?1. A student is writing a research report about why it is a good idea to walk home from school. Read the paragraph from the report and complete the task that follows. There are many different health benefits to walking home from school. Walking helps improve heart health and circulation. Walking regularly can strengthen your bones and muscles, as well as help you lose calories. Strengthening your bones and muscles can help you do everyday tasks more quickly. The loss of calories can help you lose weight. Your mental health and mood can also improve just by walking. Wearing running shoes is best when you decide to go for a walk. It is important to exercise so that you live longer and feel better. When I walk, I definitely feel better about myself. I think it is important to feel confident and good about yourself. If you can accomplish this just by walking, why not give walking a try? Choose the sentence that should be deleted because it does not support the claim in the paragraph. A. Walking helps improve heart health and circulation. B. Strengthening your bones and muscles can help you do everyday tasks more quickly. C. Your mental health and mood will also improve just by walking. D. Wearing running shoes is best when you decide to go for a walk.2. A student is writing a research report about why all people should take a multivitamin each day. Read the paragraph of his report and the directions that follow.All people, no matter what age, ethnicity, home location, or lifestyle, should take a multivitamin each day. Many people know that, to live longer, more quality–filled lives, they should take care of their bodies. What does this mean? It means eating a diet filled with all the nutrients and vitamins the body needs to run at its best. Unfortunately, many people are simply too busy to research, buy, and prepare dishes that are perfectly balanced and nutritious. What is the answer to this problem? Daily multivitamins can give people the necessary elements that their diets may lack. In one daily pill, people can get 100% of their recommended daily allowance of a multitude of vitamins and minerals. There is no guesswork. Taking a multivitamin is a simple, inexpensive way to get what the body needs. The student found information in sources. Which piece of information best supports the student's claim in the paragraph? A. Multivitamins can sometimes cause temporary stomach pain if taken without food. B. Thirty minutes of exercise and 8 glasses of water are recommended daily for a healthy, long life. C. People who eat right live longer than people who do not, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or location. D. A multivitamin can contain Vitamin C, which helps fight off various types of infections that can affect the human body3. Read the short paragraph below. It is from an essay arguing that companies should be allowed to advertise in schools. (1) Have you taken a stroll through the school lobby lately? (2) There are numerous advertisements for sports drinks, skateboards, and clothing. (3) Some people are totally down on this. (4) I think it's a good way for the school to get some extra dough. (5) The fees paid by the advertisers can be used to purchase supplies and equipment for classrooms. Select two sentences that use a formal tone that is appropriate for academic writing. A. sentence 1 B. sentence 2C. sentence 3 D. sentence 4 E. sentence 54. A student is writing an argumentative essay for class about whether or not all young people should have to go to bed early. The student wants to revise his essay to include a strong conclusion. Read the draft of the student's essay and complete the task that follows. Many young people are told they must go to bed at 7:00 or 7:30 at night. Many of them have probably also laid in bed for hours, trying —and failing—to fall asleep. Early bedtimes simply do not make sense for all children. For one thing, some people simply require more sleep than others. This is true for children as well as adults. For young people who can go to bed later and still wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, an early bedtime has little benefit. Instead, the young person is likely to feel frustrated and bored. Second, studies have found that it is important for children to have a regular bedtime routine and go to bed at the same time each night; however, this does not mean the bedtime has to be an early one. It is the routine that matters. Choose the best conclusion for the student's essay. A. Making young people go to bed early often creates many more problems than it solves. Early bedtimes can cause young people to feel very bored and possibly even angry. This can lead to them getting into all kinds of trouble. B. The simple fact of the matter is that young people do not need as much sleep as most people believe. Most children can go to bed a few hours later without feeling tired in the morning. This is why early bedtimes simply are not a good idea. C. A bedtime routine could include getting a bath, reading a story, or watching a cartoon. It all depends on what the young person likes and dislikes. A routine for one person might include a snack, while a routine for another might include listening to music. D. The idea that all children must go to bed early is flawed. The best bedtime for a child should be determined on a case–by–case basis. Young people thrive when they have a bedtime ritual that stays the same night after night, whether it starts at seven o'clock or ten o'clock.5. A student is writing a letter to the editor for the local newspaper about whether the town should buy new picnic tables or new swings for the park. The student wants to revise his letter to make sure it clearly shows the connections among claims, reasons, and evidence included in the letter. Read the draft of the student's letter and complete the task that follows. As much as I enjoy using the swings at the park, I think the town should invest in some new picnic tables. For one thing, more people will make use of the picnic tables than the swings. While you do see some adults swinging, it is mostly young people. I think the upgrade to the park should be something people of all ages can enjoy. Second, the picnic tables really do need to be replaced more than the swings do. Except for a little wear and tear, the swings are still in pretty good condition. The picnic tables are another story. Several of them are damaged. The one my family used the last time we were at the park was wobbly, and a large chunk was broken off one of the benches. Select the phrase that would best illustrate the connection between the underlined sentences.A. To sum up, B. As an example, C. Without a doubt, D. In the meantimeKids should pick their own novels.Why? Because my first reason is that they ................

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