Howard County Generic Lesson Plan Format

|Howard County Generic Lesson Plan Format |

|“Tell students what you’re going to teach, teach it to them, then ask them to say, show, or apply what they’ve learned.” |

|Unit: (Taken from the HCPSS Essential Curriculum) |Teaching Strategies |

| |Designate appropriate strategies/areas |

|Lesson Title: |___Scaffolded Questioning |

| |___ Independent Reading |

|Objectives: (Taken from the HCPSS Essential Curriculum, which is based on Maryland Content |___ Interpretation of Graphics |

|Standards/Voluntary State Curriculum). Objectives: |(maps, graphs, cartoons, tables…) |

|Must be written in behaviorally measurable terms |___ Concept Attainment |

|Must inform students about exactly what they are expected to know and be able to do at the completion of this|___ Cooperative Learning |

|lesson |___ Think-Pair-Share |

|Must match assessment expectations and be reflected in rubrics, tests, and all other formative and summative |___ Roundtable |

|authentic and alternative assessments. |___ Jigsaw |

| |___ Pairs Check/Review |

|Time required: Estimated number of minutes required for the lesson |___ Independent/Group Project |

| |___ Integration of Technology |

| |___ Print alternatives, i.e., E-text |

| |___ Use of Audio Clip/Music |

| |___ Interactive Student Notebook® |

| |___ Formal Writing |

| |___ Informal Writing |

| |___ Graphic/Visual Organizers |

| |___ Modeling/Demonstration |

| |___Think Aloud |

| |___ Reciprocal Teaching |

| |___ Group Activities |

| |___ Simulation |

| |___ Use of Video Clip |

| |___ Lecture “bursts” |

| |___ 3-minute pause |

| |___ Different purposes for |

| |viewing/reading |

| |___ Cross-Curricular Connections |

| |Other___________________ |

|Materials: (List of all materials that will be needed for the lesson) | |

|Include planning for cleanup and reorganization of materials for subsequent classes, e.g. science labs, | |

|mathematics manipulatives, art, P.E. supplies, etc. | |

|Include pertinent equipment/lab safety rules in plans. | |

|Have backup plans and materials when technology is used in the event that website access is interrupted or | |

|problems occur. | |

|Pre-Assessment of Prior Knowledge: [Drill; Warm-up; Anticipation Guide; KWL; Pre-test) |Differentiation Strategies |

|...provides a review of previous knowledge learned in class or in the “real world” and a connection to what|(Differentiate Content, Product, Process) |

|will be learned in this lesson. |___ Tiered assignments |

|Allows the teacher to connect formerly experienced knowledge to new information. |___ Flexible grouping |

|Prevents repetition of ideas previously mastered by students. |___ Learning centers |

|Reinforces students’ metacognitive skills and network to connect prior knowledge to new concepts and |___ Curriculum compacting |

|constructs. |___ Varying questions |

| |___ Independent Projects |

| |___ Brain Compatible Instruction |

| |___ Cultural Context |

| |___ Multiple Intelligences |

|Engagement: (Anticipatory Set, Motivation) |Learning Modalities |

|...provides a “hook” to focus students’ attention and excite them to learn. |___ Visual |

|Focuses student attention |___ Auditory |

|Provides an organizing framework for new ideas or information which will follow |___Tactile/Kinesthetic |

|Assists in understanding abstract ideas using analogies, examples, non-examples, and discrepant events. | |

| |General Accommodations to |

| |Access Curriculum |

| |___Adapt the skill level |

| |___ Adapt the number of items |

| |___ Adapt materials |

| |___ Provide learning strategy |

| |___ Provide audio/video/digital access |

| |___ Increase personal assistance |

|Lesson Development/Procedures: (Body of the Lesson) |Co-Teaching Model |

|Activity |___ One lead/one support |

|Design at least two 10 to 20 minute lesson segments and structure transitions. (Segment length should reflect|___ Station Teaching |

|attention span of students.) |___ Two Groups |

|Considerations… |___ Alternative Teaching |

|Be sure activity matches objectives. |___ Multiple Groups |

|Explicitly teach skills (including thinking skills and interpersonal skills) that students need to complete |___ Team Teaching |

|the activity successfully. | |

|Be sure roles and responsibilities are clear for group assignments. |IEP Goals/Accommodations |

|Be sure students understand what they are expected to do and what product(s), if any, they are to prepare. |(Based on Students’ IEP/504 Plan) |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Transition | |

|Plan a structured way to end one activity and give directions for connecting it to the next activity. | |

