The Ten Commandments are called ‘commandments’ because they call us to live in a certain way. In each Commandment there are specific values that underlay the message. This exercise involves rewriting the commandments to truly make them value statements.


Part A

Rewrite each of the Commandments as value statements. An example is provided. Your statement should be written only in positive language (i.e., there should not be: do not, don’t, should not, etc.).

The following is an example of how to complete this part of the exercise:

You shall not have any other gods besides me.

Value statement: There is only one God.

Part B

Your task in this part is to present your value statements in a modern meaning that will illustrate the statements using examples from today’s society. Remember, the Commandments were given as guidelines on how the Israelites should live their lives in loving, covenantal relationships with each other and with God.

For each of your value statements:

1. Write your value statement clearly and neatly on your page.

2. Find or draw a picture that represents this statement.

3. Explain in 3-5 sentences why this is an important message for today’s world. (Use an example to support your answer.)

4. Explain why this message is a challenge to today’s culture and values.

If you wish you may use the following sentence prompts:

• This picture represents......

• This is an important message for today’s society because.......

Your exercise should be put together into a booklet format or can be done as a Word Document, PowerPoint/Prezi/Glogster, etc.

DUE DATE: ________________________


Name: _______________________________

| |Level 4 |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |Below Level |

|Thinking / Inquiry |--Student is able to |--Student is able to |--Student is able to |--Student is able to |--Student is unable to |

|--Student is able to |modernize the 10 |modernize the 10 |modernize the 10 |modernize the 10 |modernize the 10 |

|modernize the 10 Commandments|Commandments with a high|Commandments with a |Commandments with some |Commandments with |Commandments with any |

| |degree of accuracy |considerable degree of |degree of accuracy |limited accuracy |accuracy |

| | |accuracy | | | |

|Communication |--Student includes |--Student includes |--Student includes some |--Student includes few |--Student includes few |

|--Student includes pictures |highly appropriate |considerably appropriate|pictures to illustrate |pictures to illustrate |to no pictures to |

|to illustrate value |pictures to illustrate |pictures to illustrate |value statements with |value statements |illustrate value |

|statements |value statements very |value statements clearly|some clarity | |statements |

| |clearly | | | | |

| | |--Language is |--Language is somewhat | | |

|--Language is appropriate |--Language is highly |appropriate |appropriate |--Language is not very |--Language is |

| |appropriate | | |appropriate |inappropriate |

| | |--Few spelling and |--Some spelling and | | |

|--Writing is checked for |--Few to no spelling and|grammar errors |grammar errors |--Many spelling and |--Serious spelling and |

|spelling and grammar errors |grammar errors | | |grammar errors |grammar errors |

|Application |--Student can apply |--Student can apply |--Student can apply |--Student can apply |--Student does not apply|

|--Student can apply |Commandments to modern |Commandments to modern |Commandments to modern |Commandments to modern |Commandments to modern |

|Commandments to modern |society with extreme |society with |society with some |society with limited |society |

|society |accuracy |considerable accuracy |accuracy |accuracy | |

| | | | | | |

| | |--Student is able to | | |--Student is unable to |

|--Student is able to give |--Student is able to |give several |--Student is able to |--Student is able to |give reasons for value |

|reasons for value statements |give many clear and |considerably clear |give some reasons for |give few reasons for |statements |

| |concise reasons for |reasons for value |value statements |value statements | |

| |value statements |statements | | | |


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