University of Phoenix

University of Phoenix Material Introduction to Hypothesis Testing TableIdentify whether each research scenario listed in the left column of the top of the matrix, would be a one- or two-tailed test and then justify your decision. For each research scenario in the bottom of the matrix, write what the null and alternative hypotheses would be.Research Scenario One-tail or two-tail testJustificationA local dermatologist claims that 30% of mole biopsies are unnecessary. Last month at his clinic, 210 out of 634 had benign biopsy results. Is there enough evidence to reject the dermatologist’s claim?A local dermatologist claims that more than 30% of mole biopsies are unnecessary. Last month at his clinic, 210 out of 634 had benign biopsy results. Is there enough evidence to reject the dermatologist’s claim?A local dermatologist claims that less than 30% of mole biopsies are unnecessary. Last month at his clinic, 210 out of 634 had benign biopsy results. Is there enough evidence to reject the dermatologist’s claim?Research ScenarioNull hypothesis:Alternative hypothesis:A pharmaceutical company believes their weight loss drug is more effective than any program on the market. They study two groups of people: Group A is given the drug and Group B is given a placebo. They then compare weight loss over the course of 3 months.A college professor believes class attendance is different on sunny versus cloudy days. Researchers hypothesize that rats fed donuts for breakfast will perform worse on a task than those fed a high-protein breakfast. ................

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