|Activity |Reading Strategies |

|Considerations… |Text |

|Present new information in multiple ways to reach all learners (video clip, reading, visual images, |___Literary |

|PowerPoint presentation, lecture “bursts”). |___Informational |

|Connect new information to previously learned knowledge or skills. |Before |

|Relate new information to real-world scenarios. |___ Purpose |

| |___ Prior knowledge |

| |___ Preview |

| |___ Vocabulary/Concepts |

| |___ Predict |

| | |

| |During |

| |___ Chunking |

| |___ Self-monitoring through clarifying |

| |questions and notations on text |

| |___ Reread |

| |___ Metacognitive conversation |

| | |

| |After |

| |___ Summarize or paraphrase |

| |___ Write BCRs in response to reading |

| |questions |

| |___ Use rubrics |

|Transition | |

|Plan a structured way to end one activity and give directions for connecting it to the next activity. | |

|Activity | |

|Considerations… | |

|Be sure students have the opportunity to practice new knowledge and skills individually and with the teacher | |

|present. | |

|Provide opportunities for enrichment, as well as re-teaching and addressing IEP/SSP goals. | |

|Be sure activities require students to use higher order thinking skills (i.e., application of knowledge, | |

|analysis and synthesis of information, evaluation of processes and products.) | |

|Transition |General Reading Processes |

|Plan a structured way to end last activity. Be sure there is time for students to clean up and give full |___ Decoding |

|attention to lesson closure. |___ Vocabulary |

| |___ Fluency |

| |___ Comprehension |

| |(Clarifying, Visualizing, Questioning, |

| |Predicting, Accessing Prior Knowledge, |

| |Summarizing, Making Inferences, and Determining |

| |Main Idea) |

| | |

| |Approaches to Reading in the Content Area |

| |___ Reading Apprenticeship® |

| |___ Other |

|Closure: (Summary; Exit questions; Silent exit slips, etc.) | |

|…brings students back to the lesson objectives to discern if they learned the material, i.e., “Show me or | |

|tell me what new information you learned in today’s lesson and how you will use it in your life.” | |

|Cues students that they are at the end of today’s lesson | |

|Helps students organize their learning | |

|Provides opportunity for varied ways for students to show learning | |

|Reinforces main points and unites them in a coherent whole | |

|Connects to the real world to enhance retention and meaning | |

|Reinforces metacognition | |

|Checking for Understanding throughout the Lesson (EPR; Structured Questions) |Every Pupil Response (EPR) Strategies |

|…checks to see if students “got it correctly” before proceeding to new concept or skill or to the next |___ Choral Answer |

|segment of the lesson. |___ Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down |

|Plan specific questions and how students will answer. Use these throughout the lesson to be sure that |___ 1, 2, 3 Flash |

|students understand the information taught in each lesson segment. |___ Written Answers on Wipe Boards |

|Use EPR strategies frequently to be sure EACH student understands lesson content. |___ Show of Hands |

|Use higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy to develop questions that ensure transfer and retention of new |___ Cue Cards |

|information. |___ Think, Pair, Share |

|Guides the teacher in knowing whether to continue the lesson or to STOP and re-teach before proceeding to the| |

|next activity. | |

|Assessment: (Review of Anticipation Guides; Post-tests; BCRs; Quizzes; Tests; Projects; Essays; Performance |ASSESSMENT |

|Assessments, etc.) |___ Collect and Grade |

|…allows the students to demonstrate what they have learned and what they need to have re-presented in another|___ Check for Completion |

|more effective way. |___ In-Class Check |

|…allows the teacher to see what was learned successfully and what must be re-taught. |___ Rubric |

|Links directly to the stated Objective(s) |___ Checklist |

|Is ongoing and is in alternative forms |___ Peer/Self Assessment |

|Provides a roadmap for individual and whole class learning and achievement |___ Journal/Learning Log |

|Drives future instruction |___ Portfolio |

| |___ Constructed Response |

| |___ Quiz |

| |___ Test |

| |___ Presentation |

| |___ Performance Assessment |

| |___ Informal Assessment |

| |___ Exit Slip |

| |___ Other |

|Homework/Enrichment: (Integrated Reading and/or Writing Assignments; Reflective Journals; Projects) | |

|…takes the learning out into the real world and provides opportunities for additional practice and | |

|connections at home and with families | |

|Is practice of learned material, not new material. | |

|Is designed to be completed in a reasonable amount of time. | |

|Warrants immediate feedback to be meaningful. | |

|Requires home and school support (particularly for young children). | |

|Links to recent learning context. | |

| | |


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