Rev. Fr. Paul Edwards, PP. 2 Catholic Lane, Sedgley, DY3 3UE

Tel: 01902 882215 E-mail:


(Registered Charity Number 234216) Safe Guarding Representative: Natalie Orefice.07718910585.


|Sat |21 |Sep |10.00am |Winnie Wasdell RIP | Sedgley |

| | | |6.30pm |Vigil Sharon Morrow RIP 30th Anniv | |

|Sun |22 |Sep |9.00am |Alan Brookes RIP 4th Anniv |Lower Gornal |

| | | |10.30am |Bernard Ashworth RIP & Fr David Mellor RIP |Sedgley |

|Mon |23 |Sep |9.30am |Eucharistic Service | Sedgley |

|Tue |24 |Sep |7.00pm |Michael James Hytch RIP | Sedgley |

|Wed |25 |Sep |10.30am |Philomina RIP |Lower Gornal |

| | | |11. 40am |Yr 7 Bishop Milner School | |

|Thu |26 |Sep | 9.15am |School Mass: Commitment Mass & Gilbert & Mary Nicholls | Sedgley |

|Fri |27 |Sep |7.00pm |Perpetuity Mass & POP |Lower Gornal |

|Sat |28 |Sep | 10.00am |Brenda Timmins RIP | Sedgley |

| | | |6.30pm |Jo & Harold Dixon RIP | |

|Sun |29 |Sep | 9.00am |Perpetuity Mass & POP 26th Sunday In Ordinary Time |Lower Gornal |

| | | |10.30am |Albert Wynn RIP Birthday Anniv |Sedgley |

| | | | | | |

|Confessions: |Sedgley: Saturday 10:20am-11:00am |Lower Gornal: Friday Following Mass; or as requested |

Second Collection last Weekend for Catholic Evangelisation, St Chad’s raised £157.56

Second Collection this Weekend (22nd September) Father Hudson’s Society


We pray for those who have died in Christ that they may see Him face to face in His Kingdom of light and peace. We commend them to the loving Heart of Jesus. Eternal Rest Grant unto: Michael Joseph Hytch RIP, Doreen Maddin RIP, John Pountney RIP,Pauline Cashmore RIP, John Olirynk RIP, Patrick Duffy RIP, Ron Mason RIP, Mgr Lewis McRaye RIP, Tania Jones RIP Brenda Timmins RIP, Winnie Wasdell RIP, Eamon Friel RIP, Rita Walters RIP, Mary Davenport RIP, Jean Green RIP, Sheila Hinds RIP, Ray Todd RIP, Bernadette Pugh RIP, Brian Derry RIP, Dermott Smith RIP, Walter Davis RIP, Cynthia Broster RIP ,Gerard Mee RIP, Michael Weaver RIP, Ben Parker RIP, Ken Lee RIP, Margaret Russell RIP, Eileen Harris RIP, Arthur Griffiths RIP, Gilbert Fellows RIP, Malcolm Perry RIP, Graham John Newcomb RIP, Mary Morgan RIP, Margaret Rushbury RIP, Joan Walker RIP, Kevin Whitehouse RIP, Vince Cartwright RIP, Betty Dick RIP, Graham Parker RIP, Mary Christine Worthington RIP, Sally Bate RIP, Terrance David Hyde RIP, Irene Grimes RIP, Frank Fox RIP, May Rodway RIP, Christine Meek RIP, Brenda Davis RIP, Megan Ilidge RIP, Mona Mason RIP, Marge Ward RIP, Timothy Shee RIP; Monique Lyons RIP, Rosanna O’Driscoll RIP, Lucy Hale RIP, Jill Shaw RIP, Pat Watton RIP, Bernard Hegarty RIP, Emma Davaney RIP, Arthur John Hickman RIP, Rita Griffiths RIP, Diane Hill RIP, Ron Presland RIP, John Fletcher RIP, Donna Garland RIP, Margaret Elizabeth Price RIP, Enid Greaney RIP, Donald Greaney RIP, Beryl Bennett RIP, Paul Richards RIP, Joanne Elizabeth Wooldridge RIP, Gerry Southall RIP, Pat Hodgson RIP, Alexandrina Nathaniel RIP; Baby Belle RIP; Rev. Fr Geoffrey Hargreaves RIP, Helen Flynn RIP, Cyril Raybould RIP, Clive Machin RIP, Baby Elliot Davis RIP, Bethany Pearce RIP, Edward Flavell RIP; Millicent Seed RIP, Frank Ward RIP, Valerie Clarke RIP, Margaret Carr RIP, Doug Woods RIP, Hazel Westwood RIP, William Monckton RIP, William Kenneth Presley RIP, Alan Edward Turner RIP, Edna Lenora Aherne RIP, Lee Kevin Hobbs RIP, Michael Abbiss RIP, Melu Ram RIP, Dorothy Margaret Duffy RIP, Lee Joseph Hegarty RIP, Mary Ellen McCallister RIP, Kelvin Morris RIP, Harold William Davies RIP Rose Caddick RIP, James Alphonsis Carr RIP, Beryl Jones RIP, Betty Knowles RIP, Doreen Harper RIP, William Roper RIP, Deacon Jim Fantham RIP, Harold Dixon RIP, Mary Harris RIP, Jozef Guziel RIP, Don Courten RIP, Bridie Bonner RIP, Jean Morgan RIP, George Patrick Thompson RIP, Patricia Mary Todd RIP, Danny Jaurez-Green RIP, Thomas Jeffery Attwood RIP, Joan Agnes Fereday RIP, Pauline Gutteridge RIP, Ann Ball RIP, Joyce Southall RIP, Sheila Betteridge RIP, Dennis Garland RIP, Kenneth John Marsden RIP, Frances Eley RIP, John Birch RIP, Bernard Broster RIP, Judy McGuirk RIP, Margaret White RIP, Alan Brookes RIP, Garifalia Maria Spiteri RIP, Mary Harvey RIP, George Evans RIP.

