Identify Yourself - Stanski Social Studies Site

10-1 Issue I

Ch. 1

Identify Yourself

Individual and Collective Identities

Individual Identity – the group of characteristics and values people use to define themselves as individuals

Collective Identity – the common characteristics and values used to define a group

This assignment provides students with the opportunity to explore, identify, and create a symbolic representation of key aspects of their identity.

Students will:

▪ explore the features and characteristics that help to shape their individual identities

▪ evaluate and judge these features and characteristics according to the degree to which they influence their individual identities

▪ express an understanding of the essential nature of their identities in a creative way

▪ explain and justify their chosen features and characteristics

▪ connect their chosen features and characteristics to the process of globalization

Students should follow these basic steps in the completion of this task:

1. Below is a list of broad categories of identity. Your first task is to brainstorm and record individual features or characteristics beside each category. List as many as possible.

a. Traditions - what traditions are a part of your life? _________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. role modeling – who are your role models? What is it about them you admire or respect? __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c. languages – what languages do you speak or exist within your family? _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

d. religion/spirituality – do you have a religion or sense of spirituality? Explain.____ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

e. the arts – do you express yourself through the arts? Which ones? ____________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

f. attire – what is your clothing style or look? Do you have other cultural attires? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

g. relationship to land – how do you interact with the land / environment? _______ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

h. ideological beliefs – what are your political and/or economic beliefs? _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

i. ethnicity – what is your ethnic background? ______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

j. experiences – What experiences have shaped who you are today? ____________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

k. location – how does where you live shape who you are? ____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

l. values/beliefs – what do you believe in or place importance upon? ___________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

m. personality – describe your personality. _________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

n. brands – do you identify with certain corporate brands? Which ones? Why? __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

o. friends – are there particular friends that important to who you are? __________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

p. family – are there particular family members that are important to your identity? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

q. economic status ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

r. physical features –what physical traits or features shape your identity? ________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Circle one or two features /characteristics from each category that you would identify as being most important or significant to your identity. Use the following criteria in making these judgments:

▪ how much does the feature or characteristic impact how others see me

▪ how much does the feature or characteristic impact how I see and feel about myself

3. From the features/characteristics you circled in #2 choose 5 that you would identify as most important or significant to your identity. These are the 5 features/characteristics that you will represent and explain in #4.

4. Now that you have your 5 features and characteristics you can to begin the formal portion of your assignment. The assignment will be completed in two parts:

▪ Part A: Symbolic Representation - Create symbols that represent each of the 5 most influential aspects of your identity. This could be in the form of a collage. Maybe you want it to be a personal Coat of Arms or an identity shield. You choose. Be creative.

▪ Part B: Written Explanation and Justification - For each of the 5 symbols, explain in detailed written form:

i. the feature or characteristic that the symbol represents

ii. how this feature or characteristic represents you

iii. how this feature of characteristic has been, or might be, influenced by the process of globalization


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