HP Printer Paper, Office20, 8.5 x 11, Letter, 92 Bright ...

5257800-22860000Pinecrest Glades Academy Physical Education SyllabusTeacher: Mr. Jorge RipollDear Students/Parents/Guardians: Welcome to the Pinecrest Glades Academy Fitness Education Department! The following is to inform you of our department’s rules and regulations. Please read over this entire packet, discuss it between yourselves, and sign this policy sheet on the last page. Our philosophy is to provide introductory as well as advanced skills to enhance successful participation in fitness education classes here at PGA. Our concern is fulfilling the basic needs of each individual in order to ensure a positive attitude toward physical activity and to promote life-time fitness interests. It is our intention to make this class both worthwhile and enjoyable for all students. With a good attitude and lots of effort, both mentally and physically, we will have a great time!I will be sending home grade reports that reflect their scores for the parents of 6th – 8th Grade students in the areas covered below that break down the student’s total grade each quarter. The students will be graded for each skill, fitness test result, & behavior in class. These points will add up to the total percentage and will reflect the grade according the grading rubric on the PE progress/report card. I hope this will help communicate the progress of your child in these specific areas of physical education. right508000If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact me by phone at 305-229-6949 Ext 2121 or by email at jripoll@. Sincerely, Jorge RipollHow am I being graded?Grading Policy:The following factors will be considered each quarter in determining a student’s grade:Participation- Students have the opportunity to EARN a class participation grade, which includes dressing out, warm-ups, active participation in physical activity as well as discussion, group tasks, completion of assignments. This portion of the grade is worth 60% of the final grade.Classwork- Students will be given classwork throughout the course in order to enhance their cognitive understanding of the topic being covered as well as prepare students for the next class session (can include but is not limited to watching videos, reviewing PowerPoint presentations, reviewing vocabulary) This portion of the grade is worth 20% of the final grade.Assessment- Students will be assessed throughout the course (includes performance task, unit exams, quizzes, presentations, projects) This portion of the grade is worth 20% of the final grade.Break Down of Physical Education Grade:Activity/Sport Skills 20%Fitness/Abilities Testing 20%Participation, Safety, Effort, 60%& Class Expectations/BehaviorsTotal Grade: 100%PE Grade Breakdown:A = 90-100%B = 89 – 80%C = 79– 70%D = 69 – 60%F = Less than 60%Definition of GradesA - Outstanding Achievement (Significantly Exceeds Standards) B - Commendable Achievement (Exceeds Standards) C - Acceptable Achievement (Meets Standards) D - Marginal Achievement (Below Standards) F – FailingClass Supplies: Composition BookPen / Pencils1” 3-Ring Binder4 Dividers: Vocabulary, Quizzes, Notes, ClassworkPhysical Education Standards:Standard 1: Demonstrate competency in many, and proficiency in a few, movement forms from a variety of categories. Standard 2: Identify, analyze and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical principles, safety considerations and strategies/tactics regarding movement performance in a variety of physical activities. Standard 3: Participate regularly in physical-activity. Standard 4: Develop and implement a personal fitness program to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Standard 5: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical-activity settings. Standard 6: Value physical-activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.Class Expectations:Listen & Follow Directions Show good sportsmanship and fair play while having fun and sharing with others.Treat others the way you want to be treated. Kind, Considerate, Safe, and Respectful Students need to come to class with a good attitude and ready to play. Physical education students are required to:Be on time and dressed properly for P.E. If not dressed properly you will not be permitted to participate. Do warm-ups and exercises correctly.Respect equipment and property.Show good sportsmanship and play fairly.Set goals for individual improvement.Follow directions.However, if you do not follow these expectations, there will be consequences. What are they exactly?Student consequences: First Offense – verbal warning Second Offense – Loss of privileges / Parent contact/ Warning slip or time out Third Offense – A parent conference will be set up.Fourth Offense - Referral Slip will be given and student will be sent to the office. Parent will be notified.**When necessary, the instructors may by-pass these consequences depending on the severity of the disruption or behavior. **Student ResponsibilitiesEquipment should only be used for its intended purpose.Any injury should be reported to the teacher immediately.Appropriate language is expected at all times.Students should report to the appropriate area immediately.Gum, food, and drinks are not permitted in the locker rooms or gym.Cell phones/ electronic devices are not permitted in PE class.Cell Phone / Electronics PolicyCell phones are not permitted in PE class. That includes the classroom, bathrooms, locker rooms, fields, basketball courts, etc.Electronic devices including headphones, cell phones, smart watches, tablets, lap tops, gaming devices, are not permitted in PE class.Cell phones and electronics taken away from students will be turned in to the main office. The device will not be returned to the student. The student’s parent/ guardian can pick-up the phone or electronic device after 24 hours in the main office.PE Uniform PolicyEvery student is required to wear the official Pinecrest Glades Academy PE uniform.PE uniforms can only be purchased from Ibiley. PE uniforms are not sold at school.Student’s must