Template: Writing Behavioral Interview Questions

Template: Writing Behavioral Interview Questions

Behavioral interview questions are open-ended questions intended to derive information about a job candidate's past experiences in relation to specific competencies associated with the open position.

Lead Questions: Competency-based questions that are developed prior to the beginning of the interview process, and for which a scale determining the difference between acceptable and unacceptable questions has already been determined. These questions should only address competencies that are required upon the start of this role (not skills that will be learned on the job). They should all make use of clear language and avoid acronyms and organizational/role-related jargon so as to ensure that all candidates can understand the questions being asked of them.

Probing Questions: Follow-up questions asked of candidates when initial answers are vague, evasive, or do not fully address the lead question

STAR Model for Question Development

Situation: What was the situation the candidate was in?

Task: What was the task the candidate needed to accomplish?

Action: What were the actions the candidate took to accomplish this task?

Results: What were the results of these actions?

Example Lead Question (Developed through the use of the STAR Model): Situation ? Tell me about a time... Task ? where you were faced with multiple competing deadlines. Action ? How did you balance your workload... Results ? to meet all of the project goals? Complete Lead Question ? Tell me about a time where you were faced with multiple competing deadlines. How did you balance your workload to meet all of the project goals?

Example Probing Questions: If you had that situation to relive, what would you do? How did you work with your colleagues to resolve that situation?

Position Title: _________________________________________________________________________ Associated Competencies: _______________________________________________________________

Competency 1 Lead Question 1: Probing Questions: Lead Question 2: Probing Questions:

Competency 2 Lead Question 1: Probing Questions: Lead Question 2: Probing Questions:


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