Progression in measurement - new curriculum
Progression: Measurement
Programme of study (statutory requirements)
|Y1 |Y2 |Y3 |Y4 |Y5 |Y6 |
|Measurement |Measurement |Measurement |Measurement |Measurement |Measurement |
| | | | | | |
|Pupils should be taught to: |Pupils should be taught to: |Pupils should be taught to: |Pupils should be taught to: |Pupils should be taught to: |Pupils should be taught to: |
| | | | | | |
|compare, describe and solve practical |choose and use appropriate standard |measure, compare, add and subtract:|convert between different units of |convert between different units of metric|solve problems involving the |
|problems for: |units to estimate and measure |lengths (m/cm/mm); mass (kg/g); |measure (for example, kilometre to |measure (for example, kilometre and |calculation and conversion of units of |
|lengths and heights [for example, |length/height in any direction (m/cm); |volume/capacity (l/ml) |metre; hour to minute) |metre; centimetre and metre; centimetre |measure, using decimal notation up to |
|long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short, |mass (kg/g); temperature (°C); capacity|measure the perimeter of simple 2-D|measure and calculate the perimeter|and millimetre; gram and kilogram; litre |three decimal places where appropriate |
|double/half] |(litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate |shapes |of a rectilinear figure (including |and millilitre) |use, read, write and convert between |
|mass / weight [for example, heavy/light, |unit, using rulers, scales, |add and subtract amounts of money |squares) in centimetres and metres |understand and use approximate |standard units, converting measurements|
|heavier than, lighter than] |thermometers and measuring vessels |to give change, using both £ and p |find the area of rectilinear shapes|equivalences between metric units and |of length, mass, volume and time from a|
|capacity and volume |compare and order lengths, mass, |in practical contexts |by counting squares |common imperial units such as inches, |smaller unit of measure to a larger |
|[full/empty, more than, less than, half, |volume/capacity and record the results |tell and write the time from an |estimate, compare and calculate |pounds and pints |unit, and vice versa, using decimal |
|half full, quarter] |using >, < and = |analogue clock, including using |different measures, including money|measure and calculate the perimeter of |notation to up to three decimal places |
|time [quicker, slower, earlier, later] |recognise and use symbols for pounds |Roman numerals from I to XII, and |in pounds and pence |composite rectilinear shape s in |convert between miles and kilometres |
|measure and begin to record the following: |(£) and pence (p); combine amounts to |12-hour and 24-hour clocks |read, write and convert time |centimetres and metres |recognise that shapes with the same |
|lengths and heights |make a particular value |estimate and read time with |between analogue and digital 12 and|calculate and compare the area of |areas can have different perimeters and|
|mass/weight |find different combinations of coins |increasing accuracy to the nearest |24-hour clocks |rectangles (including squares) using |vice versa |
|capacity and volume |that equal the same amounts of money |minute; record and compare time in |solve problems involving converting|standard units, square centimetres (cm2) |recognise when it is possible to use |
|time (hours, minutes, seconds) |solve simple problems in a practical |terms of seconds, minutes and |from hours to minutes; minutes to |and square metres (m2) and estimate the |formulae for area and volume of shapes |
|recognise and know the value of different |context involving addition and |hours; use vocabulary such as |seconds; years to months; weeks to |area of irregular shapes |calculate the area of parallelograms |
|denominations of coins and notes |subtraction of money of the same unit, |o’clock, a.m./p.m., morning, |days |estimate volume [for example, using 1 cm3|and triangles |
|sequence events in chronological order |including giving change |afternoon, noon and midnight | |blocks to build cuboids (including cubes)|calculate, estimate and compare volume |
|using language [for example, before and |compare and sequence intervals of time |know the number of seconds in a | |] and capacity (for example, using water)|of cubes and cuboids using standard |
|after, next, first, today, yesterday, |tell and write the time to five |minute and the number of days in | | |units, including centimetre cubed (cm3)|
|tomorrow, morning, afternoon and evening] |minutes, including quarter past/to the |each month, year and leap year | |solve problems involving converting |and cubic metres (m3), and extending to|
|recognise and use language relating to |hour and draw the hands on a clock face|compare durations of events [for | |between units of time |other units [for example, mm3 and km3] |
