Thesis/Introductory Paragraph

Thesis/Introductory Paragraph Name: _________________

World History Honors Ms. McDugall

Three Parts

1. Introducing Sentences- quote, fact, or question that catches the audience’s attention

← Different types of attention grabbers:

1. Identification—show that the speaker and audience have something in common

2. Statistic—an unexpected or startling fact, example, or detail

3. Comparison—compare something with your topic

4. Quotation—a quote that leads into your subject

2. Thesis Statement

A thesis statement MUST

← Answer the question clearly

← Be defensible; be supportable

← Be concise and to the point; typically one sentence.

← Includes three reasons

A thesis statement is also

← Your idea (opinion)

← Something that can be argued. Someone else should be able to write and defend a contrary thesis. You lend support to your thesis statement, you do not prove it: thesis statements are not factual statements.

← A road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper.

A suggested method for arriving at a thesis statement based on a question.

QUESTION: “In what ways did the movie, __________ accurately or inaccurately portray the historical events of the era.”

a. Read the sources carefully keeping in mind the question. Annotate sections paying careful attention to any information that may help answer

the research question.

b. Create a T-Chart on the readings, with one column representing elements that are accurately portrayed in your movie and one column representing elements that are inaccurately portrayed in your movie.

c. Try to group the evidence in each column according to broad categories (e.g. major events, political decisions, historical figures representation, timeline, weapons, social elements, etc.). These groups will be the broad subjects of the paragraphs of the body of your paper.

d. Analyze the two sides (columns) and come to a conclusion which answers the question. This is your thesis!

Your thesis should answer the question specifically using ideas from the broad categories from 3c above.


The movie Munich is accurate in its depiction of the Munich massacre, its demonstration of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, and its correspondence with known events.

The Madness of King George is accurate due to its correct portrayal of George’s illness, treatment, and roles people played in his life.

This statement answers question, then explains how.

The reasons of your thesis will serve as a frame for the body of your paper.

3. Essay Map- The essay map expands on major reasons for your argument as stated in your thesis. Each reason will be expanded to create the body of your paper. It gives the reader a general idea about the main elements of the paper.

The essay map is a summary of your evidence or logic. Include the topic areas that you feel best support your thesis. This can include:

Facts (events, laws, statistics)



Authoritative opinion


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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