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WinEyeQTM Probe

Hardware Installation Guide

Net Optics®

Model TP-CU 10/100BaseT


Table of Contents

Introduction - WinEyeQTM Probe 3

Overview - Net Optics® TP-CU 10/100BaseT Tap 4

Steps required PRIOR to the installation of the WinEyeQ Probe 5

Steps required for installation of the WinEyeQ Probe 5

Step 1 - Unpacking and Inspect Shipment 6

Overview 6

Components 6

WinEyeQ Probe PC 7

Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap 7

Telecommunications 3U Tray 8

Net Optics Mountable 1U Face-Plate 8

Step 2 - Connect the Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap 9

Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap - Front and Back Views 9

Connecting the Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap to the Network 10

Step 3 - Connect the WinEyeQ Probe PC 14

Preparing the WinEyeQ Probe PC for installation 14

WinEyeQ Probe PC “Comm” Interface (Purple Cable) 14

WinEyeQ Probe PC “Monitor A” and “Monitor B” Interfaces (Purple Cables) 15

Step 4 - Apply power to the WinEyeQ Probe PC 16

Step 5 - Verify WinEyeQ Probe PC connection with audible messages 17

Step 6 - Notify the Order Manager 18

Appendix A – Network Diagrams 19

Appendix B – Audible Messages 23

Appendix C – Hardware Specifications 24

HP 5850 24

HP 6005 25

Introduction - WinEyeQTM Probe

The WinEyeQ Probe is used for monitoring and analyzing voice over IP communications utilizing the ITU standard H.323 protocol, the IETF standard SIP protocol, and SCCP protocol. The WinEyeQ Probe gathers statistics on calls with more than 650 individual call metrics per call. Upon completion of a call, the WinEyeQ Probe summarizes the results of the call and reports them to a central aggregation facility. A typical transaction supplies 110 metrics on call signaling, media quality, and key performance indicators. Calls with quality issues, report more than 215 additional metrics to aid in diagnostic procedures. The WinEyeQ Probe can also interface with legacy systems to supply call quality data for reporting and billing systems as well as all essential metrics for SLAs (Service Level Agreements).


The scope of this document is the installation and configuration of the components that together constitute the WinEyeQ Probe.

Important Notices

This is a document provided by Touchstone Technologies to customers of the "IP Flex over AVPN" and other VOIP services offered by AT&T.

WinEyeQ is a product of Touchstone Technologies which owns all applicable patents and copyrights. Please read the entire document before attempting to install the WinEyeQ.

Copyright © 2002-2010 Touchstone Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Net Optics® is a registered trademark of Net Optics, Inc.

Additional company and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of the individual companies and are respectfully acknowledged.

Questions about this document can be addressed to AT&T field support.

Overview - Net Optics® TP-CU 10/100BaseT Tap

Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Taps supply networks with visibility and security access. The design of the Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap ensures zero impact on network traffic while maintaining uninterrupted access for monitoring and security devices. Net Optics®’ design ensures that any loss of power to the tap is transparent to the network, and does not affect the flow of traffic through the tap.

Simply Plug It In

Full-duplex monitoring is a snap with a custom monitoring cable that sends each side of the signal to a separate NIC on the monitoring device.

Security and Visibility

Without an IP address, monitoring devices are isolated from the network, dramatically reducing their exposure to attacks. However, the monitoring device connected to the tap still sees all full-duplex traffic as if it were in-line, including Layer 1 and Layer 2 errors.


Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Taps offer redundant power connections. Should the primary power source fail, the tap automatically switches to the backup power source. Power LEDs on the front of the tap indicate the current power source - even if power is lost and reapplied, there is always zero delay to network traffic.


The WinEyeQ Probe that is connected to the tap can see all traffic as if it were in line, including Layer 1 and Layer 2 errors.

Steps required PRIOR to the installation of the WinEyeQ Probe

1. Make sure the Customer Edge Router (CER) has been configured as documented in the CER Customer Configuration Guide. The Guide for IP Flex on AVPN can be found on the following website:

(Login credentials are required to access this site. If you do not already have them, your AT&T sales representative would be glad to procure them for you)

2. Make sure there is an active AVPN voice and data circuit.

3. Make sure there is a spare Ethernet port on the CE router. This required port is used for the communications link of the WinEyeQ Probe to the report call records to AT&T.