We offer our prayers for those who are left to grieve. May the Merciful Heart of Jesus comfort you. We pray for those with Funerals:

FUNERAL SERVICE: MARTIN JAMES WEDGBURY RIP Gornal Wood Crem, Wednesday 18th September at 12.20pm

FUNERAL SERVICE: LILIAN HOLMES RIP. Gornal Wood Crem, Tuesday 1st October at 12.20pm


+ May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen


We pray to the merciful heart of Jesus for all our sick along with those who look after them. We ask the intercession of Our Lady, St Chad, St Peter and English Martyrs and All Saints for those who suffer; those in hospital and those at home: Irene Clarke, Michael Doherty, Henry Parker, Mary Bartlam, Eileen Dwyer, Mary Fantham, Wendy Grimmett, Florence Cox, Hilda Davis, Kathleen Birch, Mary & Joe Spiteri, Colin Small, Liz Ward, Sharon Jones, Steven Richards, Bridie Frost, Josephine Cox, Susan Cox, Mary Ward, John Price & Lawrence Quinton.

First Anniversary Remembrances

We remember our departed loved ones whose First Anniversary occur around this time.

Each month a list of their names will be placed on the Lectern in front of the Sacred Heart Statue at St Chad’s and in front of the Statue of St Anthony at St Peter’s For Quiet Reflection May They Rest In Peace. Amen.

St Michael Prayer: St Michael the Archangel, defend us in this day of battle, be our safeguard against wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou O! Prince of the heavenly host, through the power of God, thrust into hell satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

POPE FRANCIS has declared October 2019 as an Extraordinary Missionary Month.

Inviting us to attend the Justice & Peace Commission for the Archdiocese of Birmingham & the Columbian Missionaries.

Saturday 12th October, 10.00am – 5.00pm at St Peter’s Catholic Secondary School, Solihull, Birmingham.

Please refer to the Poster’s displayed in the Agape Room at St Peter’s & the porch at St Chad’s. Thank You.

