La semaine de mon monstre

La semaine de mon monstre – checklist for editing

le monstre

← l’aide visuel

Format: L’élève a écrit…

← son nom 

← un titre 

← la date 

← en sautant des lignes (skipped lines)

short description of monster

← name (en français!)

← 5 - 6 adjectives to describe EACH – physical and personality

← habitat – sentences – 2 – 3 nouns and also adjectives.

agenda/ journal

← (pick a week and create a calendar)

← dates written correctly in French (i.e. le lundi 31octobre)

← 21 sentences ( i.e. 3 activities / day or 5 on one day, 1 on another etc.)

← 21 different verbs

← written in passé compose (correct – avoir or être, participe passé, agreement if necessary i.e. être)

← minimum 5 verbs that use être as auxiliary (remember – agreement)

← sentences – subject, verb (passé composé) and at least one detail)

← 5 sentences in the negative (ne…pas/jamais/etc.) 

← can write in 1st or 3rd person - use  « il » or « elle » or « je » (nous, ils ). Use some different subjects.

Correction: Encerclez les erreurs sur le brouillon. ( Circle any mistakes

← les adjectifs (Is there an agreement in gender (m/f) and number (s/pl) with the noun ?)

← les verbes (Is the past tense used correctly ?)

← l’orthographe (Are there any spelling mistakes ?)

← les phrases complètes (Are the sentences complete ?)

Style :

-Were the sentences simple enough ? -Add some detail

-Could you change the order ? -How could you improve ?

Suggestions :

presentation –written - make it look nice – format, all pieces (cover page etc)


May work with a partner – expectations are doubled except only need 30 different verbs. Still need 42 sentences.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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