Learning Commons - UMass

Learning Commons for Student Employees or

“What should I be doing while I’m on my shift?”

At the start of your shift:

• Arrive on time; if you will be more than 5 minutes late, call your supervisor at the LC desk 577-1272. You need to speak to a real person (not just leave message)

• Wear your Learning Commons t-shirt and name tag

• Punch in within five minutes of your shift in Kronos; don’t forget as it may affect your pay check; this also applies when punching out

• Fill in the white sheet and the blue sheet in the orange notebook at the desk. This ensures that you will be paid accurately when errors happen in Kronos

• Check the blog daily at: ; make comments if you wish

• Introduce yourself to others at the desk

• If it is at the beginning of a shift (8 am, 5 pm, 12 am) then make a round to check printers for paper, clean glass rooms (check for markers and clean whiteboards), pencils/scrap paper, and do a general check of the area

• Check the schedule to be sure that your scheduled time is accurate (contact your supervisor if it is not)

Primary Responsibilities:

1. On the Job

• First and foremost, responsibility is to our users

• Be seated facing towards the approaching users

• Look up and smile for the users

• Keep statistics on the statistics sheet; start a new sheet at the beginning of the 3rd shift

• Keep personal items to a minimum at the desk

• Homework is allowed (at the discretion of the supervisor) if it is performed discretely and if you can be immediately attentive to approaching users (look up often in order to be approachable to users)

• Only students who are scheduled to work should be behind the desk and only during their work times; otherwise it gets too crowded. Leave the desk area promptly when you shift ends

• Occasionally neaten up the workspace (avoid accumulating personal items in front of the computers; clean up clutter)

• It is required that students wear the Learning Commons t-shirt; please also wear your name tag (various sized t-shirts will be put in the cabinet)

• Check to see that staplers and other items are available and in working order

• Report any problem with equipment and/or patron to the supervisor if you are unable to resolve it

• Cellphone and laptop usage is not allowed at the desk

What questions do I answer while I’m at the desk?

We are here to answer as many questions as we can without giving the user the runaround. This means that we try to answer the question and if we can’t, we try to see if someone else nearby can help. We try to achieve a “seamless” team effort whereby the user does not feel like he/she is being passed from one information provider to another.

We should answer basic technical questions such as printing issues, basic computer troubleshooting questions, directional questions, Learning Common policy questions and simple reference questions (such as looking up a book in the catalog). In-depth reference questions should be referred to the reference desk.

Telephone ahead before sending someone elsewhere to assure that you are sending them to the correct place.

When taking down statistics, what constitutes a reference, technical or directional question?

Explanation of categories for statistics sheet:

I. Reference:

Questions related to Library reference and online collections, and Library services, such as:

a) Using the catalog, finding a journal, book etc. location (including which floor or range a call number or journal/book is on)

b) Using Library services, i.e. ILL, Reserve…

c) Database questions (if you answer it yourself, otherwise mark it as directional)

d) Ready reference (if you answer it yourself, otherwise mark it as directional)

e) Phone call asking for service help, no specific person asked for by the caller.

II. Technical:

Questions related to:

a) Printers

b) Copiers

c) UCard

d) Storage devices

e) Using E-mail, software

f) SPIRE questions

g) Web CT and OWL questions

III. Directional:

“Where is…” questions, such as:

a) Where is the bathroom, reserves, phone, circulation, study space, building on campus, fax, change machine, etc

b) Phone call directional questions may include building hours, directions to campus, phone call asking for a specific person by name, transfer to another service, etc.

2. Walk-Arounds/Roving

This is the responsibility of the Library Staff as well as the OIT classroom people (not the Help Desk people).

Don’t forget to walk around the library computers as well as the OIT computers; also check the copiers at this time to look for jams.

