How To Write Effective Paragraphs

How To Write An Effective Paragraph: Bilbo

Writing effective paragraphs involves STRUCTURE.

Use the “Point-Proofs-Explanations-Summary” method to paragraph writing to improve your structure

Best length for this paragraph is 8 sentences because of the question: Explain three things that Bilbo does, from The Misty Mountains onward, which show he is transforming into a truly heroic person towards the end of the book

1) Topic sentence that expresses the main point of the paragraph. Label TS

2) a piece of proof, evidence, details, or examples to support your topic sentence. Label P1

3) an explanation where you explain how the proof reinforces the point you are trying to make. Label E1

4) a second piece of proof, evidence, details, or examples to support your topic sentence. Label P2

5) an explanation where you explain how proof #2 reinforces the point you are trying to make. Label E2

6) a third piece of proof, evidence, details, or examples to support your topic sentence. Label P3

7) an explanation where you explain how proof #3 reinforces the point you are trying to make. Label E3

8) A summary/concluding sentence that sums up the main point found in the topic sentence. Label Sum. or Conc.

You have the basic structure of a one-point, three-proof paragraph. This will allow you to get all marks for CONTENT.

Style/grammar can now be improved.

Topic Sentences

Generally, the main point or idea of a paragraph is stated in the topic sentence.

The topic sentence tells the subject/topic of the paragraph and the general point regarding the topic that is going to be discussed.

A topic sentence should not contain your supporting proofs or details, though it CAN summarize them.


• Forms of the verb “to be”. For example, “It is obvious that there are three reasons why Bilbo can be considered to be a hero by the end of the novel.” Change it to the following:

“Bilbo Baggins transforms into a true hero by the end of the novel through various acts of bravery.” (Focus on Bilbo at beginning)

“Through various acts of bravery, Bilbo Baggins transforms into a true hero by the end of the novel.” (Place summary of proofs at beginning)

“The Hobbit portrays Bilbo’s transformation into a truly heroic character through his various heroic acts.” (Place novel/source at beginning)

• Weak pronouns. For example “It is obvious that…”. Try to avoid “it” or “this” or “that” etc, unless you need pronouns to avoid meaningless repetition of a noun.


• Pull specific details/evidence/DATA from the novel itself

• State the details in PRESENT TENSE (CHECK YOUR VERBS!)

• Transition into your proofs with conjunctions/conjunctive expressions BUT avoid “firstly, secondly” if you can.


• Explain how your proof supports your point – show the connections!

• Do not use “this shows that” or “this detail demonstrates that” in your explanations. The pronouns are too vague!

For example:

You write, “Bilbo gives the Arkenstone to Bard rather than keeping it for himself.”

• “This shows that Bilbo is heroic.” = vague, unclear

• “Though he could have kept it or sold it for a great price, Bilbo selflessly gives the Arkenstone to Bard to try and prevent Thorin from creating a war.” = clear, heroic


Restate the topic sentence in a slightly different way.


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