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Laurie BairdCase Studies 11.1 - 11.2 - 11.3AIS 4081 Leadership Theory and PracticeApril 7, 2013Case 11.1 - Am I really a Leader?Questions: 1)Learning about one's self is an essential step in becoming an authentic leader. What role did self-awareness play in Sally Helgesen's story of leadership?Finding oneself takes many years. Sally had many paths that she traveled over many years in different geographical areas. Sally also had many different professional experiences and she also followed different "signs" that lead her to different roles in her life. Being a writer is a dream and even when she accomplished this dream...she felt she needed to dig deeper. This sense of finding herself created a type of leadership built over time. 2) How would you describe the authenticity of Sally Helgesen's leadership?Sally has a sense of genuineness about her that portrays her leadership style. She has always known where she comes from and knew she needed to work to succeed. She also felt (even after publishing) that she might not be the bottom line answer to the topics she wrote about. She kept striving for more.3)At the end of the case, Sally Helgesen is described as taking on the "mantle of leadership." Was this important for her leadership? How is taking on the mantle of leadership related to a leader's authenticity? Does every leader reach a point in his or her career where embracing the leadership role is essential?Sally continues to be an internationally recognized consultant and speaker on contemporary issues and has published five books. What more credentials does one need to prove leadership? :) Sally has paid her dues, has had self-doubt and grown out of that. This growth and successes has created excellent criteria for a leader.Case 11.2 - A Leader Under Fire1)Would you describe Greg Mortenson as an authentic leader? Explain your answer. There is a lot of data here that makes one wonder about his leadership qualities. If in fact he has fabricated his stories and misused funds. He is not a leader. We don't know just yet if he is an authentic leader...there is just too much question surrounding his story. 2)In the chapter, we discussed moral reasoning and transparency as components of authentic leadership. Do you think Greg exhibited these components as part of his leadership?This is a case of "The jury is still out." How does one truly know if Greg was being transparent and utilized moral reasoning. There has been much media hype and this could also be a way to sabotage his works. We just don't know yet. 3)How was Greg's response to the allegations against him characteristic of an authentic leader?It appears that Greg has kept quiet and not answered these allegations. There are two schools of thought for me here. Either he is guilty, or he chooses not to lower himself to the incorrect reporting. Too many questions surrounding this case to know for sure.4)In the future, how will the investigations of Greg Mortenson affect the authenticity of his leadership?Truth has a way of explaining everything. However, the negative publicity has already planted a seed in peoples mind regarding Greg. Sometimes the hole is too big to dig out of. This man has spent his life trying to help people in other countries, what a shame that the investigation has darkened his successes. Or, the investigation has opened up the truth to a flawed leader.Case 11.3 - The Reluctant First Lady1)How you describe Betty Ford's leadership? In what ways could her leadership be described as authentic?She was authentic...period. How can one woman go through so much in the public eye and so freely talk and help so many others and not be authentic. In this case, the facts speak for themselves. This is a woman who had demons...addressed them in so many ways and then turned her heartbreak into a way to help others. 2)How did critical life events play a role in the development of her leadership?Betty Ford was in the public eye with problems that most first ladies would never dream about. (Or at least would state in public). The life events that she experienced were the map that played out her pain...and then her leadership. 3)Is there a clear moral dimension to Betty Ford's leadership? In what way is her leadership about serving the common good? DiscussThe general public oft times idolizes the first lady of the US. When Betty Ford openly discussed her breast cancer and treatments and then her addiction problems, there were many people who could identify with her and therefore sought help. Authentic leaders understand their own values and behave toward others based on these values. They have a clear idea of who they are, where they are going, and what the right thing is to do (Northouse page 259). Betty Ford knew she was doing the right thing by publically addressing her problems. She put others before herself and genuinely wanted to change/heal. 4)As we discussed in the chapter, self-awareness and transparency are associated with authentic leadership. How does Betty Ford exhibit these qualities? I have hit on the answer to this question above. Betty Ford utilized her position to help others (as well as herself). She knew who she was (First Lady of the US) and knew that she could do more with her position than most people. ................

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