, conference registrations, etc. Initial indications are that this developer could have new system in place by July 1st. His proposal also includes the transfer of our data. There is also an option for a multiyear maintenance contract but at this time we would not be considering that add on. Discussion included the pros and cons of both current and a potential new system. Denise Carey made a motion to approve shifting the funds budgeted for YourMembership to the development of a new system. Misti Hodges seconded. Motion carried. Good of the orderAllGrant thanked the board for their hard work and dedication and the staff for donating time outside their normal work day. He added he is looking forward to seeing us all for IAWP date. He closed by informing everyone that breakfast will be provided for board meeting.AdjournmentGrantMotionMike Mrvichin moved to adjourn. Seconded by Linda Demore. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:22.NEXT MEETINGS:June 15, 2019IAWP Day, San AntonioJune 16, 2019Board Meeting, San Antonio ................

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