• Checks/roving will be done every 30 minutes at :00 and :30 times (OIT people will do :15 and :45); initial rove sheet after each rove

• Pick up trash

• Push in and arrange chairs

• Log off computers not in use

• Wipe down desks/clean whiteboards

• Guide users to available computers if a line forms

• Enforce policies (such as 15 minute policy rule for unattended stations; record on check sheet if there are any unattended items in a room or at a workstation. The next check will note if they are still there after 15 minutes)

3. Cleaning of the computers

Students are required to clean a number of computers equivalent to the number of scheduled hours in their shift (up to four computers) within the first hour of your shift. Ex: a two hour shift requires that two computers be cleaned. Mark which computers you cleaned on the sheet posted on the cabinet.

• Both library people and OIT people will be sharing the task of cleaning the computers. OIT and the LC people each have a schedule for cleaning computers (and printers). The LC computer cleaning schedule is posted on our cabinet/check off the computers on this list as they are cleaned

• Tote bags with cleaning stuff are stored in the cabinet/these are for the use of both LC and OIT people

• Study rooms: wipe whiteboards, glass and tables

• Clean computers as it is allowed; low-use times will probably be the best time to clean computers (should be done as early in shift as possible)

• See your supervisor or co-worker for instructions on cleaning computers (OIT has directions for the proper cleaning of PCs and Macs (see below)

Instructions for Cleaning

Learning Commons Specific:

Study Rooms:

• Openers: try to clean glass rooms first, as they will be used most of the day

• Clean the computer

• Wipe down desk

• Erase whiteboards

• Throw away any trash

General Cleaning Instructions:

• Computers:

• Monitor: Use a paper towel and all-purpose cleaner, such as Fantastik or 409, for the top and case of the monitor. For MACs, clean the monitor screen with an accuwipe and Windex.

• Monitor Screen: Use a DRY accuwipe to dust off the monitor screen.

• CPU: Use a paper towel and all-purpose cleaner to wipe off the monitor screen. Lift up the gray front panel flap (that covers the USB drive), and wipe away any dust (it tends to build up under there). Also wipe down the CD tray.

• Mice and desks: To clean mice, use alcohol and paper towels. Wipe down both the top and bottom of the mouse.

• Keyboard: To clean the keyboard, use alcohol, Q-tips, and paper towels. Wipe down the whole keyboard with a paper towel and alcohol, and clean between keys with the Q-tips.

• Workstations: Make sure to clean the workstation around the computer. Use an all-purpose cleaner and paper towels.

• Printer: Use paper towels all all-purpose cleaner to dust the front, top, and sides. Also, open up the printer drawers and clean off any dust and dirt.

• Phone: Clean the phone, including the cord, with all-purpose cleaner and a paper towel. Then use a paper towel and alcohol on the buttons, mouthpiece, and earpiece.

Revised: January 2007

At the Start of Your Shift (all tasks to be completed within first hour of shift)

|Step 1: |Punch in |

|Step 2: |Put on student staff T-shirt and badge |

|Step 3: |Sign in on both sheets in orange notebook |

|Step 4: |Check the LC Blog for Updates |

|Step 5: |Check paper trays in printers |

|Step 6: |Do initial rove (and then EVERY 30 minutes thereafter on the hour and ½ hour) |

| |Write initials on sheet posted on cabinet after each rove |

|Step 7: |Clean required number of computers for your shift – 1 x number of hrs in shift (up to a max of 4) Put initials and date |

| |on the cleaning schedule next to each computer cleaned |

|Step 8: |Return to desk and be available for questions from patrons |

|Step 9: |Keep stats on questions asked |

Roving requirements:

Remove trash left at computer workstations, push in chairs, spot clean desk area if necessary.

Check computers, printers, copiers and vending machines to insure they are in working order & report any problems to a supervisor.

Pick up any library books left lying around and return to cart near copiers.

Clean whiteboards in any vacant study room.

Patrol the entire Learning Commons area.


Please note:

Frequent tardiness, unexcused absences and/or failure to comply with library policies and procedures will result in disciplinary action and termination.

I have received the attached document “Learning Commons for Student Employees or “What should I be doing while I’m on my shift?” and agree to perform these duties while on my shift as a student employee of the Learning Commons and Technical Support Desk.

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Assigned shift(s): _____________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________



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