RADLD | Raising Awareness of Developmental …

IMPORTANT: There is an embargo on the press release for 12 October 2020. This means you can share the press release with the media, but articles should only be published on that date or after. Consent has been provided for the following photographs of children with DLD to be used alongside the media release ()

1 in 14 children have Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and they feel invisible! Friday 16 October 2020 is Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day and we’re calling on people around the world to #DLDSeeMe.

Imagine sitting in a classroom unable to understand what is being said but being expected to achieve the same as your peers. Welcome to the life of the two children in the average classroom who are faced with this reality every day. Limited awareness of DLD amongst educators and the general public means these children are being overlooked and the lifelong impact can be devastating. This is tragic because with the right supports people with DLD can thrive!

Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder (RADLD) is an international organization helping to increase awareness of this hidden, but common condition. This year’s campaign is ‘DLD – See Me’ and families, teachers, speech pathologists and other professionals are joining to make DLD visible to the world, because no one should feel invisible.


{Your/organisation name} in {Insert location} has joined the campaign to raise awareness of DLD due to {add your ‘why’ for being involved here which hopefully includes a local angle on how DLD is impacting your community/life}. {Add what you will be doing to raise awareness here and how the media can get involved such as attend an event, call for an interview, receive photos/video from the event}.

{A quote from the organizer of your event/head of your organisation would be ideal here describing what you hope greater awareness will achieve and why you hope others will support the campaign.} or {A quote from you on what it is like to have DLD or support someone with DLD. Make them feel the struggle of having a condition which is invisible and how amazing recognition of DLD could be your family}


Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) refers to difficulties learning language and affects approximately 7% of the population. This makes it 7 times more common than autism and 46 times more common than childhood hearing impairment. DLD causes difficulties with speaking, understanding and reading - with high risk of dyslexia. The complexity of DLD means that it can have a serious and long-term impact on development which is why it is vital that we #DLDSeeMe.

People with DLD are 6 times more likely to suffer from anxiety and 3 times more likely to have clinical depression. They are also at significant risk of struggling with reading, spelling and mathematics. Although DLD is a common condition affecting many areas of life, children with DLD are unlikely to receive access to services, particularly for girls. DLD has also been the focus of significantly less research than other conditions.

Dr Karla McGregor, RADLD International Committee Member and Director, Center for Childhood Deafness, Language & Learning – Boystown National Research Hospital: “Children with DLD are not receiving the attention they deserve from our profession. Laypeople are unaware of the importance of spoken language development. Parents of children who have DLD do not have the words to label it, talk about it, or understand it. For decades, we have known that too many children are going unidentified and that some children are particularly likely to be missed. For decades, we have known that too little research is devoted to DLD. These problems—lack of awareness, lack of service, and lack of research—feed each other. A paradigm shift is needed.”


Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day, now in its fourth year, is celebrated annually around the world with more than 30 countries involved in 2019. This year the world is lighting up purple and yellow in more than 25 locations to shine light on this condition with landmarks across Australia, Canada, UK and US shining bright. Nearly 700 international RADLD Ambassadors and supporters will be taking over TikTok using the hashtag #DLDSeeMe. People with DLD will be creating their own short TikTok’s to share and raise awareness.

Supporting DLD Awareness Day can be as simple as visiting the RADLD social media channels and sharing this year’s #DLDSeeMe awareness video (due for release in early October) with your networks. The awareness video will be translated into multiple languages to help reach every corner of the globe. You may also like to hold a DLD Awareness Day activity at your workplace or in the community and there are a number of materials including downloadable posters and fact sheets available at .



features fact sheets in more than 27 languages, quizzes and free up to date information on Developmental Language Disorder for health professionals, educators, families, those directly affected and the broader community.


For more information contact:

[Insert contact name]


[Organisation if appropriate]

[Contact details – Ideally Email & Mobile]

For more information or interviews with the RADLD team:

Shaun Ziegenfusz



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