wear athletic/ sneakers for PE class. Students will not be permitted to participate in PE class if they are wearing loafers, Sperry’s, or dress shoes.Any violation of the PE uniform policy will result in the student not being permitted to participate in class for that day and a loss of points. Any altering of the PE uniform will not be permitted.During cold days students will be permitted to wear their PE shirt and PE shorts over a sweater and sweat pants.Illness/ Injury PolicyIf you are well enough to come to school, but feeling too ill to participate in PE class, or have an injury that prevents you from participating in that day’s class, you must bring a note signed by a parent with a contact phone number.Students are still required to dress out in their PE uniforms but will not participate in that day’s activities.If you have an injury that prevents you from participating longer than one day, a doctor’s note will be required.A signed medical note from a doctor must be turned in to Coach Gomez when the student has been “cleared” to resume normal physical education class activities.Fitness Testing:At the Beginning and Middle of the year (Sept and March) the 6th thru 8th grade students will be tested on their fitness & abilities. The Fitness Gram fitness testing exercises will be used for the testing. The PE report cards that are sent home will have a rubric attached to help everyone understand the results.1. Fall - September through October - Includes endurance running time from Mile Race, push-ups, sit-ups, sit and reach, and Height and Weight will be taken.2. Spring - March through April - Includes endurance running time from Mile Race, push-ups, sit-ups, sit and reach, and Height and Weight will be taken.Sport/Activity Skills:Each Quarter 6th thru 8th grade students will be graded on sport specific skills & activities that they will be required to participate in. ?Sports/Activities with skills grade:1. Flag FootballBlocking, Running w/Ball, Scrumming, & Kicking2. Soccer SkillsKick/Dribble, Pass, & Receive3. Volleyball SkillsBump, Set, Serve, & Spike4. Basketball SkillsPass, Shoot, Pivot, and Defense. Right & Left Hand Dribble, Alternate Hands Dribble5. Bat & Ball (Kickball) SkillsBatting, Throwing, Running, Kicking, & Catching6. Track & Field SkillsJumps, Throws, Sprints, Endurance, Relays & Hurdles.?Grades 6th - 8th PE Activities:1. Everyday Fitness – 2. Flag Football/Soccer - Sept-Oct3. Fitness Testing - Sept-Oct4. Volleyball - Oct - Dec5. Basketball - Dec - Jan6. Fitness Testing - Feb – March4371975-1377950007. Bat & Ball Sports – April – May8. Track & Field – May – JuneGrades 6th - 8th Championships:We will have a tournament style or “march madness” like where an eventual class winner will be announced. (This Concludes all activities or championships for the year)Physical Education Safety Guidelines:1. All safety rules must be followed in all physical education areas.2. All accidents or injuries must be reported to your instructor immediately.3. If you see something that does not look safe or if you have a question about something please be sure to bring it to your teachers’ attention.4. Students are expected to dress in the approved PGA uniform and sneakers for each physical education class. Sneakers must be tied properly and tightly at all times.?5. Physical education uniforms may not be worn over street clothes.6. Jewelry that may cause injury to anyone in the class is not permitted.7. A parent’s note is required in order to modify or restrict a student’s activity. A parent note is good for one class. Anything requiring modification beyond one class requires a doctor’s note.8. Inappropriate locker room or physical education class behavior will not be tolerated. This includes any activity that causes physical, emotional, or mental harm to others.?9. Students may not enter any physical education activity area without permission.10. All physical education equipment must be used in the manner prescribed by the activity, rules, and instructor.? Please report any equipment damage or wear to your teacher immediately.11. No equipment should be used without teacher permission.??12. No glass containers of any type are permitted in any physical education area.13. No food or drinks, other than water, are permitted in any physical education activity area. Gum chewing is not permitted.14. Hats may not be worn during class.Locker Room ProceduresA large numbers of students use the locker rooms, and it is necessary to have certain rules and regulations governing their use. It is recommended that students use a lock to secure their valuables. The locker room is to only to be used during your block/class. Ten minutes will be allowed for dressing at the beginning and end of the class period. Any items left behind will be moved to lost and found. Students should check to make sure their lock is secured before leaving the locker room. Book bags left out and/or left on the floor is the student’s responsibility, book bags and personal property belong in the locker rooms. Pinecrest Glades Academy is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.?Locker Room Rules:1. Do not run or “horse around” in the locker rooms.2. No eating, candy, gum, open food, or drinks are allowed in the locker rooms.3.?Use waste containers for items you wish to throw away. Please help keep your locker rooms clean and neat by picking up after yourselves.4. ?Do not touch anything that does not belong to you.5. All items left in the locker room and/or floor will be put in the lost and found.6. Make sure you lock up your valuables.7.?Do not share a locker with anyone.8. ?In order to not disturb the surrounding classes keep the noise level to a minimum and do not slam the locker doors.9.??Cell phones and electronic devices are prohibited from being used inside the locker room. They must be kept in your back pack and silenced.?10. Always enter and exit the locker room in orderly and organized manner.?11. ?Do not hangout in the locker room waiting for your friends. Once you have finished dressing out you must exit the locker room immediately.?12. Once all students have finished dressing out the locker rooms will not be reopened again until the end of the period. ?