|dates, including days of the week, weeks, |to show these times. |example to calculate the time taken| |use all four operations to solve problems| |
|months and years |know the number of minutes in an hour |by particular events or tasks] | |involving measure [for example, length, | |
|tell the time to the hour and half past the|and the number of hours in a day | | |mass, volume, money] using decimal | |
|hour and draw the hands on a clock face to | | | |notation including scaling | |
|show these times | | | | | |
Notes and guidance (non-statutory)
|Y1 |Y2 |Y3 |Y4 |Y5 |Y6 |
|Measurement |Measurement |Measurement |Measurement |Measurement |Measurement |
| | | | | | |
|The pairs of terms: mass and weight, volume|Pupils use standard units of |Pupils continue to measure using the |Pupils build on their |Pupils use their knowledge of place value|Pupils connect conversion (for example,|
|and capacity, are used interchangeably at |measurement with increasing accuracy, |appropriate tools and units, |understanding of place value and |and multiplication and division to |from kilometres to miles) to a |
|this stage. |using their knowledge of the number |progressing to using a wider range of|decimal notation to record metric|convert between standard units. |graphical representation as preparation|
| |system. They use the appropriate |measures, including comparing and |measures, including money. | |for understanding linear/proportional |
|Pupils move from using and comparing |language and record using standard |using mixed units (for example, 1 kg | |Pupils calculate the perimeter of |graphs. |
|different types of quantities and measures |abbreviations. |and 200g) and simple equivalents of |They use multiplication to |rectangles and related composite shapes, | |
|using non-standard units, including | |mixed units (for example, 5m = |convert from larger to smaller |including using the relations of |They know approximate conversions and |
|discrete (for example, counting) and |Comparing measures includes simple |500cm). |units. |perimeter or area to find unknown |are able to tell if an answer is |
|continuous (for example, liquid) |multiples such as ‘half as high’; | | |lengths. Missing measures questions such |sensible. |
|measurement, to using manageable common |‘twice as wide’. |The comparison of measures should |Perimeter can be expressed |as these can be expressed algebraically 4| |
|standard units. | |also include simple scaling by |algebraically as 2(a + b) where a|+ 2b = 20 for a rectangle of sides 2 cm |Using the number line, pupils use, add |
| |They become fluent in telling the time |integers (for example, a given |and b are the dimensions in the |and b cm and perimeter of 20cm. |and subtract positive and negative |
|In order to become familiar with standard |on analogue clocks and recording it. |quantity or measure is twice as long |same unit. | |integers for measures such as |
|measures, pupils begin to use measuring | |or five times as high) and this | |Pupils calculate the area from scale |temperature. |
|tools such as a ruler, weighing scales and |Pupils become fluent in counting and |connects to multiplication. |They relate area to arrays and |drawings using given measurements. | |
|containers. |recognising coins. They read and say | |multiplication. | |They relate the area of rectangles to |
| |amounts of money confidently and use |Pupils continue to become fluent in | |Pupils use all four operations in |parallelograms and triangles, for |
|Pupils use the language of time, including |the symbols £ and p accurately, |recognising the value of coins, by | |problems involving time and money, |example, by dissection, and calculate |
|telling the time throughout the day, first |recording pounds and pence separately. |adding and subtracting amounts, | |including conversions (for example, days |their areas, understanding and using |
|using o’clock and then half past. | |including mixed units, and giving | |to weeks, expressing the answer as weeks |the formulae (in words or symbols) to |
| | |change using manageable amounts. They| |and days). |do this. |
| | |record £ and p separately. The | | | |
| | |decimal recording of money is | | |Pupils could be introduced to compound |
| | |introduced formally in year 4. | | |units for speed, such as miles per |
| | | | | |hour, and apply their knowledge in |
| | |Pupils use both analogue and digital | | |science or other subjects as |
| | |12-hour clocks and record their | | |appropriate. |
| | |times. In this way they become fluent| | | |
| | |in and prepared for using digital | | | |
| | |24-hour clocks in year 4. | | | |
Herts for Learning – Teaching and Learning
Herts for Learning – Teaching and Learning
Herts for Learning – Teaching and Learning
Herts for Learning – Teaching and Learning
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