Steps required for installation of the WinEyeQ Probe

1. Unpack and inspect the shipment.

2. Connect the Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap.

3. Apply Power to the Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap.

4. Connect the WinEyeQ Probe PC.

5. Apply power to the WinEyeQ Probe PC.

6. Verify WinEyeQ Probe PC connects with the audible messages.

7. Notify the Order Manager.

Step 1 - Unpacking and Inspect Shipment


The WinEyeQ Probe system is packaged in two boxes. The larger box contains the WinEyeQ Probe PC. The smaller of the two boxes contains the Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap, tap faceplate, and the 19” telecommunications rack tray.

Please make sure you have identified all of these components prior to beginning the installation.


There are two main components of the WinEyeQ Probe:

1. The Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap. This tap includes the following items:

a) Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap

b) Two power supplies

c) Two power cords

d) Four Purple Network Cables (3 Meter straight-through)

e) One Green Network Cable (3 Meter cross-over)

f) Installation Guide

2. WinEyeQ Probe PC. This component includes the following:

a. One WinEyeQ Probe PC.

b. One Power Cord

Notes: There is NO monitor, keyboard, or mouse shipped with the WinEyeQ Probe PC. If cables longer than 3 meters are required, they can be ordered through your supplier.

WinEyeQ Probe PC

WARNING: Do not try to lift the WinEyeQ Probe PC out of the shipping box. If the WinEyeQ Probe PC is dropped, it could cause injury and will cause damage to the internal components of the WinEyeQ Probe PC.

To remove the WinEyeQ Probe PC from the shipping box, perform the following steps:

1. Remove the documentation tray and any loose parts inside the shipping box, and the inside shock absorbing cover.

2. For the moment, place all parts to the side where you can conveniently find them.

3. Carefully pull the shipping box toward yourself until the shipping box rests on its side.

4. Open the flaps.

5. Reach into the shipping box and grasp the WinEyeQ Probe PC on the left and right side.

6. Pulling alternately with your left and right hand and slowly slide the WinEyeQ Probe PC out of the shipping box.

7. Save the shipping box and packing materials in case the WinEyeQ Probe PC needs to be moved to another location.

Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap

Carefully unpack the Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap. The Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap ships with the following:

a. Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap

b. Two power supplies

c. Two power cords

d. Four Purple Network Cables (3 meter straight-through)

e. One Green Network Cable (3 meter cross-over)

f. Installation Guide

Telecommunications 3U Tray

a. Carefully unpack the tray and mount in your 19 inch Telco rack.

b. This will be used to support the WinEyeQ Probe in the rack.

Net Optics Mountable 1U Face-Plate

a. Carefully unpack the faceplate, mount the Net Optics Tap into the faceplate with the attached screws.

b. Mount the faceplate into your Telco rack.

Step 2 - Connect the Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap

Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap - Front and Back Views

This is the front of the Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap, Model TP-CU.


This is the back of the Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap, Model TP-CU.


Note: The above diagrams of the Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap were taken from the Net Optics® website.

Connecting the Net Optics® 10/100BaseT Tap to the Network

The below diagrams show the network connections without the network tap and then with the network tap installed. It is important to review the detailed network diagram in Appendix - A to verify that the correct network cabling is selected. By selecting your network diagram below, you will be able to match to the proper diagram in Appendix A.

1. Layer 2 Switch to Cisco Customer Edge Router

* Important Note *:

If your network matches this diagram, you will use a cross over cable for one segment of your network connection when you install the tap.


2. Layer 3 Switch to Cisco Call Manager Express


3. Cisco CUBE to Cisco Customer Edge Router


4. Voice Gateway Router to Cisco Customer Edge Router


The following procedure should be performed in a maintenance window as it will briefly interrupt WAN traffic on the network.

