APA Citation Guide:

APA Citation Guide:

Here are some Guidelines to APA Writing Style before you begin your paper:


• The Basics

• Format

• Headings

• Quotations

• Text Citations

• References

• General Guidelines

• Advice and Practice

Getting Started:


At Least 1”

All Sides


Times New Roman, 12

Courier New, 12


Double spaced all text and headings, including the title page.


Use Italics and bold if available

Manuscript header & Page numbers

|Typing: |Insert one space after each sentence and after initials with periods. Insert one space after a |

| |colon. |

| |In series of 3 or more, insert a comma before the conjunction. |

| |Use “and” in the text of your paper, and & in citation |

| |Use quotation marks for slang, but use italics to talk about a word or term. |

| |Abbreviate associations inventories, When appropriate after the First use. Example: Young |

| |Christian Men’s Association (YMCA) |

| |Use brackets within parentheses |

|Format |Title Page |

| |Abstract |

| |Introduction |

| |Method |

| |Results |

| |Discussion |

|Title Page |Running Head: |

| |CAPATILIZE, 50 characters or less |

| |Title: |

| |10-12 words |

| |Avoid Abbreviations |

| |Double Space if on two lines |

| |Author: |

| |First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name |

| |Institution: |

| |Formal Institution Name |

|Abstract: |Include most important information in first sentence- using purpose and outcome |

| |Limit synopsis to 120 words or less |

| |Define abbreviations when necessary |

| |List citation of research replicated or extended |

| |Include 4-5 most significant findings |

| |Express numerals in digits rather than words |

| |Write in active voice without using I or we |

|Headings: |Highest Level Heading |

| |First Level Heading (no Italics and centered) |

| |Second Level Heading (Italics and centered) |

| |Third Level Heading (italics and left justified) |

| |Fourth Level Heading ( Italics and indented with period) |

|Single Author Citation: |Citation with author identified, ex: Smith (1902) |

| |Citation without author identification, ex: (Smith, 1902) |

|Multiple Author Citation: |1. Citation with multiple authors identified: |

| |Ex: Harris, Smith, Terrell (1902) |

| |2.Citation with multiple authors unidentified: |

| |Ex: (Harris, Smith, Terrell, 1902) |

| | |

| |* Remember to list all citations alphabetically as they appear on the reference list. |

|References Page: |Label as References Centered with Page Number in upper right |

| |List only the citations used in paper |

| |Capitalize first work of article titles, first word of book titles, first word after colon, major|

| |words of Journals, proper nouns |

|References: |General Periodical: |

| |Smith, L. Kevin. (1991). Title of article with 1st word capitalized. Title of Periodical.16, |

| |30-35 |

| | |

| |General Non-Periodical: |

| | |

| |Smith, L. Kevin. (1991). Title of Book.Location: Publisher |

|References: |Work in Work: |

| |Smith, L. Kevin (1991). Title of chapter with first word capitalized. In D. Edwards (Ed.), Title |

| |of book with Frist word capitalized and in italics. (pp. 130-180). Location:Publisher. |

| | |

| |If there are 6 or more authors, list them all on the reference page |

| | |

| |Online Periodical: |

| | |

| |Smith, L. Kevin, (1991). Title of article with first word capitalized. Titale of Periodical with |

| |Major Words Capitalized and in italics, 17, 130-150. Retrieved December 6, 2004, from |

| | |

| |Online Non-periodical: |

| | |

| |Smith, L. Kevin. (1991) Title of work with first word capitalized and in italics. Retrieved |

| |December 6, 2004, from |



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