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4237990-38100Type title 1" from top of page.00Type title 1" from top of page.-19050-38100Set left margin at 1 inch.00Set left margin at 1 inch.TITLE IN CAPITAL LETTERS1076325262890If title is two lines, leave one double space between lines.00If title is two lines, leave one double space between lines.-581025226695The title page of an EDD paper does not contain a page number. To remove a page number or to prevent one from appearing on the title page, Click the Help Button (question mark) near the top right of the screen.Type "remove page number" in the search box.Follow (or print) directions. For a dissertation title page, it might be simpler to skip the steps above and just save the title page in a separate file.Before you begin typing , turn on double spacing and leave on throughout paper.To delete information boxes from this page, click on the outer edge of any box and press the Delete key. 00The title page of an EDD paper does not contain a page number. To remove a page number or to prevent one from appearing on the title page, Click the Help Button (question mark) near the top right of the screen.Type "remove page number" in the search box.Follow (or print) directions. For a dissertation title page, it might be simpler to skip the steps above and just save the title page in a separate file.Before you begin typing , turn on double spacing and leave on throughout paper.To delete information boxes from this page, click on the outer edge of any box and press the Delete key. byNAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS490474076200Do not include graduation year.00Do not include graduation year.Degree 1 (complete title), Name of InstitutionDegree 2 (complete title), Name of Institution2755900260985Substitute course professor's name if paper is not a dissertation.00Substitute course professor's name if paper is not a dissertation.1807210-34925001021715635or Paper if not a dissertation00or Paper if not a dissertation3596005-42418000A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Saint Mary's University of Minnesota in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the DegreeDOCTOR OF EDUCATIONMINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA3390265-1270For "? " use Insert, Symbol functions.00For "? " use Insert, Symbol functions.3409315-1270For "? " use Insert, Symbol functions.00For "? " use Insert, Symbol functions.? YearStudent's Name ................

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