1. Disconnect the cable between the WAN router and its neighboring LAN switch or voice border controller device.

2. Please keep any cables that have been disconnected for possible future use.

3. Connect the network ports (A and B) of the tap according to the network topology shown in one of the diagrams from Appendix A. If you choose not to use the cables supplied with the tap, please pay careful attention to the cable type noted in each of the network topology diagrams and the cabling guidelines below:

a. Use straight-through cables (purple) to connect the network link tap ports to a Router or NIC.

b. Use a cross-over cables (green) to connect the network link tap ports to switches and hubs. [The tap is wired as a layer 2 device]

4. After both “Network A” and “Network B” cables are connected, each of the network devices on both ends should indicate a connected status. If not please refer to the full network diagrams in Appendix A and verify the correct cable configuration.

5. Connect the network tap to at least one power source. Verify that the LED for that power source is lit. Only one power supply is required, you may optionally connect the second power supply to an outlet on a different circuit if desired. Note that a loss of power to the Tap will not impede the flow of traffic from LAN to WAN or WAN to LAN. On the back of the TP-CU tap there are two clips that support each of the power plugs, please be sure the support clips are installed.

Note: After you have completed steps 1 - 4 above, it is safe to stop the installation and resume at any time in the future.

Step 3 - Connect the WinEyeQ Probe PC

Preparing the WinEyeQ Probe PC for installation

The power supply’s voltage selection for your location is typically set at the factory, but you should verify that the switch is set to the proper voltage for your location. Use the power selection switch on the back of your WinEyeQ Probe PC to set the voltage to either 115VAC or 230VAC. Lack of a switch on the power supply indicates that the supply is auto switching and will not need to be changed by the end user.


• Touchstone has already preformed the software installation of required software.

• There is NO monitor, keyboard, or mouse shipped with this system.

• The program is set to start upon power up.

WinEyeQ Probe PC “Comm” Interface (Purple Cable)

Use the supplied straight through cable (purple) to connect the Onboard NIC labeled “Comm” to the CE Router on the customer’s network with IP connectivity or permissions to the IQ Aggregator system in AT&T’s network.

WinEyeQ Probe PC “Monitor A” and “Monitor B” Interfaces (Purple Cables)

1. Verify that the network tap Power LED(s) illuminate. PWR 1 illuminates when the first power supply is in use and PWR 2 illuminates when the second power supply is in use. Both power supplies can be plugged into the tap at the same time.

2. Using the supplied straight-through cables (Purple), connect the network tap Monitor Port A to the NIC card labeled “Monitor Port A” on the WinEyeQ Probe PC. Connect network tap Monitor Port B to the NIC card labeled “Monitor Port B” on the WinEyeQ Probe PC using the other Purple straight-through cable.


Step 4 - Apply power to the WinEyeQ Probe PC

Verify the network connections to the WinEyeQ Probe PC labeled Monitor A, Monitor B, and Comm ports are properly connected. Plug in the power cord for the WinEyeQ Probe PC. If the PC does not automatically start press the power button on the front control panel to start the boot sequence.

Step 5 - Verify WinEyeQ Probe PC connection with audible messages

Note: The audible messages may not be heard if the ambient noise is at too high of a level in the room where the WinEyeQ Probe is installed.

Once the WinEyeQ Probe PC is turned on:

1. The VPN will connect in approximately two to three minutes.

2. The WinEyeQ Probe software will automatically start in approximately four to six minutes.

Note: If after six minutes the below audible messages have not been heard please refer to Appendix A - Audible Messages.

The following details the audible messages indicating successful installation of the probe system:

1. Welcome to the AT&T IP communications monitoring service, the service is now starting.

2. Initializing beacon service.

3. Launching analysis probe.

4. The analysis probe is now running.

5. The connection to the aggregator has been successfully established.

6. The remote update service has been successfully started.

7. The heartbeat service has been successfully started.

8. The AT&T monitoring service is now running.

Note: If all of the above audible messages have not been heard please refer to Appendix A - Audible Messages.

When the WinEyeQ Probe PC application is shutdown, the following will be announced:

1. Terminating the beacon at your request.

2. Stopping the heartbeat service.

3. Stopping the remote probes.

4. Disconnecting from the peering fabric.

5. The AT&T IP communications monitoring service is now stopped, goodbye.

Step 6 - Notify the Order Manager

Notify the AT&T Order Manager by email or telephone that the installation has been completed.

