In this lesson, you are going to learn the usage of the following punctuation marks:

|Type of Punctuation |Definition & Usage |Examples |

|Full stop (.) |- used to mark |I go jogging every evening. |

| |the end of a | |

| |sentence |B. Sc. (Bachelor of Science) |

| |- used for |C.O.D. (Cash On Delivery) |

| |abbreviations | |

|Type of Punctuation |Definition & Usage |Examples |

|Capital Letter |- used for the |He is my best friend. |

| |first letter in a | |

| |sentence | |

| |- used for the |London |

| |first letter of all |Joyce |

| |Proper Nouns |Friday |

| | |New Year’s Day |

| | |Botanical Gardens |

| |- used for the |He said, “Welcome to my humble home.” |

| |first letter of | |

| |Direct Speech |Louis the Sixteenth |

| |- used for the |Of Mice And Men |

| |chief words in |My Fair Lady |

| |titles of people, | |

| |books, etc. |Vincent and I went to the park yesterday evening. |

| |- used for the | |

| |letter ‘I’ | |

|Type of Punctuation |Definition & Usage |Examples |

|Comma (,) |- used to |The bouquet consisted of rosebuds, |

| |separate |carnations, baby’s |

| |different items |breath and ferns. |

| |or actions in a | |

| |series |He said, “I’ll fetch you at seven o’clock tonight.” |

| |- used to | |

| |separate a | |

| |quotation from |Daniel, come here at once! |

| |the rest of the | |

| |sentence | |

| |- used to | |

| |separate a | |

| |person’s name |No, I do not think so. |

| |from the rest of | |

| |the sentence in | |

| |direct speech | |

| |- used to | |

| |separate ‘Yes’ |My mother, who is a housewife, gives tuition to |

| |or ‘No’ from the |students on a part-time basis. |

| |rest of the |While he was in the shower, the telephone rang. |

| |sentence | |

| |- used to mark | |

| |off a | |

| |non-defining | |

| |clause | |

| |- used to mark |In the evenings, they usually go swimming. |

| |off a | |

| |subordinate | |

| |clause that | |

| |begins a |My friend, Veronica, has gone to England. |

| |sentence | |

| | |As a matter of fact, I do know Guoqiang. |

| | |Our teacher, however, was not very pleased. |

| |- used to mark | |

| |off a time | |

| |expression at | |

| |the start of the | |

| |sentence. |Dear Madam, |

| |- used to show a | |

| |pause in | |

| |reading | |

| |- used to mark |70, Iris Boulevard, Singapore. |

| |off expressions |Yours faithfully, |

| |such as ‘as a | |

| |matter of fact’, | |

| |or words such | |

| |as ‘indeed’ and | |

| |‘however’ in a | |

| |sentence | |

| |- used to mark | |

| |off the greeting | |

| |at the start of | |

| |a letter | |

| |- used in an | |

| |address | |

| |- used at the end | |

| |of a letter | |

|Type of Punctuation |Definition & Usage |Examples |

|Question Mark (?) |- used after a |What do you want? |

| |direct question | |

|Type of Punctuation |Definition & Usage |Examples |

|Exclamation Mark (!) |- used to show |“Help!” cried the girl. |

| |strong feelings |“What a beautiful baby!” said the lady. |

| |or emotions | |

Now that you have learnt the usage of the above punctuation marks, try punctuating the following exercises:

EXERCISE 1 - Punctuate the following sentences.

1 the masked intruder pushed them roughly to the ground and told them to be quiet


2 cindy said “please tell mother i’ll be home late tonight”


3 did you visit the snake temple when you were in penang last april


4 my friend jeffrey and i go swimming every saturday


5 we brought some sandwiches roast chicken salad and soft drinks for the picnic at the botanical gardens


6 “ouch let me go you’re hurting me” carol cried out


7 it was however too late to warn him because he had already made the same mistake


8 “mr chen may i see you tomorrow” david asked


9 my friend boris is from the cis


10 “where was the banquet held” felicia asked nellie


11 our neighbour malaysia is known for the rubber and tin ore that she exports


12 “walk down holland road until you come to the miramar building it is on your left” susan said


13 the countries which christine visited when she toured europe were spain italy france portugal and germany


14 “help police somebody stole my handbag” she cried


EXERCISE 2 – Punctuate the following:

red cross societies from all over the world are sending rescue workers medical personnel and relief supplies for the earthquake victims in armenia and the soviet authorities are organizing urgent shipment of the materials

at the moment rescue workers are still clearing the wreckage many believe that people buried under the debris may still be alive the soviet authorities are giving top priority to efforts to save the people and give them medical assistance they are providing survivors lodging food and warm clothing

EXERCISE 3 – Punctuate the following:

the langkawi group of islands located about 30 kilometres offshore of kedah is breathtakingly beautiful apart from the main island pulau langkawi most of the 99 islands forming the langkawis are uninhabited langkawi sometimes called land of legends is believed to have been under a curse for generations

as recounted in a malay film in the 14th century a beautiful woman called mahsuri was put to death after being unjustly accused mahsuri’s husband the son of a chieftain was often away from the islands her mother-in-law was jealous of mahsuri becoming friendly with a handsome young poet she lodged charges of mahsuri being unfaithful to her husband the people without listening to her pleas of innocence publicly executed mahsuri in her last words mahsuri placed a curse on the island because of the injustice done to her after this tragic event the siamese invaded langkawi and used it for dumping waste

EXERCISE 4 – Punctuate the following:

halloween which means ‘hallowed or holy evening’ is actually a festival to celebrate autumn the ‘druids’ who were the religious priests in ancient britain and ireland had a celebration at midnight on the 31st of october which lasted through the next day they believed that on this night ‘saman’ who was the great god of death called together all the wicked souls of the dead the simple folks who built huge bonfires kept watch for the evil spirits throughout the night and day the romans too celebrated a festival on 1st of november which was in the honour of their goddess ‘pomona’ they would sit before great bonfires where they would roast nuts and apples

today halloween which sprang from a mixture of the druid and roman festivals is looked upon as a day of fun and excitement october 31st which is devoted to witches ghosts and the supernatural is a much-awaited occasion especially for children hallowed pumpkins that have cut-out faces are used as lanterns with the light that flickers eerily in the darkness children who wear terrifying masks and costumes tell spooky tales and scare each other through the day and night


EXERCISE 5 – Punctuate the following passage.

in india there is a group of wandering holy men who go about the country praying and helping the poor people these men are called ‘sanyasi’

one day four ‘sanyasi’ found a young man who was hot with fever outside their cave quickly they carried him into their cave and looked after him until he recovered a few days later

”who are you” they asked him

“i…i don’t remember” he replied

from that day onwards the young man joined the holy men and became a ‘sanyasi’ too for eleven years he wandered about with them praying and helping the poor then one day his memory suddenly returned

“i’m the prince of bhowal” he cried “my wife and i came to darjeeling for a holiday then i fell ill…i don’t remember what happened after that”

soon after the ‘sanyasi’ went to bhowal in east pakistan where he declared to the people that he was their prince all the people believed him except the prince’s wife and relatives who thought that he was an impostor

later it was found that just around the time when the four ‘sanyasi’ rescued the young man the prince of bhowal had fallen seriously ill and afterwards had become unconscious thinking that he was dead his relatives decided to bury him however on the day of his burial there was a thunderstorm and the people who were following the funeral procession took shelter in some huts near by when the rain stopped they returned to find the body gone the people now believed that the rain had revived the prince and he had got up and wandered to the holy men’s cave



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