The Crucible Activity: A Closing Argument

The Crucible Activity: A Closing Argument

A good lawyer could have made a big difference to some of those convicted of witchcraft in The Crucible. For this assignment, you'll have a chance to try and see justice done. It will be your job to take on the role of a defense attorney and to try and liberate one of the alleged witches in the play. In a couple days, you will deliver a closing argument speech to the class in which you which try to convince us exactly why we should believe that your client is innocent.

Step 1: Watch an example of a closing argument from a famous movie like A Time to Kill or To Kill a Mockingbird.

Step 2: For homework, pick a condemned character in The Crucible and write a closing argument in his or her defense. Your argument should include refutation, appeal to reason, appeal to emotion, and, above all else, have a clear thesis, which is supported using these techniques.

Step 3: Perform your closing argument for the class. Listen to your classmates' closing arguments and vote on whether or not each delivers a convincing argument.


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