Please include in the notification a reference to the order number the AT&T Order Manager previously provided.

Appendix A – Network Diagrams

The following are four sample diagrams of the network topology for a site.

FIGURE 1: IP Flex on AVPN with TDM PBX

Following is a sample diagram of a network topology for a site with a TDM Gateway. In this design, the CE router and TDM Gateway router are two separate routers. The Visual CSU/DSU and WinEyeQ Probe PC are both AT&T Managed Devices. All other equipment is managed by the customer.

Note: WinEyeQ Probe PC must be plugged into its own Ethernet port on the CE router (refer to step 3 below).



Following is a sample diagram of a network topology for a site with a Cisco Unified Communications Manager and CUBE. In this design, the CE router and CUBE are two separate routers. The Visual CSU/DSU and WinEyeQ Probe PC are both AT&T Managed Devices.

Note: The WinEyeQ Probe PC should be plugged into the CE router (not the CUBE router - refer to step 3 below).

WinEyeQ Probe PC must be plugged into its own Ethernet port on the CE router. All other equipment is managed by the customer.


FIGURE 3: IP Flex on AVPN with CISCO Call Manager Express

Following is a sample diagram of a network topology for a site with a Cisco Call Manager Express software application installed in the CE router The Visual CSU/DSU and WinEyeQ Probe PC are both AT&T Managed Devices.

Note: WinEyeQ Probe PC must be plugged into its own Ethernet port on the CE router or Ethernet switch (refer to step 3 below). All other equipment is managed by the customer.


FIGURE 4: IP Flex on AVPN with AVAYA Communications Manager

Following is a sample diagram of a network topology for a site with an Avaya Communications Manager the Visual CSU/DSU and WinEyeQ Probe PC are both AT&T Managed Devices.

Note: The WinEyeQ Probe PC must be plugged into its own Ethernet port on the CE router (refer to step 3 below).

All other equipment is managed by the customer.


Appendix B – Audible Messages

Audible messages heard at WinEyeQ Probe PC.

Condition: VPN does not connect at startup.

1. Welcome to the AT&T IP communications monitoring service, the service is now starting.

2. Initializing beacon service.

3. Launching analysis probe.

4. The analysis probe is now running.

Condition: VPN connects but WinEyeQ Probe PC cannot talk to the Aggregator.

1. Welcome to the AT&T IP communications monitoring service, the service is now starting.

2. Initializing beacon service.

3. Launching analysis probe.

4. The analysis probe is now running.

5. The heartbeat service has been successfully started.

6. The AT&T monitoring service is now running.

Appendix C – Hardware Specifications

HP 5850

Chassis Dimensions (HxWxD)

3.95 x 13.3 x 14.9 inches (10.03 x 33.78 x 37.85 cm)

System weight

16.76 lb (7.62 kg)

System volume

782.77 cu in

Temperature Range Operating

50 degree to 95 degree F (10 degree to 35 degree C)*


22 degree to 140 degree F (-30 degree to 60 degree C)

NOTE: * Operating temperature is de-rated 1.0 deg C per 300 m (1000 ft) to 3000 m (10,000 ft) above sea level, no direct sustained sunlight. Maximum rate of change is 10 deg C/Hr. The upper limit may be limited by the type and number of options installed.

Relative Humidity Operating

10% to 90% (non-condensing at ambient)


5% to 95% (non-condensing at ambient)

Maximum Altitude (unpressurized) Operating

10,000 ft (3048 m)

Non-operating: Non-operating

30,000 ft (9144 m)


240 W power supply - active PFC

HP 6005

Chassis Dimensions (HxWxD)

3.95 x 13.30 x 14.90 in (10.03 x 33.78 x 37.85 cm)

System weight

16.0 lb (7.26 kg)

Operating temperature range

50° to 95° F (10° to 35° C)

Operating humidity range

10% to 90% RH

Storage humidity range

5% to 95% RH

240W power supply

Active PFC; 240W 89% energy efficient power supply - active PFC

Copyright 2002 - 2010 Touchstone Technologies Inc.

All Rights Reserved

Touchstone Technologies, Inc.

1500 Industrial Road

Suite H

Hatfield, PA. 19440





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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