Please highlight the activities and traits below that best ...

Please highlight the activities and traits below that best describe you

Gold Blue

Plan activities for others Do not plan much

Organize your room Somewhat disorganized

Order people around Follow others lead

Loyal to my country Loyal to lots of friends

Dependable to get the job done Dependable listener

Likes own personal space Likes to be close personal

Makes quick decisions Dislikes making decisions

Trustworthy Trusted by friends

Know what is right and wrong A natural romantic

Like the military structure Hates the military and fighting

Want to be a good parent Cares deeply for the children

Likes being on time Likes to take their time

Likes to take care of business Likes to cooperate and be helpful

Prefers proven methods Likes to be unique and creative

Coordinating details Dislikes trivial things

Collecting things Build relationships

Saving money Money is not important

Doing things right Likes doing things with others

Work comes before play Work while I play

Likes a structured classroom Likes group work

Green Orange

Plans activities for self Do not like to plan

Organized but cluttered Very disorganized

Self-motivated/self-directed Leads others

Loyal to self Loyal to self and friends

Dependable to get the job done Generous to others

Likes own personal space Likes to be close personal

Makes quick decisions Dislikes making decisions

Trustworthy Trusted by few close friends

Know what is right for self Life is just a game

Dislikes the military structure Hates the military structure

Work-a-holic Not ready for children

Impatient with others Time is not relevant

Likes to take care of business Likes to play and be active

Likes to be creative Likes to be unique and creative

Like to solve problems Dislikes trivial things

Collecting information Performing for others

Making money Spending money

Doing things right by self Likes doing things with others

Work is play Play comes before work

Prefers working alone Likes role playing to learn

TOTAL GOLD _____ BLUE _____ GREEN _____ ORANGE ____

Gold Blue

Left Brain Dominant Whole Brain

Personality Physical Realistic / Structured Social / Persuasive

Organizing Guiding / Leading

Accounting for Public speaking

Caretaking Listening

Guarding Persuading / Motivating

Following directions Teaching

Handling detail Team working

Dispatching Communicating

Securing Mentoring

Supervising Acting as a catalyst

Coordinating Helping / Nurturing

Recruiting Counseling

Collecting data Recruiting

Historical / Political Ministering / Missionizing

Enforcing / Military Writing / Composing

Teaching Caring / Tending

Law Abiding

Dependable / Punctual

Green Orange

Whole Brain Right Brained Dominant

Personality Investigative / Intellectual Physical Creative / Social

Designing Producing

Inventing Repairing

Analyzing Selling

Problem solving Competing

Researching Persuading

Developing Constructing / Building

Reasoning Negotiating

Mapping / Charting Manipulating

Diagnosing Responding to emergencies

Intellectualizing Operating Tools

Orderly thinking Coaching/Training

Programming Entertaining

Enterprising Playing sports

Lecturing Playing Instruments

Singing / Dancing


Realistic and factual people who are typically neat, organized and structured. They are generally hard working, loyal, punctual, dependable, and they obey the rules and laws. They prefer following plans and procedures and they must know what is expected of them. They don’t want to be creative, but prefer well-defined job duties. They are efficient users of time, energy and money. They like to be rewarded by others due to their hard work and productiveness. They prefer working with things or real data as opposed to being social or investigative.


This personality type is a very social people who are very caring and considerate toward other people. They hate to see other people hurting physically, emotionally, socially, and/or spiritually. They want to be the peacemakers among their peers. They are very compassionate, honest and loyal to their friends more than for a company. They don’t have a great desire to be successful or make a lot of money. They are not generally competitive because they don’t want to hurt others by beating them. They are not quick decision-makers for the same reason. They are somewhat creative and they like to work in groups so they can socialize and help each other out. They don’t do as well in a structured class with rigid rules and individual work. They are patient and generally get along well with everyone except those who are mean and want to hurt others. They are the glue that keeps our society united.


Work-a-holics who prefer working alone to get the job done quickly and done right. They are generally whole brain dominant and can be creative, but they are very organized as well. They may be competitive in sports as well as business with a desire to win according to their own rules of conduct. They like to explore new ideas and map out strategies. They like to solve problems and figure out complicated puzzles. They are very inventive and business minded with the desire to run the show and be the boss. They are generally not good team players because they want things done their way and done quickly. They usually do well in school, but they must respect a teacher before they will listen and learn from them.


This personality type gets the reputation of being the bad boys in school because they don’t like the rigidness of rules and expected behavior. They are right brain dominant and are very creative. They generally love music and can remember lyrics and tunes very easily. They may be artistic or athletic geniuses, but they typically don’t do well in the structured classroom where they have to work by themselves and sit quietly. They are social people like the blue personality type, but they like to be the center of attention. They like to entertain and affect others socially, emotionally and/or spiritually.

They can be extremely dramatic and manipulative to get their way, which makes them great sales people, ministers, or actors.


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