Concept Definition Paper Assignment

Concept Definition Paper Assignment

Step 1: Choose a concept (major idea or principle) to define. You will select one of the following concepts (education, work, community, language, and family). Note that these topics represent the themes discussed in class either through essays or novels. All these examples are abstract nouns.


Step 2: Explore the concept. Jump onto your concept group’s blog do the following:

Write down what you know about the topic and why you have chosen the topic. (Due: )

Re-read the works studied in class addressing these issues. Write a quote from any works studied in class, summarize how it relates to the concept, and comment on what type of argument it might lend itself to regarding the topic. (Due: ) & (Due: )

Read, watch films and television, and talk to people. Start making connections between the world you encounter and the concept chosen. Cite or describe any connection made outside of class, summarize how it relates to the concept, and comment on what type of argument it might lend itself to regarding the topic. (Due: ) & (Due: )

Step 3: Conduct research and ultimately, add sources to your NoodleTools list. Use the blog to seek out sources your peers might have mentioned. As you find sources, update the blog to tell you peers about what you are finding. We will also spend time in the library doing research to help you in the process. Share your NoodleTools list with the people in your group.

You will need:

Source Number

Book 1

Essay/Article 5

Scholarly Article 1

Poetry, music, art, film 3

DUE DATE (for “Sources Search”):

Keep in mind that you won’t necessarily cite all of these sources in your paper. The purpose of this review is to choose a focus for your concept, develop a controlling idea (or preliminary thesis) and begin doing research.

Cite or describe any connection made in the research process (yes, AGAIN) summarize how it relates to the concept, and comment on what type of argument it might lend itself to regarding the topic. (Due: ) & (Due: )

Step 4: Choose a focus for your concept definition paper. This is a controlling idea. It is fluid. It can change. It should resemble a thesis statement in terms of its specificity. This statement will evolve into your thesis statement as you conduct your research. For example: If you chose “hero” as your concept, you could define the qualities of a hero etc.

Post your controlling idea to the blog by: (Due: )

Comment on at least two other group member’s ideas by: (Due: )

Step 5: Research the etymology of your word to serve as an introduction/preface for your final paper. Use the Old English Dictionary or other etymological tools to trace the history of your concept. Rough draft due: (Due: )

Step 6: This is the tricky, messy part. Read, read, read. Watch, watch, watch. Blog, blog, blog. Discuss, discuss, discuss. Consider your controlling idea and select relevant material and sources. If your sources lead you to a new idea, change your controlling idea, and if needed, find new sources. If your sources lead you nowhere, find new sources and change your controlling idea. During this process, you are required to do the following.

1. Post a question to your group to respond to.

2. Respond to at least two questions.

3. Post at least one reflection on the process of research answering the following questions. (Due: )

a. What is difficult about the research process?

b. How is your controlling idea evolving?

c. How is the blog helping you in the research process?

4. Comment on one person’s reflection.

(Due: )

Step 7: Develop your main point clearly. Ask yourself, “What do I want to tell my reader about my concept?” Write a thesis statement and post it on the blog. (Due: )

Provide comments on at least two thesis statements. (Due: )

Step 8: Select sources for the research of your paper. Complete an annotated bibliography evaluating the validity of your sources. Use NoodleTools and the handout provided by your teacher. (Due: )

Step 9: Create an outline of your main points and support. (Due: )

Step 10: Draft your essay. (Minimum 10 in text citations, 6-7 pages) (Due: )

Update your annotated bibliography.

Step 11: Create a visual cover page that depicts your concept. Incorporate at least two quotes that you have discovered that reflect the idea of your concept. You may use any process (Internet graphics, original artwork, collage, photographs) that you choose. (Due: ) w/paper

Step 12: Reflect on the process. On the blog answer the following questions.

a. What part proved to be most difficult during the research process?

b. What part was most satisfying?

c. How did the blog helping you in the research process?

(Due: )

Step 13: Revise, rewrite, proofread, and submit final draft. (Due: )


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