
67021-713509Name: Literature Paper 200Name: Literature Paper 2 AO2 - language & structure analysis 19c A CHRISTMAS CAROL - EXTRACT (A) SIMPLE/LIMITED DIRT TASK1-4 Marks1.1Simple identification of language, form and structureRe-read the question. Pick one quote that you feel best shows the focus. Select one word and say what it means, or suggests / Pick a structural feature (punctuation, soliloquy, questions etc) and try to say what it may mean1.2Little relevant subject terminologyLook back at your point and try to identify the device used by the writer (adjective, metaphor, rhetoric question, short sentences etc). LIMITED/NARRATIVE DIRT TASK5-8 Marks2.1Largely descriptive, some comment on language form and structureRe-read the question. Pick two – three quotes that you feel best shows the focus. Select one word from each quote and say what it means, or suggestsPick a structural feature (punctuation, soliloquy, questions etc) and try to say what it may mean Avoid retelling the story.2.2Limited subject terminologyLook back at your point and try to identify the device used by the writer (adjective, metaphor, rhetoric question, short sentences etc). Try to say why that device is effective SOME/RELEVANT DIRT TASK9-12 Marks3.1Understanding of a range of language form and structureAnd effect on readerRe-read the question. Ensure you select a range (4-6) quotes that cover language, structure and form –who speaks for longest, what they say – consider punctuation – what may it say about the narratorLook at key words from your quotes – what do they suggest or imply, what do they say about the character. Ensure you comment on the reader (reader)3.2relevant subject terminologyLook back at your point and try to identify the device used by the writer (adjective, metaphor, rhetoric question, short sentences etc). Try to say why that device is effective FOCUSED/DETAILED DIRT TASK13-16 Marks4.1Focused and detailed, analysis of language form and structureAnd effect on reader sustainedRe-read the question. Ensure you select a range (4-6) quotes that cover language, structure and form – consider the genre of the book (gothic) why is that relevant? – consider punctuation – what may it say about the narrator – ensure your response is detailed and developed. Look at key words from your quotes – what do they suggest or imply, what do they say about the character. Comment on what a word connotes to, may infer, or author (Dickens) may imply. Use modal words.Ensure you comment on the reader (reader)4.2relevant subject terminology accurate and develops ideasLook back at your point accurately identify the device used by the writer (adjective, metaphor, rhetoric question, short sentences etc). Say why that particular device develops the plot. COHESIVE/ACCURATE/EVALUATIVE DIRT TASK17-20 Marks5.1Cohesive evaluation of language form and structureAnd effect on reader sustainedRe-read the question. Ensure you select a range (4-6) quotes that cover language, structure and form – consider iambic pentameter, who speaks for longest, what they say – consider punctuation – what may it say about the narrator – ensure your response is detailed and developed. Look at key words from your quotes – what do they suggest or imply, what do they say about the character. Comment on what a word connotes to, may infer, or author (Dickens) may imply. Use modal words.Evaluate writer’s choices and overall effect of choicesEnsure you comment on the reader (reader)5.2relevant subject terminology accurate and develops ideasLook back at your point accurately identify the device used by the writer (adjective, metaphor, rhetoric question, short sentences etc). Say why that particular device develops the plot. AO1 AND AO3 – WHOLE TEXT DICKENS – A CHRISTMAS CAROL - WHOLE TEXT (B)SIMPLE/LIMITED DIRT TASK1-4 Marks1.1Simple limited responseGo back to question focus and look at how it’s presented in different parts of the text1.2Little critical styleUse critical and evaluative language (suggests, implies, successful, conveys)1.3Little reference to content or themesComment on how that theme may influence a character’s behaviour SOME/NARRATIVE DIRT TASK5-8 Marks2.1Largely narrative, some personal responseGo back to question focus and look at how it’s presented in different parts of the text. Don’t retell the story, try to give your opinion on the question focus.2.2Some critical styleUse critical and evaluative language (suggests, implies, successful, conveys) for all your points.2.3Some valid points but not secureComment on how that theme may influence a character’s behavior. Make sure all your points answer the question and remain focused at all times.Can you link ideas to a quote? RELEVANT/EXPLAIN DIRT TASK9-12 Marks3.1Relevant personal response related to textGo back to question focus and look for 3-4 places where the question focus is presented in different parts of the text. Comment on why the theme/character events are related and relevant – how does the plot move forward, does a character change? Comment on how that theme may influence a character’s behavior.3.2Appropriate critical styleUse critical and evaluative language (suggests, implies, successful, conveys) for all your points.Use connectives between points3.3Relevant, focused and with support from textMake sure all your points answer the question and remain focused at all times.Can you link ideas to a quote? Try to use quotes from different parts of the text DEVELOPED/SUSTAINED DIRT TASK13-16 Marks4.1Developed personal response thoroughly engaged to textGo back to question focus and at 4-6 instances where the question focus is presented in different parts of the text. Develop your response - why the theme/character events are related and relevant – how does the plot move forward, does a character change? Comment on how that theme may influence a character’s behavior.What was the author (Dickens) trying to achieve, tell the reader, or ask about humanity?4.2Critical style sustained, well developed interpretationsUse critical and evaluative language (suggests, implies, successful, conveys) for all your points. Use connectives between points. Make sure your points are detailed and fully explained. discuss stylistic devices and techniques used by author (Dickens) (for example foreshadowing, pathetic fallacy – use of weather as a metaphor, humour, tone, narrator etc.) across the text (eg the fog at the start).4.3Well chosen references to support effective pointsYou must use go back and pick 3-4 quotes from across the text and they are selected to support the points you’ve made. Try to pick quotes that say different things. Develop your ideas about the quote you picked. ASSURED/PERCEPTIVE DIRT TASK17-20 Marks5.1Assured personal response, highly engaged to textGo back to question focus and look at how the theme is presented across the text. Consider the overall piece.Ensure your response is developed and evaluative throughout - why the theme/character events are related and relevant – how does the plot move forward, does a character change? Comment on how that theme may influence a character’s behavior. What was Writer/author (Dickens) saying about that theme or emotion? Why did he pick that character to be presented that way?What was the author (Dickens) trying to achieve, tell the reader, or ask about humanity?5.2Critical style sustained, well developed, mature and perceptive interpretationsUse critical and evaluative language (suggests, implies, successful, conveys) for all your points. Use connectives between points. Make sure your points are detailed and fully explained. discuss stylistic devices and techniques used by author.(for example foreshadowing, pathetic fallacy – use of weather as a metaphor, humour, tone, narrator etc.)Give an alternative interpretation.Evaluate the success of the story and what the author (Dickens) was trying to achieveConsider the whole story – does a theme change or become more relevant over the story?5.3Precise references to support effective assured pointsYou must use go back and pick 5-6 precise quotes from across the text and they are selected to support the points you’ve made.Try to pick quotes that say different things. Develop your ideas about the quote you picked. How do they support the theme or character, do they show a change? AO2 AND AO3 – CONFLICT COMPARISON POETRY SIMPLE/LIMITED DIRT TASK1-4 Marks1.1Little or no comparisonEnsure you have made a comment on both poems1.2Identifies form and structure Ensure you have commented on form and/or structure1.3Little awareness of languageEnsure you comment on the language1.4Little evidence of subject terminologyFind a technique (verb, simile) and comment on it1.5Little awareness of contextComment on context at the time related to your point SOME/NARRATIVE DIRT TASK5-8 Marks2.1Undeveloped comparisons Go back and look at a point, make sure you develop your point – why is your comparison relevant – what does it suggest?2.2Some comment on form and structureMake sure you have made a comment on form of the poems and on a structural feature 2.3Some awareness of language (underdevelopedLook at your points, pick a key word from your quote and analyse in detail, what does it suggest or imply.2.4Limited use of relevant subject terminologyGo back, ensure you have used subject terminology for all the points you have made.2.5Some awareness of contextComment on context at the time related to your point – try to comment on the text and the time it was written.NB: The mark awarded cannot progress beyond the top of Level 2 if only ONE poem has been considered. RELEVANT/EXPLAIN DIRT TASK9-12 Marks3.1Comparison and contrasts a range of pointsYou must make at least 3-4 points. Add further points about both ment on similarities and differences.3.2Sound understanding of form and structureDoes the structure or form of the poem add to overall meaning? Go back and add a point making sure you comment on relevance of that style of poem.3.3Clear awareness of language and effectLook at your points, pick a key word from your quote and analyse in detail, what does it suggest or imply. How does it affect the reader – add a comment – does it make them feel sympathy, anger – does it bring awareness to a problem? Why would that choice of language particularly affect a reader?3.4Relevant subject terminology used Comment on why the poet may have used that particular technique.3.5Sound comment on relevant contextComment on context at the time related to your point – try to comment on the text and the time it was written. Ensure your points are all supported with context. DEVELOPED/SUSTAINED DIRT TASK13-16 Marks4.1Compares and contrasts effectively a wide range of pointsYou must make at least 5-6 points. Add further points about both ment on similarities and differences. Ensure your comparisons are relevant. Ensure you have used connectives in your essay4.2Analysis of form and structure and effect is sustainedDoes the structure or form of the poem add to overall meaning? Go back and add a point making sure you comment on relevance of that style of poem. Have you commented on form/structure from across both poems?4.3Effective comments on language and effect on readerLook at your points, pick a key word from your quote and analyse in detail, what does it suggest or imply. How does it affect the reader – add a comment – does it make them feel sympathy, anger – does it bring awareness to a problem? Why would that choice of language particularly