PRAYER FOR MARY’S MEALS Our Father give us this day our daily bread and forgive us for the times when we take more than our share of the bread that belongs to all. Let us help You fill the starving with good things, not with scraps from our table. Teach us how to share what is not ours to keep. Clothe us with your Love that we may complete each good work you created us to do. Place in our hearts Your compassion for each starving child and use our little acts of love so that they starve no more. Amen. Thank you to everyone that donate to this World Wide Project. Benin, Ecuador, Haiti, India, Malawi, South Sudan, Thailand, Uganda. Many Thanks for your continued support to this very worthwhile project. God Bless You All.

The 2nd Collection today... Fr Hudson’s Society, care for people with disabilities & support families experiencing difficulties, destitute refugees & the homeless. If you wish to Gift – Aid your donation please complete the Donation envelope. As always, Thank you for your continued generosity.

St Vincent De Paul

September is SVP Awareness Month, the Annual Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 28th September at St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham. The focus of our work here at St Chad’s & St Peter’s is to offer companionship & help. If you or someone you know may appreciate a visit, please contact Mrs Vivian Clarke(Sunday 10.30am Mass, St Chad’s or please Telephone 01902 897768) Mrs Sandra Oliver (6.30pm Mass St Chad’s) or Mrs Glenis Slater & Mrs Jo Tinsley at 9.00am Mass at St Peter’s. Also if any Parishioner is interested in becoming a member of the SVP, you would be most welcome, again please contact Mrs Clarke. Thank You.


May we politely remind all Gift Aid Donors if your financial circumstances alter IE... you retire & no longer pay tax, please inform Fr Paul or Cecilia Rollason at St Peter’s & Paul Abbiss at St Chad’s ASAP AS WE ARE OBLIGED TO CONTACT CATHEDRAL HOUSE IMMEDIATELY. Your co-operation would be appreciated. Thank –You.

ALL KEY HOLDERS Please ensure that all lights are switched off and Church & Parish Hall Doors are locked when you are the last to vacate. Thank –You.

Friday 4th October All Parishioners are invited to dance the night away to the sounds of ‘Back in time’. St Chad’s Social Centre. Starting at 7.30pm,Tickets £5.00pp available on the door.

The next date for your diaries...due to the phenomenal success of our last Quiz Night, on Friday 25th October, 7.45 – 10.45pm ‘Another Night in Front of the Telly’

Rounds include ‘Who Do You Think You Are’, ‘Family Fortunes’, ‘Top of the Pops’, & Mastermind’. Tickets £2.00 each & are available from the porch at St Chad’s & from Cecilia Rollason at St Peter’s. (Teams up to a maximum of six) Further info please contact Nick on 07851 681603.


Please note Washroom Facilities are available in our Parish Hall. The facility outside is unavailable.

PARISH ACTIVITIES (All held in St Chad’s Social Centre)

*SHORT MAT BOWLING Monday Afternoon 2- 4.00pm Sincere Thank - You to all participants for your support & to all who organize this very successful Group. New members are most welcome to join… come along, meet new friends & keep fit with gentle exercise!

*WEDNESDAY CLUB 1.30pm - 3.30pm.

*YOUTH GROUP Wednesday 6.30pm - 8.00pm (Alternate weeks)

*SATURDAY NIGHT DANCING … Ballroom, Sequence & Line Dancing. 7.30pm until late. Admission £ 3.00 includes Raffle. Bring your own refreshments. Come along… you will be made very welcome.

LOWER GORNAL PARISH Polite Reminder Friends of the Holy collection boxes, please hand in your donations to Mrs Dot Crump as soon as you can. Thank you.

Home Made Cake Sale: Sunday 3rd November following Holy Mass in The Agape Room.

All Parishioners are warmly invited to join the forthcoming outings with “2 K’s Travel” Please see posters in the Agape Room St Peter’s & Porch at St Chad’s. For example...Droitwich & Tenbury Wells 25th Sept. Southport, 2nd October. Bourton on the Water, 9th Oct. World Famous ‘Bury Market’ 23rd Oct. Harrogate 26th Oct (opportunity for shopping, Tea & Cake at ‘Betty’s’) Trentham Shopping Village 30th Oct.

COFFEE MORNING Every Second Sunday of the month following Holy Mass. (Next 13/10/ 19) Please stay for complimentary Tea, Coffee & Light Refreshments.


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