Name: _______________________ Period: _______

Chapter 17 Human Evolution

Section 17-1 The Study Of Human Origins

1. What order do humans belong to?

2. What are some examples of primate characteristics?

3. What are scientists called that study human evolution?

4. Where does the information about human evolution come from?

5. What are the two large divisions of modern primates and give examples of each?

6. Name some physical traits of primates.

7. Name some characteristics of Anthropoids.

8. Of the anthropoid species, the _________________may be the most closely related to humans.

9. _______________ is the ability to walk primarily on two legs and is a uniquely ________________ trait among mammals.

10. What makes humans adapted to walking up right?

Section 17-2 Fossil Evidence of Hominid Evolution

11. What is the principal trait that defines the hominid line?

12. Modern nonhuman anthropoid primates are ________________.

13. What appears to have evolved first: bipedalism or large brain with areas dedicated to higher reasoning and the production of speech?

14. Who and what is Lucy?

15. Draw and label figure 17-6.

Section 3 Hypotheses of Hominid Evolution

16. What does Homo habilis mean?

17. What did H. habilis eat and how do we know?

18. What does Homo erectus mean?

19. Who was the first to travel out of Africa?

20. What are some characteristics of H. erectus?

21. Who did Homo Sapiens probably arise/evolve from and about when?

22. What are some characteristics of Neanderthals?

23. Were Neanderthals ancestral to modern humans?

24. What happened to the Neanderthals?

25. Where were the first fossil skeletons bearing a distinct resemblance to modern humans found and how old were they?

26. What were these fossils referred to as?

27. How were they are distinguished from Neanderthals?

28. How old are the oldest truly modern H. sapiens fossils?

29. How many species of modern humans are there?

30. What is the multiregional evolution hypothesis?

31. What is the recent-African-origin hypothesis?

32. What evidence support is there for the recent-African-origin hypothesis?

33. What is the period of time needed for mitochondria to accumulate the differences?

34. When do supporters of the recent-African-origin hypothesis infer that all modern humans came about?


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