*Any student who violates the locker room rules will not be permitted to participate in class*Locker Room Missing Items/ Theft:When a student has had something stolen from their locker they need to report it to the teacher. The best way to prevent theft is not to bring large sums of money to school or bring possessions to school that are meaningful to you. Furthermore, it is strongly recommended that all students use a combination lock to secure their items.?Reasons we use PE Uniforms!· PE uniforms promote pride and school spirit!· PE uniforms support safe and appropriate dress.· PE uniforms ensure that all students have a change of clothes for PE and can practice good hygiene.· PE uniforms allow us not to damage our school uniforms.Dress Code Rules1. Only approved PGA physical education uniforms will be allowed.?2. A complete change from school uniform is required.?3. No school clothes should be worn over or under physical education clothes.4. PE Uniforms must be a good fit. No baggy shirts or shorts will be permitted.5. PE clothing is to be kept clean. Students are expected to take clothing home and launder it.6. If a student writes, draws, or marks on his/her PE clothing in any other way, or if it becomes ripped/torn, it must be replaced.7. No altering of the P.E. shirt is allowed (examples include but are not limited to: cutting out the neck or sleeves, fringing, altering the length, etc.)8. Athletic shoes are required.? Flip flops, ballet flats, dress shoes, slides, and boots are examples of foot wear that are not appropriate for physical education.??9. Leggings/Yoga pants are not allowed in P.E. class10.Sharing uniforms with your classmate is not permitted. Each student is responsible for bringing his/her uniform daily.11.Any student that does not dress out for PE class will not participate in class activities resulting in the lowering of participation grade.Notes/Excuses for non-participation & absences:Parents, please send physician signed or parent signed note explaining the injury and what your child can and cannot do in our physical daily activities in PE. Participation is important for your child's success in this class, as well as his/her overall physical health and self-wellness, but if a child has an injury or sickness and needs to be held out of PE, it is important that the school knows. On another note, we will work together to find physical activities that keep students participating but accommodate for his/her physical needs and/or limitations. Thank you for your understanding & cooperation.*New – Parents, we have our new 100% non-participation policy that states that if a student brings in a signed note from a doctor or parent, the student will not be allowed to participate for the day. Instead, they will be expected to write a one-page paper/notes about the activity that is being learned that day. This helps the student keep engaged and up to speed on the skills being taught. It also holds the student accountable for learning those skills.**Look for updates and changes every month. I am working hard to make this syllabus the best source of information pertaining to our physical education class here at PGA. Mr. Ripoll** ?IN conclusion: Follow the ABC’s of Physical Education The ABC's of PEABCDA - Act safelyB - Be prepared and be PositiveC - CooperateD - Do your best? And always come with RESPECTR - Right to learnE - EffortS - SafetyP - PurposeE - EnthusiasmC - ChallengeT - Trust / Team BuildingBE PREPARED?-Wear the proper footwear properly tied?-Wear the proper clothing/attire/equipment?-Keep hair out of your face or eyes??? ??? ????PLAY HARD-Always participate with effort and seriousness in all activities.-Demonstrate a commitment to the process, lesson or activity.-Demonstrate proper movement skills and conceptsPLAY FAIR-Adhere to the rules or instructions of the lesson or activity?-Display honesty during the lesson or activity.-Allow equal opportunity for others to participate.PLAY SAFE-Lookout for the safety of others.-Avoid careless risks.-Show an awareness of your body and those around you.SHOW RESPECT-Listen when it is time to listen (to the teacher or classmates).-Cooperate with the teacher and classmates.? Display good sportsmanship.-Show the value of others, the equipment, the property and the environment.Physical Education Wish list: Not mandatoryHP Printer Paper, Office20, 8.5 x 11, Letter, 92 Bright, 500 SheetsSparkle Paper Towels, WhiteKleenex Ultra Soft & Strong Facial Tissues, 70 count (6 Pack)Clorox Disinfecting Antibacterial wipes Value PackBand-Aid Brand Adhesive Bandage Variety Pack, sheer and Clean Bandages, Assorted sizes, 280 ctFootballs, Basketball, Volleyballs, Dodge Balls, Agility Ladder, Agility Hurdles, Agility ConesHula Hoops, Flag-Football Flags, Scrimmage VestsAir Pump with Needles, Yoga MatPortable Goals, Jump Ropes, Tug-O-War RopeBoom Box, Equipment Bag,etc..Febreze Air FreshenerDial Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap, Lavender & Twilight Jasmine, 7.5 Fluid OuncesGerm-x Hand sanitizerScrimmage Training Vests soccer bibs Adult set of 12.Champion Sports Adult Triple Flag Football set color yellow (pack of 12)Champion Sports Adult Triple Flag Football set color red (pack of 12)Spalding Basketballs. FORMAL AGREEMENTI, ____________________________________________ have had explained to me the student contract (PRINT YOUR NAME HERE)for Mr.Ripoll’s class. I have reviewed these rules with my parent/guardian as well as my grandparents. I have reviewed these guidelines for work as well as the classroom policies, and understand that failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in a lower grade. I understand and agree to all of these terms as well as everything that is expected of me to ensure success in this class. Student’s name (Print)Student’s SignatureParent’s name & SignatureParent’s name & Signature ................

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