affect a reader? Use critical language – presents, suggests, clever, apt, successful, effective etc. Try to use shorter quotes.4.4Relevant subject terminology is used accurately and appropriatelyEnsure you have analysed the use of that technique – consider a metaphor/simile – why did the poet make that comparison. If the used a semantic/lexical field – why did they use a repeated theme. If they used a lot of verbs/adjectives/adverbs – why did they use those modifiers? Try to comment on the terminology used.4.5Sustained comment on relevant context, detailed awarenessEnsure your context is embedded and not a “bolt on” – consider why Poet would have made these choices. Ensure the context is related to your point – try to comment on Reader reaction. ASSURED/PERCEPTIVE DIRT TASK17-20 Marks5.1Writing is informed by perceptive comparisons and contrastsYou must make at least 5-6 points. Add further points about both ment on similarities and differences. Ensure your comparisons points are insightful and add to your ideas. Ensure you have used connectives in your essay5.2Perceptive grasp of form and structure and effectDoes the structure or form of the poem add to overall meaning? Go back and add a point making sure you comment on relevance of that style of poem. Have you commented on form/structure from across both poems? Have you made original and thoughtful points? Why did the poet pick that style? How does it add meaning?5.3Cohesive evaluation of language and effect on readerLook at your points, are they well integrated, ensure your quotes are embedded. Pick a key word from your quote and analyse in detail, what does it suggest or imply. How does it affect the reader – add a comment – does it make them feel sympathy, anger – does it bring awareness to a problem? Why would that choice of language particularly affect a reader?Don’t repeat ideas, try to say something new/original as you go along.Use a range of quotes from across the poems to support your ideas.Use critical language – presents, suggests, clever, apt, illustrates, emphasizes, highlights etc.Use evaluative language – powerful, effective, successful5.4Relevant subject terminology is used integrated and precise.Your use of subject terminology must be accurate – also you must ensure that the techniques you have picked add to your overall response.Ensure you have analysed the use of that technique – consider a metaphor/simile – why did the poet make that comparison. If the used a semantic/lexical field – why did they use a repeated theme. If they used a lot of verbs/adjectives/adverbs – why did they use those modifiers? Try to comment on the terminology used.Consider how the technique adds to the image created.5.5Convincing understanding of context, developed ideasEnsure your context is embedded and not a “bolt on” – consider why Poet would have made these choices.Ensure the context is related to your point – try to comment on Reader reaction. Would a modern reader react differently? AO1 AND AO2 – UNSEEN COMPARISON POETRY SIMPLE/LIMITED DIRT TASK1-4 Marks1.1Little or no comparisonEnsure you have made a comment on both poems1.2Simple response, little relevant supportEnsure you say something about the poems, with a quote.1.3Little critical style Give your personal opinion1.4Identification for form and structureEnsure you have commented on form and/or structure1.5Little awareness of languageEnsure you comment on the language1.6Little subject terminologyFind a technique (verb, simile) and comment on it SOME/NARRATIVE DIRT TASK5-8 Marks2.1Some underdeveloped comparisonGo back and look at a point, make sure you develop your point – why is your comparison relevant – what does it suggest?2.2Largely narrative, some relevant personal responsePick one point and re-write, try to move away from retelling the events – try to comment on what the poet may be trying to say2.3Some critical style Some reference to text – not secureUse quotes for all your points – try to use critical language eg suggests, implies, suggests.Remove any points that aren’t focused on the poems.2.4Some comment on form and structureMake sure you have made a comment on form of the poems and on a structural feature 2.5Some awareness of language – but underdevelopedLook at your points, pick a key word from your quote and analyse in detail, what does it suggest or imply.2.6Limited relevant subject terminologyGo back, ensure you have used subject terminology for all the points you have made.NB: The mark awarded cannot progress beyond the top of Level 2 if only ONE poem has been considered. RELEVANT/EXPLAIN DIRT TASK9-12 Marks3.1Compares a range of points – similarities and differences You must make at least 3-4 points. Add further points about both ment on similarities and differences.3.2relevant personal response with focused textual referencesGo back to question focus and look for 3-4 places where the question focus is presented in different parts of the 2 poems. Comment on why the theme/character events are related and relevant – how does the poem move forward, what is the poet asking us to think about? 