8th Grade English

Name_______________________ Hr: ___So you want to write a thesis statement? Thesis Generator is the answer! Answer the following questions to build your thesis statement! A. What topic are you writing about?___Should restrictions be placed on marketing that targets children?_______________________________________B. What is your opinion about this topic? Use the words “SHOULD” or SHOULD NOT” in your answer._____There should be restrictions placed on marketing that targets children. _C. What is the strongest argument (reason) that supports your opinion? (Use your notes worksheet from History)________________children’s minds aren’t fully developed_______________________D. What is the second strongest argument (reason) that supports your opinion? ______________childhood obesity is increasing due to advertising______________E. What is the main argument (reason) against your opinion?___________Parents control what the children eat ___Now let’s build your thesis: Write the statement from above on the line that corresponds to each letter.While_____________________ Parents control what the children eat __________________________________,E________ There should be restrictions placed on marketing that targets children ______________Bbecause________________________ children’s minds aren’t fully developed __________________________Cand______________ childhood obesity is increasing due to advertising _________________________ .DNow let’s perfect your thesis:Re-write the statement above into one nice complete sentence. Keep the thoughts in this order, but take out any repeated words add transition words as needed to make a complete thought. Keep the punctuation and typed words above as well.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you have questions use the example on the back to help!Example Thesis Statement While my argument is silly, you can see how I built the thesis! A. What topic are you writing about?Should monkeys have to share their bananas with teachers?B. What is your opinion about this topic? Use the words “SHOULD” or SHOULD NOT” in your answer.I think that Monkeys should share their bananas with teachersC. What is the strongest argument (reason) that supports your opinion? (Use your notes worksheet)Teachers get hungry during the day because they often work through their lunchD. What is the second strongest argument (reason) that supports your opinion? Teachers need the potassium found in bananas to keep them from getting sick as their work space is filled with germ infested students. E. What is the main argument (reason) against your opinion?Monkeys tend to fling poo when they have to share their bananas. Now let’s build your thesis: Write the statement from above on the line that corresponds to each letter.While monkeys tend to fling poo when they have to share their bananas ,Emonkeys should share their bananas with teachers Bbecause teachers get hungry during the day because they often work through their lunchCand teachers need the potassium found in bananas to keep them from getting sick as their work space is filled with germ infested students. DThe Thesis:While monkeys tend to fling poo when they have to share their bananas, Monkeys should share their bananas with teachers because teachers get hungry during the day as they often work through their lunch and they need the potassium found in bananas to keep from getting sick as their work space is filled with germ infested students. *Notice the words I italicized- these are the words that I changed so I would not be too repetitive. ................

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