Research Paper Guidelines

English III: Argumentative Research Paper Assignment

Today you will begin the research unit for English III. As juniors, you have already learned the research process sophomore year in an informational research paper. This year you will be challenged to take your skills a step further in an argumentative research paper. In this research paper you will be expected to use argumentation for interpreting researched information effectively, establishing and defending a point of view, addressing concerns of the opposition, using logical strategies (e.g., deductive and inductive reasoning, syllogisms, analogies) and sophisticated techniques (e.g., rhetorical devices, parallelism, irony, concrete images), developing a sense of completion (NC Standard Course of Study: Competency Goal 3).

You will be choosing a topic to research that is either “for” or “against” a current issue facing society. No student will have the same topic. You will be allowed one chance to switch your topic, and then you are committed to the topic you have. The first draft of the research paper will be due Thursday, May 3rd, and then you will not only turn in a final draft of the paper by the end of the quarter (Friday, May 18th), but you will also be presenting your stance in front of the class in the form of a debate with your opposing counterpart for your final exam. Details on this assignment will be divulged at a later date.

Not only is the final product, the research paper, important in your quarter grade, but the steps taken in researching for your paper are just as crucial. It is imperative that you meet all deadlines with quality work or your grade will be jeopardized and you will fall behind.

Research Paper Guidelines

1. You must comply with ALL due dates. If you are absent, assigned work is due the day you return. The rough draft will be due Thursday, May 3rd. The final draft will be due Friday, May 18th. For the rough draft and final draft, if you are absent on the due date, you must get it here on the day it is due or it is LATE. It will be 30 points off if one day late, and I will not accept it after that. Your paper must also be uploaded into by midnight of May 3rd. Five points will be deducted if it is late, and your paper will not be graded if it is not uploaded into .

2. Documentation/Format – You will be following MLA style. Guidelines for this style will be given to you to use. Parenthetical documentation MUST be used throughout your paper. Failure to use parenthetical documentation will result in a failing grade because this will mean your paper is PLAGIARIZED. You should use parenthetical documentation 1) after any borrowed ideas, 2) directly after a direct quote, 3) when you change page numbers, and 4) when you change sources.

3. Length & Format– Your paper should be 4-6 pages (typed and double spaced). It must be typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman font with only black ink. Follow the Directions for Typing the Paper in MLA Format to set up the rest of your paper in MLA.

4. Sources – Your paper must include at least 5 sources. At least two of the sources must be print (or originally in print), and three may be an Internet source. You MUST provide copies of all sources that are not from Tabor’s database (NC WiseOwl and EBSCO). If the information comes from a website, you MUST print a copy of the portion of the source used in your paper and turn it in. If you get something from a book, you MUST make a copy of the pages and turn it in. Failure to turn in the sources will result in a failing grade. This year you have to print out/photocopy and pay for materials ON YOUR OWN; I will not be doing it for you. NO WIKIPEDIA is allowed.

5. Works Cited Page – The last page of your research paper will be your Works Cited page. It gives an alphabetical (by author’s last name or title) list of all the works cited in parenthetical documentation in your paper. The words Works Cited are centered on the top line of the page. Double spacing is used throughout to separate each line of type from the proceeding one. Any source used in your paper MUST be documented on your Works Cited page. Be sure that parenthetical citations and sources on the Works Cited page match, as any source not listed on the Works Cited page will be a deduction in points. Likewise, do not include a source on the Works Cited page that is not used in the body of your paper.

6. Grammar – Points will be deducted for grammatical mistakes. Do not use first person or second person. This weakens your argument. Do not use contractions; this is a formal research paper. Pay attention to tense and be consistent. Spell out single digit whole numbers and use numerals for numbers greater than nine; you must be consistent with this, as well.

7. Direct Quotes – A quote does not have to be dialogue. For research purposes, a quote is anything that you copy directly from a source word for word. Your paper cannot include more than THREE run in quotes (three typed lines or shorter). These quotes must be highlighted in your final paper. No more may be used. This means that your paper will mainly be paraphrased. Make sure you document directly after the quote when you use quotations, paraphrase and summarize from sources.

8. Argumentative Approach: You must use at least one rhetorical device (found in the handout eNotes How to Write an Argumentative Paper #7) and label it on your outline, 1st draft and final draft.

9. Extras – When turning in your paper, your research paper first draft MUST be in a manila envelope. I will give you ONE envelope. Do not put your paper in a report cover. Simply staple it once in the upper –left corner of your paper.

10. Hints – Write a strong introduction and a strong conclusion. Your introduction contains your hook and thesis statement. The thesis statement must be underlined in the rough and final draft. Your body should include topic sentences to begin each paragraph and transition sentences to end each paragraph. Your conclusion reviews and ties the main points together without repeating them verbatim.

Please remember that this is an argumentative research paper where you are basing your stance on RESEARCH and not opinion. If you would like, you can integrate your opinion into the debate for your final exam.

Important DATES

Due dates are given to keep both you and me organized. Deadlines are given well in advance; therefore, assignments will be taken only one day late with a 30-point deduction. Please pay attention to the following deadlines. Everything must be typed unless otherwise specified. You will not finish your research paper in class this year, however, you will have a chance to get started. The majority of your research paper will be completed outside of class, so make sure you make arrangements to use the library’s computers if you need them. I am available for help before or after school if you set up a time with me ahead of time.

▪ Signed Acknowledgement Form - Class work Grade

o Due: Wednesday, April 18th

▪ Outline with thesis (TYPED) (Test Grade) Due: Friday, April 20th

The following will be a percentage of your FINAL EXAM GRADE:

▪ First Draft of Research Paper (30 %):

o Due Thursday, May 3rd

▪ Due in by midnight of May 3rd

▪ (5 points off if late) The paper will not be graded if it is not uploaded in .

▪ Final Draft of Research Paper Due (30 %):

o Friday, May 18th

▪ Presentation of Research Paper in the form of a DEBATE Due (40 %):

o 4thPeriod Final Exam Day (TBA)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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