3.3Appropriate critical style Shows sound interpretationUse critical and evaluative language (suggests, implies, successful, conveys) for all your points.Use connectives between points3.4Sound understanding of form and structure and links to effectDoes the structure or form of the poem add to overall meaning? Go back and add a point making sure you comment on relevance of that style of poem.Are the structural features relevant to meaning – eg stanzas?3.5Clear awareness of language and effect on readerLook at your points, pick a key word from your quote and analyse in detail, what does it suggest or imply. How does it affect the reader – add a comment – does it make them feel sympathy, anger – does it bring awareness to a problem? Why would that choice of language particularly affect a reader?3.6Relevant subject terminologyComment on why the poet may have used that particular technique. DEVELOPED/SUSTAINED DIRT TASK13-16 Marks4.1Compares a wide range of points effectively - similarities and differences from both poemsYou must make at least 5-6 points. Add further points about both ment on similarities and differences. Ensure your comparisons are relevant. Ensure you have used connectives in your essay4.2Relevant developed personal response with thorough engagement and well-chosen textual referencesGo back to question focus and at 4-6 instances where the question focus is presented in different parts of the text. Develop your response - why the theme/character events are related and relevant – how does the plot move forward, does a character change? Comment on how that theme may influence a character’s behavior.4.3Sustained critical style Well-developed interpretationUse critical and evaluative language (suggests, implies, successful, conveys) for all your points. Use connectives between points. Make sure your points are detailed and fully explained. discuss stylistic devices and techniques used by author.4.4Analysis of form and structure and effect on readerDoes the structure or form of the poem add to overall meaning? Go back and add a point making sure you comment on relevance of that style of poem. Have you commented on form/structure from across both poems?Consider structural choices, punctuation/paragraphs/stanzas, new characters/themes/setting – do they add or change the text4.5Effective comment on language and effect on readerLook at your points, pick a key word from your quote and analyse in detail, what does it suggest or imply. How does it affect the reader – add a comment – does it make them feel sympathy, anger – does it bring awareness to a problem? Why would that choice of language particularly affect a reader? Use critical language – presents, suggests, clever, apt, successful, effective etc. Try to use shorter quotes.Look for patterns in languageWhat is the tone?4.6Accurate relevant subject terminology used to develop ideas.Ensure you have analysed the use of that technique – consider a metaphor/simile – why did the poet make that comparison. If the used a semantic/lexical field – why did they use a repeated theme. If they used a lot of verbs/adjectives/adverbs – why did they use those modifiers? Try to comment on the terminology used. ASSURED/PERCEPTIVE DIRT TASK17-20 Marks5.1Perceptive comparisons, varied and comprehensive range of points - similarities and differences from both poemsYou must make at least 5-6 points. Add further points about both ment on similarities and differences. Ensure your comparisons points are insightful and add to your ideas. Ensure you have used connectives in your essay5.2Assured personal response with high level of engagement and discerning textual referencesGo back to question focus and look at how the theme is presented across the text. Consider the overall piece.Ensure your response is developed and evaluative throughout - why the theme/character events are related and relevant – how does the plot move forward, does a character change? Comment on how that theme may influence a character’s behavior. What was Writer/poet saying about that theme or emotion? Why did he pick that character to be presented that way?5.3Developed critical style Mature, perceptive understanding and interpretationUse critical and evaluative language (suggests, implies, successful, conveys) for all your points. Use connectives between points. Make sure your points are detailed and fully explained. discuss stylistic devices and techniques used by author.Give an alternative interpretation.5.4Perceptive grasp of form and structure and effect on readerDoes the structure or form of the poem add to overall meaning? Go back and add a point making sure you comment on relevance of that style of poem. Have you commented on form/structure from across both poems? Have you made original and thoughtful points? Why did the poet pick that style? How does it add meaning?Consider structural choices, punctuation/paragraphs/stanzas, new characters/themes/setting – do they add or change the text5.5Cohesive evaluation of language and effect on readerLook at your points, are they well integrated, ensure your quotes are embedded. Pick a key word from your quote and analyse in detail, what does it suggest or imply. How does it affect the reader – add a comment – does it make them feel sympathy, anger – does it bring awareness to a problem? Why would that choice of language particularly affect a reader?Don’t repeat ideas, try to say something new/original as you go along.Use a range of quotes from across the poems to support your ideas.Use critical language – presents, suggests, clever, apt, illustrates, emphasizes, highlights etc.Use evaluative language – powerful, effective, successfulLook for patterns in language + comment on overall meaning. What is the tone?5.6Subject terminology is integrated and precise.Your use of subject terminology must be accurate – also you must ensure that the techniques you have picked add to your overall response.Ensure you have analysed the use of that technique – consider a metaphor/simile – why did the poet make that comparison. If the used a semantic/lexical field – why did they use a repeated theme. If they used a lot of verbs/adjectives/adverbs – why did they use those modifiers? Try to comment on the terminology used.Consider how the technique adds to the image created. ................

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